Last Post 04 Oct 2016 01:42 PM by  ADAM ANDREWS
when to do a clean out using gold hog piglet
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Shawn Marie Whaley

29 Sep 2016 08:26 AM

    Headed to Thermal City NC this Saturday. Going to be running the piglet with the extension. We are going to run roughly from 9am-4pm. I am not sure what other specs I need to list to give a better idea of when I should clean out... equipment...etc... We are going to run 1 1/2" hose. Roughly 9 pitch on piglet and 5 pitch on extension. What are some suggestions on when/how many times to do a clean out. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. We are still in the learning process. WISH US LUCK!!!


    29 Sep 2016 12:06 PM

      Hi, welcome,


       I would say from watching Gold Rush, they might do an early clean out if they suspect a problem with a sluice box. Maybe to see if there's Gold or no Gold. Or too much water or sluice angles and all that. Otherwise if it's set up right, they go all day. I think you have to test pan the areas first. I've done really dumb things like sluice all day in a hole with no Gold, that was a waste of time. So now I run 2 buckets in a sluice, and if there's no Gold, I move on. If we spend all weekend sluicing, I want it to be down where the red gravels are packed under a big rock.

    William Hall

    29 Sep 2016 03:38 PM

    Many variables figure into your question
    Is this a prospecting trip or a mining trip ?
    As Adam suggests, if your prospecting (looking for gold), I go three buckets, clean up, any gold, yes continue
    If you are mining (know there is gold present), don't clean up until your ready to go to the house
    Cleaning up is time you could be running material
    Using an extension, I may clean up the extension once just to see if the primary is missing any gold
    No gold in the extension, put a little more slope in the primary

    The name of the mining game is to move material that holds gold, the more material you move the better your chances of finding gold
    Any thing that stops or slows production is gold lost (not found)

    I believe Gold Hog has videos available that show how to setup your box, follow them
    I know Gold Hog has done extensive testing, take their advise on setups
    Again many variables, water flow, slope, classified material, speed of feeding the material

    I don't have a GH Box, my experience will be different than yours, and I know GH doesn't have riffles in their boxs
    I set my box up to clear the second riffle within 10 - 20 seconds of adding material, I will adjust as necessary
    The more time you run, the better you will be on setups

    Take a little time to look around and enjoy life out on the river.
    Happy hunting


    02 Oct 2016 09:08 PM

      Hey Shawn, how'd you do? Any color in the Gold Hog?

    Shawn Marie Whaley

    03 Oct 2016 06:04 AM
    We got home late Saturday nite and I had to work yesterday. We are going to run the multi tonight and I will post our findings!
    Shawn Marie Whaley

    03 Oct 2016 06:45 PM

    here are the results!

    Mary McCarty
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    03 Oct 2016 08:25 PM

    04 Oct 2016 01:42 PM

      Sweet, you got the tiny Gold, sometimes sluices don't get the tiny stuff.

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