ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
28 Sep 2016 12:37 PM |
Far out, awesome responses, I like it when we're all on the same path forward. My cable doesn't have the Outdoor channel, I think the Discovery Channel needs to add Gold Fever & Gold Trails to their #1 rated show Gold Rush. Bering Sea Gold is all drama and fighting, kind of a turn-off. Gold Fever & Gold Trails are far more entertaining. Tom's a natural comedian & Gold Trails is way better than Alaskan Bush People. If more people watched Gold panners on TV, we might get some support for the 1872 mining act.
Ronald Peterson New Member Posts:97 
28 Sep 2016 08:47 PM |
This is very interesting to see this much activity on a forum topic. Just goes to show you that you can't please all of the people all of the time.
When you read what it says under " Ask Kevin Hoagland " you will notice that it states " and he'll get back to you as best he can, as soon as he can! " There is no mention of a rapid response. Also if you read Kevin's first topic, " Hello Prospectors and Miners " you will find the following, " I can't say that I will respond immediately because of my schedule and the fact that there are a lot of places I travel that simply do not have connectivity. But know that I will respond as quickly as possible. " Kevin also encourages other members to respond to questions posted
here, which I have done from time to time when on here and can give an
As for membership, the membership has quadrupled in the last 3 years ( no Kodak here ) so something must be going on that is working well. I wish that I had the resources and information that you new members have available to you back when I started prospecting 40 plus years ago. There was no GPS we used maps, the metal detectors were BFOs, books not the internet was how we researched everything to find places to hunt, we had metal gold pans not plastic, and about the only gripe we had was bad weather.
Enjoy your membership and remember this, what you put into it is what you will get out of it. In other words don't expect others to just hand it to you, you still need to earn it, pay your dues, and above all PATIENCE is KEY when it comes to prospecting and metal detecting. Ron
Thomas Chambers Greenhorn Posts:10 
29 Sep 2016 04:43 PM |
Sounds as if we need some cheese here. 
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
30 Sep 2016 03:44 PM |
AMEN Ron, If you don't have patience, gold mining/detecting is not for you Find a different occupation Bill
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Oct 2016 09:30 AM |
'Have patience' ...When it comes to the Calif. dredge ban...We calmly waited and waited and waited. Then we lost and lost and lost again. So now our mining rights are going...going...and almost gone. Sometimes patience means nothing ever gets done. I didn't post this to fight with Kevin, I've had lots of fun with him at the Pomona Gold shows. I posted this to rally people into doing something (legal of course) to save our 1872 mining act rights. Or we can patiently sit on the sidelines and do nothing...33,000 members here 'could' do something, but the lack of activity here by the members and the leaders is frustrating to say the least.
The PLP is destroying itself...Forest roads are closed everywhere. Gold miners are labeled as some kind of environmental hate group...Our leaders and our members did nothing to stop the land grabs, the monuments and the anti-mining BLM thugs (sugar pine mine in Or.)...We are about to VOTE on our mining future...And on and on.
So patiently sit back, do nothing and watch it all end. I'm hearing too many stories of claim owners getting arrested, harassed, fined, punished, etc. And we all patiently sit back and do nothing....You bet this is frustrating.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
03 Oct 2016 04:35 PM |
Adam, You are a very assuming person Bill
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Oct 2016 05:29 PM |
Sorry if I sound harsh, a lot of what I said are from the headlines in the Pick & Shovel Gazette, but the Sept 2016 issue is a great issue. It shows old timers showing kids how to pan for Gold & and an opening of a Gold camp, awesome. I just wish all members of the GPAA & LDMA were collectively making a difference in the plan to save the 1872 mining act.
Here in So. Cal., a while back, the Southwestern miners stood up to the road closers to Gold claims, they got our Ch. 9 'Turko' guy involved to put it on the news. The roads were re-opened when the USFS was put on the hot seat. It was a small victory. The FS Ranger said "The 1872 Mining act allows access to Gold claims with Mules, it doesn't say anything about vehicles..."
Way to go Chuck N. (RIP) & the Southwestern Miners, a small victory, I'd like to win a few more for our side.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
04 Oct 2016 06:43 AM |
With regards to California, until you can get more of the none "nuts" to go vote than the nuts, nothing is going to change. The place is full of illegal aliens with voter cards, college students that actually believe e the hype and just plain weird people. And they all seem to vote. Ms. Boxer and Ms. Feinstein need to retire, Mr. brown also, and anyone that has had more than 2 terms in any office there.
