Last Post 27 Dec 2020 09:53 PM by  Daniel Grant
Honcoop Highbanker
 3 Replies
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David Niswander

08 Oct 2016 10:27 AM
    I am interested in any information on the Honcoop. The pros and cons of this high banker. My operation is a one man operation. So any advice or suggestions would be of great help.
    Thank you in advance.
    Kevin Johnson

    09 Oct 2016 05:41 AM
    Hi Dave, I have a seven year old Honcoop Highbanker and for me it has worked great. It's just the basic Highbanker, it does not have the Dredge option, or the Trommel option. Most of my gold has been recovered in the upper portion of the riffle tray. I'm not sure of any cons of this unit. It was kinda pricey, but when I see what others have and what they paid for their highbankers I'm glad I got the Honcoop. But that Trommel option does intrigue me though.

    Patrick Rine

    04 Dec 2020 11:51 AM
    Have the older one, way better Honcoop highbanker. I don't understand why they changed, why they seem to be closed. The best highbanker ever. Mine is the one with the upper larger sluice for bigger rocks, larger sluice below for fines with a nice smooth flow not this new stuff with kinks. The best!!!!! I think they retired and moved to Florida.
    Daniel Grant

    27 Dec 2020 09:53 PM
    I spoke with Don Honcoop earlier this year and asked the same question and if he planned to return to building equipment. He took a break to get a farm business off the ground and when or if it takes off, he may return. We can only hope he does as he had built some great things.
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