Steven Swiderski Greenhorn Posts:2 
27 Jun 2021 01:06 PM |
Hi Leo, The beavercreeks I pan are just East of Dayton Ohio in and near the town Beavercreek and Xenia. I pan daily here and the ground is 250,000 years old glacial drift. From Cincinnati north to the middle of the state any where I pan I find gold. Like I said mouse poop, but once a day a size Greater than 30 less than 20. If you are ever going panning near here lmk. I am willing to show anyone the gold spots because it is everywhere. :-)
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
27 Jun 2021 03:43 PM |
Thanks for the reply! Gee....what type of ground is it mostly over there..sandy? gravel's ? Do you see evidence of quartz? Ohio is a lot flatter than western PA. Likely glaciers reached that far down into the states. Hard to imagine how that would have looked back then.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
30 Jun 2021 01:17 AM |
Leo,. Was just following this thread and saw your comment on Walt's post on ice dams. Do some looking on the Missoula floods from the last ice age. Several formed and broke, coming down the Columbia River Gorge, flooding the Willamette Valley from Portland to Eugene. One even brought a huge house sized boulder locked in ice and dropped it in the McMinnville Oregon area. Willamette Valley owes it's topsoil to the sediment from Montana brought in on those waters.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
30 Jun 2021 01:38 AM |
Thanks Arthur. One thing that amazes me is ...How the hell do they know this to be actually what happened thousands of years gone by.!! Im not doubting what you said, just always think how amazing these people say with so much confidence that these things actually happened. And there was no one to see this.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
30 Jun 2021 12:03 PM |
They have had the ability to test rock and dirt and compare it for years. Can tell you what volcano a hunk of lava came from. Good book on Oregon geology spots by a lady professor, last name Bishop, think the first name was Ellen. They can even tell what part of the state gold is from by it's purity.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
30 Jun 2021 12:04 PM |
They have had the ability to test rock and dirt and compare it for years. Can tell you what volcano a hunk of lava came from. Good book on Oregon geology spots by a lady professor, last name Bishop, think the first name was Ellen. They can even tell what part of the state gold is from by it's purity.