ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Nov 2016 09:42 AM |
An open letter to Tom Massie and the GPAA leaders...
It's time for everyone to contact Tom Massie and say "Brandon's leadership in the GPAA is a disgrace...Where is he??? And Tom, your Father would not tolerate how Brandon & Kevin are avoiding the GPAA website. I think George Massie would be ashamed of Brandon"
Brandon, I dare you to actually post something here...Anything. This is your website and you don't even participate. Grow up Brandon or turn it back over to your step-dad Tom Massie.
On the main page, scroll down to 'Report a problem' Fill it out, demand that Tom Massie reads it. Tell him how you feel about the lack of GPAA leadership here on this website.
I sent Tom Massie exactly what I said above. It's your move Tom Massie...Do something. Or should we just wait until Gold Prospecting becomes illegal, and stop renewing our GPAA memberships?
I welcome the new folks here, I say hello, and I answer their questions...Does Brandon ever welcome new folks? NO...Does Brandon ever intend to post anything here ever again? Hmm? Where's the leadership Tom? At least Kevin drops in every once and a while to answer his questions. Where's Brandon?
Watch George Massie's videos...Then watch Brandon's videos...Who's more inspiring??? Which videos say it all, and which videos say nothing at all???
Should I sit by and do nothing while the GPAA loses the right to prospect for Gold?. Lets understand one thing, our current Pres. of the USA put Gold prospectors in the toilet...The next Pres. may flush it...If she wins God forbid.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Nov 2016 10:04 AM |
Andrew, You have no clue. Tom does not own any part of the GPAA anymore. Kevin is an employee, just like the 17 other employees in the company, yes 18 total. I challenge you to put your blood, sweat and time on the line, if you think something needs changing, put together a plan, present it and then implement it. This is a mining organization, not a resort. The idea is for the members to help each other. The employees will only have knowledge of places they have been. And yes they have jobs so they get out less than we do because they work weekends. I personally helped organize and worked at 3 Team Endeavor projects this year. I was at 3 Gold Shows as a Volunteer, paying hotels and meals out of my pocket, I participated in an outing, wrote 2 articles, and put together a seminar for a show on short notice. So I challenge you and everyone else, pick a problem near and dear to your heart, figure a plan of attack, and get off your a**es and do it. Otherwise go whine some where else. Tim Leibel
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Nov 2016 10:18 AM |
Ok, I tried to save the GPAA...And the leaders did nothing to save it. They have no plan to save it...I'm done paying Brandon & Kevin's salary.
And I do have a clue, and I know Tom is NOT in charge...But he should be...
Don McElyea Basic Member Posts:131 
08 Nov 2016 02:10 PM |
Well said Tim. I know you guys work hard. The LDMA gives you the best of both.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Nov 2016 03:10 PM |
Thank you Don. I just want to clear something up. I DO NOT work for GPAA/LDMA. I just volunteer my time. This last season, I volunteered a lot and met lots of great miners and learned all sorts of things. I encourage everyone to put some volunteer time in. Even if it is running for an office in your local chapter. That experience will give you new insight in how the organization works.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
08 Nov 2016 04:25 PM |
OK the door is open.... I for one Have heard enough PISSIN, MOANING AND WHINING out of you Adam Adam, sell or in some fashion dump your GPAA membership, please, I would consider buying it from you As Tim said "you have no clue" how business operates You bad mouth Brandon, you don't know him or what he does or anything about his life All you know is, he wont answer your sniveling questions Brandon, Kevin and the 16 others are not here to hold your hand or wipe your butt, they wont show you where gold is, thats your job You can "demand" all you want, do you really think that will accomplish any thing ? NO it wont I will fill out a report a problem it will have your name to be removed on it, I fact I will "demand" it All you have done since day one is complain and whine about how Kevin will not answer your simple question, GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON Your the one that needs to "grow up" and act like an adult instead of a 7 year old throwing a tantrum laying on the floor kicking his feet My 6 year old grandson doesn't act like that The only thing that matters to you is post counts I tried to clue in a few weeks ago but you didn't take the hint The GPAA does far more behind the scenes for the mining communities, yes communities, than you will ever do or know The GPAA has thousands of members that do far more behind the scenes than you ever will or ever know Go on an keep complaining, just go somewhere else and do it I/we are tired of it, in the immortal words of the Hag....TAKE THIS MEMBERSHIP AND SHOVE IT MOVE ON This will be the last time I will address you Adam GO FORTH AND COMPLAIN ELSE WHERE Bill Gotta let my key board cool down
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Nov 2016 04:41 PM |
LOL... I have Fox News on, watching the new Election Headquarters as the results are beginning to roll in but this thread is even more entertaining albeit less important. I just knew it was a matter of time until some took their gloves off. Adam is extremely passionate over his views and I could tell he was most likely beginning to rub enough people wrong that his time here might be cut short whether he left on his own accord or not. Adam, I have seen some positive contributions from you on other threads and I actually agree that this website and the forums need improving... But calling out the leadership in the way you have been is unfortunately probably not going to produce the results you seek bro.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
08 Nov 2016 05:40 PM |
Posted By WILLIAM HALL on 08 Nov 2016 04:25 PM
OK the door is open....
