JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Aug 2016 01:34 PM |
So I'm out with a long time friend, were sluicing and at the start we agree to keep the take from our individual sluice. He seemed seemed fine with that. Each our own sluice digging from same hole, taking turns with each shovel load. An hour into my shovel brings up some Quartz with what appears to be fine specks of gold embedded. I tell him get your shovel over here. I bring up more, setting it ll aside on some bedrock. Next thing I know he's doing a clean out. I ask clean out so soon? he says he's done. Why I ask, he says when you go out your supposed to share all the gold. I told him I wasn't keeping all the Quartz, it's for us. He didn't want to here it. He says I wouldn't be here if not for him. Now that ticked me! I stayed removing many more boulders and going deeper and hand suction dredging around bed rock in the river. Another good day of fine from the sluice. Rewind to a week earlier, we're out 3 gun shooting and we stop at the river afterwards. He farts around sampling around the bank. I start the hole and run my sluice he helps pull up a boulder and time for him to go, family stuff to do. I stay for three more hours and continue digging that hole and removing many large rocks. I was pooped. Did a clean out and headed home. Panned at home and 70 pieces of nice fine flake, l call him and said we got to hit that hole next weekend. That's were the story starts at top. Is he being a jerk, gready, or did I break a rule? Turns out to be pyrite. Still have it all should he ever want to examine.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
09 Aug 2016 03:51 PM |
Jeff, In my opinion as I read the story, you did nothing wrong. If splits, or lack there of were discussed up front, no hold backs or behind the back stuff, all should be good. Each of you had your own sluice, each had equal opportunities, sorry pal. Gold and $$$ do strange things to people. If you really want to see strange, watch the movie 'Treasure of the Sierra Madre'. Yes its old and corny but shows what gold or $$$ can do to normal people. When mining with others, it is very important to set the rules before wetting a shovel. He will probably hold that against you for some time. When I go with partners, if all are working in one box, equal split If each uses their sluice, no split Dredging is a whole different subject. Many players, usually the dredge gets some sort of split for maintenance or fuel. Get it on the table before wetting a shovel and all agree or move on, not worth the hassle. You have just become a more wiser miner, a hard lesson sometimes. Hopefully not a ruined friendship. Bill
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
09 Aug 2016 06:06 PM |
I agree wit Hall .If you were using your own sluice and it was you turn its what you get.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
10 Aug 2016 04:39 AM |
wow, better to learn the character of someone before you go into a real partnership, LLC, LLP, etc... Jeff, you dodged a bullet.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Aug 2016 09:28 AM |
You had an agreement, and told him to get in the hole when you found the quartz. Were sharing shovel for shovel. Sounds like he just got miffed. I don't see where you went wrong. Would like to have a prospecting bud like you anytime based on that. Good luck in gettting someone else the bug.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
10 Aug 2016 02:28 PM |
I have seen lifetime friends turn into freakish monsters the first time they get a good collection on a dig. Always set the rules ahead of time for what is fair for everybody. Let's say you got a guy with a bum shoulder that has a nice 4" sluice and a great claim to go to. Problem is he cannot run it with his shoulder out of whack, but you also have 2 other guys willing to work that thing 24/7 over the weekend. The owner of the equipment needs his cut and the guys doing the labor do as well, those terms need to be decided before anything starts. One other thing, get yourself a Partner. In most of the world these days when somebody mentions their "Partner" people automatically think they are talking about their gay lover, but that is not the tradition when it comes to prospecting as many as you know. Your partner is the person you work with, dig with, trust with your life, and split everything with, when you find the right partner these types of problems never arise, everything is split 50/50 to include bills, income, food, drinks, and even fights when need be. One thing I have used many times that works well to determine if a person is a user and taker, or a giver and sharer, is just buy them dinner, say "This one is on me!" Give it time but just wait and see if they ever offer to return the favor. If they deny just tell them it all works out in the end, next time you buy? You can really get to know people quickly by being generous. I had one guy that went down to the river and forgot his snuffer bottle and needed one. I offered him a extra I had and he said he would give it back at our next meeting the following week, the week came and he acted like he didn't know me and no snuffer bottle. It's a $2.50 snuffer bottle that the cost means nothing, it's the fact that he didn't return it or didn't even want to make eye contact that means everything.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
10 Aug 2016 06:52 PM |
Excellent personality tests Benjarmin,
AMEN to "it aint the bottle", it the principal
Be very careful when showing a 'partner' a great spot, the potential for someone to jump that spot without you is elevated significantly.
