Last Post 24 Oct 2016 06:52 AM by  James Carr
vein mountain ldma camp winter closing
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James Carr

04 Oct 2016 11:37 AM
    Hello Kevin, I called ldma office to confirm that they are closing the vein mountain for the winter. Was sorry to hear. We was there about four years ago in Feb and March and have been unable to get back due to sickness. Finally sold our business and was planning on going down this winter. Was wondering what the reason behind it is and if it is going to be temporary. They said it was due to not many using during the winter months and couldn't see paying a caretaker for just two or three people. Was wondering if they ever thought about having a caretaker during the winter and only compensate a campsite free and no salary just for the winter months. Was told that some local members would be checking on the property during the winter. Hopefully they will consider alternatives besides closing it for the winter. We enjoyed it the times we got to visit and was looking forward to this fall and winter. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks Jim.

    12 Oct 2016 08:35 AM

        Hi James, welcome. I'm sorry Kevin is ignoring you, it seems to be an issue here...Here's a guy with one post, who must be feeling ignored. This is why people post a question, get no answer, then leave while shaking their heads. No wonder there is very little faith in this website. I apologize for the guy who's 'supposed' to be answering questions here. You paid $3300 for the LDMA membership, then you get ignored, again I apologize.

    Ronald Peterson
    New Member
    New Member

    12 Oct 2016 04:26 PM
         Adam just out of curiosity did Mr. Carr give you power of attorney or his proxy to express how he must feel?  Something else that I have been wondering about is your post where you show a very nice nugget with your sluice box running.  Did you win that nugget in a raffle or did you buy it, because it looks mighty well polished for just coming out of the ground?  Also the quartz and gold specimen looks like it came straight from a hard rock mine, not a waterway.  Anyway could it be Adam that you became disgruntled when Kevin did not acknowledge your post " My small blue Gold pan is famous because..." and if so I apologize, and not on behalf of Kevin or anyone else, I just apologize.  Some people may not be aware of this but poking a hornets nest with a stick and flogging a dead horse are not activities normally associated with prospecting.  Yes a person has the right to express their opinion but when someone keeps crying wolf other people may start wondering if that person is all there or not.  Lets just get back to prospecting and having fun.          Ron   

    12 Oct 2016 05:29 PM

      I thought Mr. Carr deserves an answer for his $3300 investment (good business). Waiting to get a question answered around here is more like a pile of horse bones instead of a dead horse.


       Cry Wolf or say good bye to the 1872 Mining Act...It's your choice.


      "Anyway could it be Adam that you became disgruntled when Kevin did not acknowledge your post " My small blue Gold pan is famous because..." and if so I apologize..."


       Ya I'm still crying about that. That really hurts.


      "Did you win that nugget in a raffle or did you buy it"...Ya, and I got this one from a gumball machine...




    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    17 Oct 2016 09:12 AM
    yes the camps will be closed for this season while we compile and compare a great deal of information concerning overall cost verse use of the camps. Dur ing the last few years that camps have seen very little use during the winter months according to the LDMA sign in sheets yet cost have been extremely high for properties that are under utilized. This winter will give us a better overall view of the cost vs. Use and will allow us to make better plans for the use of the camps during what is considered the off months.
    We have considered many alternatives including the one that you proposed. Until we can have a better 30,000 foot view it will be hard to create programs that will allow members to best utilize their benefits.
    Please remember that the Loud Mine property is open year round and ready for members to pull in and members get to mining.
    James Carr

    24 Oct 2016 06:52 AM
    Thanks Kevin for responding. Hopefully in the future Vein Mountain will stay open in the winter.
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