I for one Have heard enough PISSIN, MOANING AND WHINING out of you Adam
Adam, sell or in some fashion dump your GPAA membership, please, I would consider buying it from you
As Tim said "you have no clue" how business operates
You bad mouth Brandon, you don't know him or what he does or anything about his life
All you know is, he wont answer your sniveling questions
Brandon, Kevin and the 16 others are not here to hold your hand or wipe your butt, they wont show you where gold is, thats your job
You can "demand" all you want, do you really think that will accomplish any thing ? NO it wont
I will fill out a report a problem it will have your name to be removed on it, I fact I will "demand" it
All you have done since day one is complain and whine about how Kevin will not answer your simple question, GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON
Your the one that needs to "grow up" and act like an adult instead of a 7 year old throwing a tantrum laying on the floor kicking his feet
My 6 year old grandson doesn't act like that
The only thing that matters to you is post counts
I tried to clue in a few weeks ago but you didn't take the hint
The GPAA does far more behind the scenes for the mining communities, yes communities, than you will ever do or know
The GPAA has thousands of members that do far more behind the scenes than you ever will or ever know
Go on an keep complaining, just go somewhere else and do it
I/we are tired of it, in the immortal words of the Hag....TAKE THIS MEMBERSHIP AND SHOVE IT
This will be the last time I will address you Adam
Gotta let my key board cool down
Pissing and moaning does not get things done .As i give many hours to help the people out with no rewards other than my own satisfaction.Step up and put something forward .I do as I am volunteering my time now to help out in camp .I only have one thing to say ADAM .Put up or shut up.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Nov 2016 10:15 PM |
I have put up. Many times over. I've helped the newbees, I've helped out on the claims while the leaders do & say nothing. And I've never said anything bad about any of you. So William can trash me all he wants & I could care less. I always take the high road... If only the GPAA leadership had a plan and the means to take action to save the GPAA...They should learn from our new Pres. with... 'Make the GPAA great again'.
But unfortunately the GPAA leadership stands by and does nothing.
The plan forward?
#1 Contact your new Pres. Trump...Ask him to force the USFS & BLM to be more Gold Prospector/Miner friendly...
#2 "The GPAA is not a resort"...Make it a resort, you might get the wives & kids to go. The GPAA will make money. I just got back from Yosemite. While at the old Grand Majestic hotel I thought, "Why can't the GPAA make money like this?"...$380 a night or camping $30
#3 George Massie inspired people about the hopes and the future of the GPAA...Now the leadership says and does nothing...You figure out the rest.
#4 It's the 21st Century, will the on-line guide be working before I turn 100? You figure out the rest.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
12 Nov 2016 08:07 AM |
I see a lot of complaining on this board about the leadership, but in reality.....I believe this board is created to "only" give the members a means and way to share idea's, method's, and general knowledge with "each other". I see the management of GPAA is just that...."management". If you ever ran a business, with more than 10 or 20 employees, you would know that spending time answering questions on a bulletin board like this is not quite gonna happen. Sure it is nice to hear occasionally from the leaders, but to "expect" that from them is asking too much. Like I said, this is a convenient way to share ideas with each other and give each of you the opportunity to meet some fellow prospectors. There are many members in the GPAA that use this as a means to have access to property to prospect on. Yes it would be nice, to have everyone share information on their success on the GPAA claims, but what I have learned is, many are unwilling to advertise the honey hole locations. Would you? The only thing that bothers me to a certain degree is that the outings and common dig operations. Is the gold that is found in the already supplied dirt to process, has it been salted? I think so....but then again....I believe management may do so, more with the intent to provide participants with the "experience" of finding gold and the methods used to do it, so that at some day they can be confident in their own ability to go out and do it themselves. I don't think we will ever know just how well some claims produce over others.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Nov 2016 08:19 AM |
I actually have shared my honey holes, because others did it for me. All they asked was "don't run the dirt we're drying out for the dry washer". That kind of friendly prospector is an asset to the GPAA
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
12 Nov 2016 09:11 AM |
its cool to do that if you are confident in your abilities and your willingness to share with others, however, human nature being what it is.....more people than others will not do that. The proof being as you see here, that not many comments are returned with specific info on a claim. That is expected. I think it is rather imposing on me if I ask someone specifically to show me where they are finding their gold. Somewhat like an unspoken courtesy between all prospectors, unless one freely parts with the information. i know of too many instances where the info gets out via friendly exchange, and then the location actually gets cleaned out. Not fair for the person who did the work of locatiing the prospect. Bottom Line. And this is not the fault of the management of the GPAA.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Nov 2016 10:21 AM |