WILLIAM SOUTHERN Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Dec 2016 04:16 PM |
Well hello again Adam, You blow me away man and are very troll like in your attacks at GPAA leadership. Why not put all that energy into becoming a active and leading part of making the GPAA a better outfit? Constant complaining without offering a real and solid helpful solution is with all due respect boring... Do you really know how to make an organization this large tick? If answer is yes get to helping as it is what a strong club does for each other.... Cheers Bill
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Dec 2016 09:32 PM |
Well Will, I have offered many solutions. You just didn't read them. I always help out. And I hope everyone continues to notice that I've never said anything bad about any member. I grew up on construction sites with people far far meaner than you. So nice try, if you're trying to rattle me...The romper room comments just make me laugh.
And for the 12th time, this isn't about me...It's about all of us getting something done, while the GPAA sits back, says nothing, does nothing, and since the GPAA leadership rarely says anything, their silence is deafening.
WILLIAM SOUTHERN Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2016 07:07 AM |
I actively donate my time every year to this organization and drive hundreds of miles to gold shows to do so and to educate fellow members Adam, I am not trying to rattle you and what is with the construction comment? I have been in construction all my life.... You have openly insulted Brandon in another thread as well as Kevin and generally all leadership of the GPAA. There are better ways to be helpful that being a loud mouth and perhaps actually do something for the organization other than bash the leaders .... Cheers.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2016 09:54 AM |
We've all watched for years as the Gold Prospectors lose court cases, lose claims to environmental regulations, lose rivers to the fish populations, lose Gold areas labeled as new 'Monuments'...And the GPAA leadership never said much, never stopped any of it, and they only respond to people who are trying to send them money.
It's time for the GPAA leadership to start taking action, start winning court cases, and start communicating will the fellow miners & prospectors. And I'm NOT talking about me. Since Brandon rarely says anything, I have lost all faith in the leadership. We do more to organize than they do.
So being in construction your entire life, you know that the insults hurled at me are patty cakes compared to what happens in the construction world. I've seen guys fight with each other, then they make up & drink with each other at the end of the day. and the next day it happens all over again.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2016 05:56 PM |
LOL... It came back to life! Somehow this thread is reborn over and over haha
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
15 Dec 2016 11:07 AM |
You obvisually don't know what happens behind the scenes. Not all is going to be put up on open forums, why tell the oposition waht we are working on, and give them ammunition or get them thinking of how to get around things? How about making an appointment with the office and having a sit down and actually find out what they do? Maybe then you would have a better understanding of what is happening/going on, rather than just sit here and constantly hammer the leadership for their supposed inactivity.
I know that I can't be the only one who is dam***tired of the constant bit***** and whining about lack of happenings, when you know nothing of what is being done. Here is an idea-----go to the office and VOLUNTEER to work with them and actually get in the trenches with them. I'm sure they would find something constructive for you to do, rather than this.
Ronald Peterson New Member Posts:97 
15 Dec 2016 04:13 PM |
Arthur, when a person is belligerent and negative it is often best to respond by not responding. For it seems that responding just goes right over this type of persons head and eggs them on even more. When someones ego gets in the way and all they want to do is push other peoples buttons, logic has no effect on them. I will no longer respond to any of these posts, for it does no good and is a waste of my time to do so !!!!!! Ron
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
15 Dec 2016 05:15 PM |
Yeah, I know that. Been fighting the b-crats since 1976 and the USFS's RARE II. Been there done that and wore out.
Since my experation date expired 6 years ago, I really don't care anymore whose feathers I ruffle. Doesn't make an anthill in he** to me. If it gets me tossed out on my a**, so be it. Just more money and time I can have to do what I do.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Dec 2016 08:29 PM |
Ya, I've still never said anything bad about any member here...And that makes me..." belligerent and negative with an ego"...Got it. Ok.
One thing about running a company, you have to do and say something occasionally. Right?
The only communication I get from the GPAA is 'send us money'
This week I sent a 2014 mining guide to a real American hero...What did Ronald do to help out this week?
MICHAEL GOETTINA Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Dec 2016 06:10 PM |
i going to sell my ldma i do not like kevin hogland the ldma is all for the money not the miners and my wife cooked Christmas diner a dburg last year mell told her she would get a free gold draw 2 at the next ldma outing there but they ripped her off no gold she worked hard and they ripped her off never got the gold now they want money to stay there its not worth a buck a day we pay the dues that is all they need and i thing it .i have bin ain the ldma for 13 years but now it not good and in the 13 years i got 2 guide book . but the bill all-was comes but no guide books and lost good clams some years back 
MICHAEL GOETTINA Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Dec 2016 06:41 PM |
we do not need gold shows we need good gold claims the club need claims hell with shows go mark the ldma sites in Colorado and Nevada and wear is are ldma claim in golden Colorado it wit away why ? and no gold on the leadville claim bin there 5 times in 6 years more than 60 days .no gold did get silver ore nice big chunk but not off are claim but 1000 foot up the hill no the club has wit to shit its all for the gold shows not the miners 
MICHAEL GOETTINA Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Dec 2016 06:50 PM |
win you have kevin and brandin in charge its all for the golds shows not the miners are club has changed so much city foke crap 