Jeff, what part of the world are you in ?
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
10 Aug 2016 09:07 PM |
Oh, and my wife told me to add this; If she or your dog have a bag feeling about a stranger make sure you get the Iron's ready, along with the Coach Gun. It may sound funny to people in most of the US to hear that kind of language but many of our claims are hours from cell service and there are plenty of snakes, four legged beasts that eat people, and the Indigenous Two Legged Crack Head Species running around. In the Western Colorado Mountains we don't have 5 cops every fifty feet, we might have 1 every 500 miles. Out here you have to take care of yourself.
James Henderson Greenhorn Posts:21 
11 Aug 2016 10:17 AM |
Benjamin Crain is right about a good partner. I live in Tennessee and my prospecting partner lives in Washington. Every year we meet in California in July and spend a week (this year it was two weeks) prospecting together. When using our own equipment, each his own gold to keep. This year we shared equipment and alternated clean outs between two buckets. At the end of the week we drew for a bucket each. Luck of the draw. Any pickers or flakes found in our test pans was that individual's to keep. The second week we each had a family member join us. We used four buckets and drew for those. I had the best bucket the first week and the worst bucket the second week. Once again, luck of the draw. No hard feelings and we'll be prospecting together for two weeks next year.
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Aug 2016 01:20 PM |
Jeff, what part of the world are you in ? In the PNW, Bill.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
11 Aug 2016 04:41 PM |
I envy you, always plenty of water As we get later into the summer, my good spots dry up But I'll manage to find something Jeff, if your ever planning a trip to the SF bay area (not sure why you would come here) or the San Joaquin valley or sierras and have some spare time, shoot me an email and maybe run some gravel Bill
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
11 Aug 2016 07:28 PM |
Never forget; over the past few thousand years, several million people have been murdered for gold... 
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
11 Aug 2016 08:21 PM |
Mary, Gold is the only metal I know of that feels warm to the touch(Plutonium too but most people will never have the chance to even get close nor want to), but something more, it has a quality that cannot be described in words that even a blind person can recognize. I have handed a 1oz dore button in somebodies hand and watch them light up, they don't know what it is but they know it is something special. I have heard others call it "God's Money" To this day our Governments trade commodities but they are all still based on GOLD. Everything else on earth can be destroyed or made into paper, gold is the one constant which everything else is based upon, and for millenniums at that. I wish we would go back on the gold and silver standard before our fiat paper currency collapses, but I seriously doubt that will happen in my life time.
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
11 Aug 2016 08:38 PM |
Hi Benjamin! I agree on going back to precious metal standards for money. At least it's real... My first experience re-learning to pan was using commercial paydirt. I high recommend it. Once I knew how gold looked and acted in my pan, I had no doubts when I found it for the first time in the "wild". Only a speck but it makes me smile. <img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" /> There is gold in that river canyon nearby and based on internet research (and observing zero traces of workings there) nobody else is looking for it! There truly is nothing else like it and even in tiny amounts, it brings true joy to my soul...<img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" /> Cheers! Mary
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Aug 2016 01:00 PM |
#1 No, you didn't break any rules of prospecting etiquette. You need a good friend with his own Sluice/Detector/etc. Why? Because some guys start off with the detector (looking for high mineral values) Then Sluicing and sampling. I'm different, I just jump in the hole and go for it, if I don't see any Gold after a bucket or two...I dig in another spot, another hole, sometimes the middle of the stream, sometimes the sides of the river, or walk up on an upper bench and haul paydirt, etc.
#2 If you're near the Julian Ca. claim or the banner grade Gold area, try the Julian pie & the Julian Mine Co. It's for kids getting Gems, but for the paying Gold panners you get a 'concentrate' pan..3 or so pieces, about $10. But the challenge is to find more Gold in the Sluice box/paydirt pile/etc.
#3 I can't believe you guys fought over the pyrite. 