Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Oct 2016 01:01 PM |
So the new season of the gold rush started on Friday the 14th of October. My wife and I watch the show pretty religiously, but I was wondering does any one else feel the need to get out and prospect/mine more after watching an episode? OR is it just me?
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
15 Oct 2016 02:20 PM |
The New Gold Rush is here in Colorado, called the "Green Gold Rush". I hate to admit it but marijuana is the largest cash crop I have ever seen and pretty much everybody is trying to get in on the business. There are two sides to the business, the State Legal sale(which is still a felony) and the illegal out of state sale(Which is also a felony). The medical marijuana and dispensaries only sale the finest, strongest, and perfect marijuana ever grown. If there are any discolorations, spots, mites, or any imperfections they wont accept it, so the growers use those to make hash oil, hashish, and what they call glass. These products are concentrates of the strongest marijuana ever grown, some get used in ointments, some get used in edibles, and some get used in gel caps that look just like a vitamin E capsule. What is not sold to a dispensary can't go to waste and that is what is transported out of the state and traveling nation wide on the Black Market, but at least the money is staying here and not going to Mexico drug cartels any longer. I don't approve of the use of pot for the most part, I do see the medicinal benefits for those that need it, but right now it is the hottest and fastest growing industry on planet earth, the people in it are getting filthy rich, it is the new GOLD RUSH. It is not uncommon to see a 20 something year old pull a wad of $100 bills out of their pocket the size of my forearm because the banks won't let them have accounts, and here in Colorado this time of year you can smell it blooming almost everywhere you go. As for the Alaska Gold Rush show I think most of them are idiots and should quit doing so much blow. Last years season finally the fat stupid guy with the beard was wiping his nose every 10 seconds. When he went to South America he should have stopped the hooker and blow and concentrated on mining, but that's just my opinion. That show makes me want to expand what our club is doing. Currently our organization concentrates on river dredging and sluicing, but I am trying to get us to expand to drywashing and hardrock mining on existing claims. Colorado has very strict laws on mining on the mountains and not on the river, that is where I want us to move in the future.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Oct 2016 04:19 PM |
wow you went way off topic with that one.. To each their own on the subject. as the show goes however I see it as a broadcasted version of all of us going for the same thing. GOLD!!! I'm not goanna lie 3000 Oz in a 5-6 month period isn't a bad find. tony beets I give that guy thumbs up for resurrecting a bucket dredge and have it successfully operating and pulling gold. That's history being resurrected.. I'm assuming that "FAT GUY" you are talking about is Todd and that crew is currently in Oregon leasing a huge claim. However last season they pulled 3000 oz of gold as well as parker and crew pulling over that.. its not uncommon to see any one that lives around here pull a wad of $100 bills out of their pocket and that's only because most of us have our heads screwed on straight, live in small towns where spending is limited and work for big gold mining corporations. But I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts.. thanks for sharing your detailed opinion about the marijuana in Colorado..
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Oct 2016 04:53 PM |
It started out really sad because Parkers Grandpa died, what an awesome Grandpa. It was a good episode, but Todd God bless him, he always manages to screw everything up. If his new claim is so good, why was it for sale? I don't think his new claim is so awesome, maybe he fell for a scam. The end was hard to watch with a fight, Dave is out and Todd was sitting there alone. Bummer, because Todd & Jack & Parker really started the show, I've been watching all 6 years.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
16 Oct 2016 12:12 PM |
it was sad to see his grandpa go. but really bugged me is Todd leased the new claim and then two of the owners demanded to work with the Hoffman's. so that doesn't help them out either. and to top it off every so many yard clean up the nugget trap is empty and the sluice box doesn't have any thing in it.. hope thing change for todd an his crew. as far as parker.. he needs to find his own claim and get from under tony beets.. don't get me wrong tony is a great guy but parker isn't going to make anything over 3000 oz when the royalties go up..
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Oct 2016 12:55 PM |
It's a reality TV show. But I enjoy watching, I'm sure they are paid decent wages for being on the show these days, and not so much banking on the gold to pay the bills any longer. Todd has the same line every season, Seams he claims putting in everything he has on his next venture. Always make or break with him! The others keep fellowing him because the network pays. Parkers high maintenance gold digger looking blonde should bring some good problems with his crew. Producers keep it interesting. My guess is Tony is the only real minner and did good before the show, but as a businessman the show pays, and he's in with making more money. I enjoy watching Gold Rush, Bering Sea Gold, and can never watch an episode more than once because it's reality TV. But "Gold Fever" I can watch over, and over, and over. Never getting bored. Real down to earth prospecting, and I all ways pick up a trick or tip or two that helps me. If I ever win the lottery going to Alaska to prospect at Cripple Creek camp with all those great members.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Oct 2016 03:24 PM |
yeah my thoughts were about the same with parkers new blonde addition.. and it really surprised me to see her in a haul truck.. and yeah I watch the other gold shows, but I like gold trails the best.. its more what we all do.. places we all go.. I think they need to get a wider broadcast for it on TV.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Oct 2016 06:27 PM |
You two have it right, Parkers girlfriend will be running the show. And Todd got Gold with the detectors, so what's up with that?
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
17 Oct 2016 06:32 PM |
I was wondering the same Adam. They get $20 a yard testing and nuggets with detectors and now no gold. I know they were told where to dig when they got there, and had no drill data. But this claims is less than an hour from Burnt River LDMA and Blue Bucket LDMA. they should be getting more gold. Of course it is scripted so they might be and the producers are telling them to fake the hard luck thing.
