Last Post 12 Oct 2018 02:28 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Why bother asking Kevin anything, he doesn't answer
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22 Dec 2016 06:55 PM
good call i like that. the club is not working good now over charge for power my rig is all solar powered but it not good now its all for the money not the miners

22 Dec 2016 07:10 PM
the show gold trails is no good.he is no tom massy the best are the old shows the new ones are just big tv adds its all for the money to fill there pockets! not for the miners! and the club rip off my wife for her gold draw for cooking last year at Christmas that mell told her she would get for cooking Christmas diner had to fill out form for the ldma but they the city fokes are all for the money if he was not so fat cat also i was talking to a member at blue bucket that he gave a very scarey ride in his side b side she was not happy with him go back to the city

22 Dec 2016 07:20 PM
got my dredge taken 2 years a go in ca bin in court to get it back the club has wit to shit  5 years or so a go its all for the money not the miners are club is not going to last i have my membership for sale as the ldma  its not so good now  hope i can sell it

22 Dec 2016 07:44 PM
Brandon is not good he is not a leader the club has wit to shit with Brandon as are head of it! and hogland!  and my wife never got the 2 gold draws the club owes her from dburg mell not so good there it all for his  money not the miners i am over with it hope to sell my ldma its no good now a days

22 Dec 2016 08:38 PM
the truth are leadership is no good its all for the money and the gold shows are not very good for are club just a money thing have you bin to one its all about selling mining gear its for the vendors to make money not for the miners you can make all most ever thing they sell. for much less money at home   gold mining is not rocket science  you can make t at home well have to go build a new house this year to make more money this year so i can do more mining 
Peter vanderHeiden

27 Sep 2018 08:59 AM
I know this thread is old but I thought I would add my 2 cents.
I often feel the same as some of those folks complaining on here. I've been a member for 3 years and haven't found enough gold to fill a tooth. I've researched and researched some more. I've been to claims with inaccurate GPS coordinates, I've even taken old signs that were unreadable, re-wrote correct GPAA coordinates and planted them where they belong. I will say this for Kevin, last year I emailed him about a claim that had other current claim markers within the boundaries of our claim! He responded by phone the next day.
Now for my complaint regarding a gal that told me on CHAT that there was NO way to access another members profile for privacy reasons. I asked her why we have profiles with pictures, stories etc if no one can view them. She just repeated the same thing. I ended the chat. GPAA really needs to employ folks with some knowledge.
Basic Member
Basic Member

27 Sep 2018 10:32 AM
One of the things that the company has done since the beginning is to not share members information and we have always held true to that, up to and including a huge national retailer that wanted our mailing list to market to our membership our products and if course theirs as well. There were a great deal of protections and what not that would assure that members info would not be every shared of slipped out.
We simply declined.
Now there is a way to get information without getting their personal information. Friend them on the pages (Just like I have done with you this morning) Once the person you are reaching out to responds, new friend and in many cases a future prospecting partner. It works for me.


Peter vanderHeiden

27 Sep 2018 02:19 PM
Kevin, I was not referring to personal info ie. Address, phone email etc. I was referring to information the person has for other members to see such as photos of claims, outings maybe what machines they use. I have since found the procedure to view a members profile that they allow to be viewed. The chat person said there was NO way to view it.
Tim Leibel

28 Sep 2018 09:20 PM
My 2 cents. If you need Kevin for a Claims issue and can’t reach him. Call your State Director, we are all charged with helping him with finding more land and helping maintain the lands we have. If your State director is unreachable, contact me. I usually answer within8 hours. If you need Dominic on an administrative issue or Richard Robinson on a chapter issue. I give you the same advice. Part of our job is education and assistance as we can.

11 Oct 2018 10:26 AM
Hi I am new to Gold Prospecting but have about 60 years Hobby in HydroMetallurgy ( metals in solution ) experienced in Environmental friendly leaching . I wish to use a third party map for gold Claims in Arizona and California . Where would I find such a thing ?
Tim Leibel

12 Oct 2018 06:52 AM
Johann, the BLM LR2000 system is probably the best free Claims mapping system. I pay $35 a year to use Minecache and it is well worth it as it uses GOOGLE Earth to show you old and current mines in an area and is updated monthly.
Basic Member
Basic Member

12 Oct 2018 01:51 PM
I would suggest a google search for Arizona Gold Maps. I typed this into Google and came up with a great deal of options. Having choices will allow you to choose the mapping that correct for your needs. I honestly did not realize there were that many choices.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

12 Oct 2018 02:12 PM
Kevin - Just read your dowsing article in the P&S......if any of those locations end up in Oregon, you would have a volunteer to go check them out, and could probably get another chapter member to lend a hand.
Basic Member
Basic Member

12 Oct 2018 02:28 PM
Posted By ARTHUR WAUGH on 12 Oct 2018 02:12 PM
Kevin - Just read your dowsing article in the P&S......if any of those locations end up in Oregon, you would have a volunteer to go check them out, and could probably get another chapter member to lend a hand.
You are on! Let me see how we do on this first set of maps. I have a few spots in the Southern part of the state (Oregon) that I have been researching.

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