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Oct 2016 10:40 AM |
and yeah I watch the other gold shows, but I like gold trails the best.. its more what we all do.. places we all go.. I think they need to get a wider broadcast for it on TV. I hear it's good wish Comcast would pick it up in my area.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Oct 2016 12:25 PM |
As far as Hoffman's go, the owners of the claim/property have a vested interest in not only the ground, but the gold coming off of it via the lease. Without test drills or sample pits, they should/probably know where the good stuff is at, through their own work and the surrounding properties, if those have been worked. If you count all of the past history of that crew, I don't blame them for wanting to keep an eye on things.
But like the trailer for this week says, 39ozs. doesn't even pay the fuel bill.
I hit two of the three GPAA claims (at that time) sampling and detecting, and came up least it wasn't an 800 mile round trip just for that, had a meeting to attend and took a couple of extra days, but have never been back.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Oct 2016 02:36 PM |
Tim you might be right.. just to keep the show on edge. hopefully this blonde doesn't affect parker and his career opportunities.. id hate to see him lose everything because of a new fling
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
18 Oct 2016 04:20 PM |
Been watching this show since its beginning Just my opinion.... Todd is a buffoon. He would be nowhere without Dave, Andy and Freddy. I'd mine with Freddy any day Parker is Parker, young with not a lot of people skills or world experience. Loved grandpa John, may he sole rest in peace Beets is the man, no BS, tells it straight, weather you want to hear it or not Parker, Three seasons ago, Parker worked an extra couple of weeks to buy his own property, never happened Two seasons ago, Parker told grandpa John he was buying/leasing a property to get out from under Beets, never happened Last season Todd was told by Peter Tollman, he was selling the claim to Parker, never happened This season Parker said 3000ozs. and everyone was huh? including Beets My bet is, this will be Parkers last year under Beets, Beets will cut him off for only 3000ozs....only I was surprised Parker stood up to Beets when they tried to pull a fast one on Parker's contract I'll give him that Don't blame him for not wanting to pay royalties, but you have 3/4s left in your pocket, get busy This year with Parkers new addition, I believe his whole operation changes dramatically Rick and Parker will part ways It's amazing what gold/money or a female can do to a bro relationship Hoffmans, Something isint right with their new operation. The showing of all the big nuggets, something stinks about this whole thing As was stated, find gold detection but nothing in the cleanup Owners holding out ? If this is all that and a bag of chips to, where is the line of operators wanting the claim or doing it themselfs ? Locking out the generator and holding it for ransom ? Shady, That's not how business is done in my opinion Owning a gold mine....A liar at the top, a fool at the bottom Every season it seems, the Hoffmans stub their collective toe somehow Beets, Tony is right about the dredge Operates for penny's. Two maybe three people per shift for operations, small diesel gen set that requires little fuel Yes, start up is costly, although Tony brought a lot of his problems on himself, the gentle way he takes things apart and moves them I dont think he will get the new one up and running this season, although it is Tony With having to get buckets made, shipped and assembled, pretty tall order Wonder if the two mechanics will be back on this on, doubtful They got screwed last season because nothing in writing His son is right, let me run it, you stay the hell outa it I understand this is "reality" TV and its all about the ratings There is a lot of things and information we are not privy to but the show must go on I feel a little sorrow for those families that depend on Todd to feed the family It amazes me what lengths "we" will go to and through for a little yellow in the pan. This includes me Bearing Sea gold, a TV show with major drama and a little gold It's hard to watch Bill
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Oct 2016 04:35 PM |
Ya Bering Sea Gold is way too much drama. If I wanted to watch people drinking, fighting & *******, I'd go to a bar.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Oct 2016 02:13 PM |
good view on it William hall.. parker is really only holding himself back, and I could see the blonde coming in between two close friends especially being that rick has left before. I am surprised the Hoffman crew is still hanging around considering the mechanic is from here and was employed by a huge gold mining company but he is still there with the hoffmans tony is a bad ass and its done his way, but he is the one making the most money out of all of them between the leased property and the gold.. not to mention his cost are way low if you don't count flying a side by side in with a helicopter... that looked expensive
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Oct 2016 08:35 AM |
Well it's Gold Rush night, the adventure continues. I hear all the criticism of Todd, and I can't defend all of his stupid decisions, but I still support him, mainly because it's his show, he started it. So I wish he gets it together...But tonight's episode looks like a fight on the Hoffman claim, Dave is gone, and Todd was sitting there alone. That's a bummer, I hope this is all drama, and I wanna see them getting those big nuggets that they detected earlier. Or...Todd got scammed...They seeded the claim with big nuggets...And they fell for the old "Dig right here" scam.
I know Todd is a ______ (fill in the blank) but, he and the show always inspires us to go dig on Saturday after watching it Fri. night
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Oct 2016 12:55 PM |
Can't say Todd inspires me, but he sure entertains me. Tom on Gold Fever inspires me because he teaches skills, helpful knolwledge with his great sense of humor. Only thing I've learned from Todd is don't do what Todd is doing. You know he doesn't seem to have fun doing it either. When I stop having fun with it, I'm done doing it. Will have to watch Todd's lastest on Sunday, heading up to the hills for Deer tonight. And will have fun doing it even if I don't even see one.
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Nov 2016 05:47 AM |
any one else notice parkers new addition wasn't on the last episode? or did I just miss something
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Nov 2016 11:46 AM |
Funny I never noticed. Not surprising since she never has been any real figure of the show.. I'd notice if parkers dog was gone.! Maybe Parker laid it down "you get no Gold". Maybe she'll re-surface next season with a baby, and Parker and Rick end up on the Springer Show. 
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Nov 2016 07:50 AM |
it will be an interesting season, todds crew is about to walk out on him. I don't blame them. no gold no pay check. I can understand what beets is doing by cutting an hr back on the deck hands but you risk losing a good worker as well and I saw he walked off, but im sure we wont know anything permanent until next week. why not give that kid a day on the tear down dredge with genne to make up for his time.