I have given this a lot of thought for two reasons. One, I have a YouTube Channel and bigger Instagram Channel where I share all of my locations and techniques for Relic Hunting. The other reason, I am a newbie to Gold Prospecting and have sought out anyone who would share information on locations and techniques for Nugget Shooting. Which the 2, Relics and Gold, can't be fairly compared in terms of rarity and value (in a general sense). With that in mind, I haven't expected or asked for the geocoordinates to any Gold Patches, Viens or Lodes for that matter. I have asked questions about which claims are most productive, are they trashy, have any large nuggets been reported recently, camping conditions, about snakes, stuff like that and I get nothing but crickets... I understand those who have replied just aren't familiar with the Gold Basin or haven't been on or around our claims there in years, but with hundreds of views I am guessing those who have are simply here to read, take and not share or.... nobody has ever gone there LOL... Not sure. I cannot speak from any personal experience just yet... I only know my nature. I am going and I can't see me, reading some future members questions about the Gold Basin and not sharing what I know or what I will experience. In fact, I will share it to the world on my YouTube Channel and Instagram. Perhaps, I can influence or impact change of how we members interactive, share and learn from each other. Hopefully as I plan on visiting more claims and I believe the more insight I have, the more I will enjoy my visits.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
12 Nov 2016 10:34 AM |
You have a good attitude toward it all. I think.... usually the experienced prospectors feel they have no need to ask questions and don't come here, and there are many more newer prospectors than old...It may be too that many do not find gold at nothing to share. But that would be discouraging if true. Like others have said in the past...older prospectors have a very independent attitudes, mistrust most people except their close companions, and have generally done things the hard way.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
12 Nov 2016 07:58 PM |
I agree with Tim, I myself put together three outings this year plus took up a fight against the BLM, the US Forest Department, and filed on two new claims. I have fought my ass off this year to keep our mining rights available and looking forward to making more available. I am wanting to expand to hard rock and dry washing besides our river sluicing/dredging, but you may not hear from us very often because not only are we busy some of our leaders have passed away, some of us have our ass kicked by lands made impossible to cross, and some of us are still in the middle of a fight. Even though I don't have the money I filed on two new claims this year along with a partner, I damn near got killed dealing with lands that tree huggers are making impossible to use, and I filed a lawsuit against the US Govt for blockading land from people that are elderly, disabled, and handicapped. You want to know where the leadership is, what did YOU do this year? It really pisses me off to have somebody join and expect the hard work of others turned over to them. Prospecting is not for the faint of heart, unlike TV there is work behind it. People will generally lend most others a hand but as you learn you need to pass that knowledge down, you need to find a partner, and you need to find a group of individuals to share your burden. If you want guidance just ask, there is somebody here that will help you, but I don't think you know what is going on behind the lines and to learn that you might just want to try to file on your own claim. Benjamin Crain, President of The Western Colorado Chapter of Gold Prospectors Association of America
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Nov 2016 08:44 AM |
"pick a problem near and dear to your heart"
The San Gabriel Mountains east fork river is mine. We battled the 'Monument' status to no avail. Watch Shannon Poe's east fork you tube video with the FS...He reasoned with and educated the Ranger. I tried to rally everyone during the public comment period about the future use of the east fork with a comment about how it's on the map because of Gold, so the history is primarily Gold panning, and it should be allowed to continue...But they are threatening to arrest Gold panners soon.
Sooooooo, that's why I'm saying for the 10th time...Why can't the GPAA leadership be more like Shannon Poe???
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
13 Nov 2016 09:04 AM |
Who is actually giving them the approval to cut the tree's? That i think needs to be found out. This is something that needs to be taken directly to Washington DC. DT Junior is an outdoorsman and willing to listen to these issues. That is where it needs to go. BLM management has had 8 years of infiltration by the operative of these activists. I dont see much happening like that in Nevada, but then again they don't have as many tree's. A lobbying office is needed in DC or at least a group organized to start contact with the right personnel.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
13 Nov 2016 09:33 AM |
Here is a morsal of food for thought.......since these "National Monuments" are generally created with a stroke of the President's pen, I see no reason they can't be disolved by the same...... While I have no objection tto the creating of one that is truly deserving, and at the minimal area required for protection, most have been done to just flat out lock it up, and should be returned to multiple use. I have to wonderif it would be worth the effort and work to push that adgenda................
I don't think you will see many created in the next four ears. I also see the Keystone XL getting "greenlighted in the first 100 days.
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
13 Nov 2016 09:35 AM |
How did the Rogue river, one of the richest rivers in Oregon, end up banned from mineral entry?
Buy a lifetime membership like I did.
Put your money where your mouth (or keyboard) is. Lobbying costs money. Leadership can do nothing without membership support.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
13 Nov 2016 10:09 AM |
The issue with "reversing" a National Monument set aside....there is also this unspoken courtesy that no one wants to undo something as such, because the reversal would lead the next party in poor to do the same. However, I feel "who cares, why worry about that from happening." Politics is a never ending game, and opportunities to take advantage of a "power play" should be done. And if the decisions made during the "power play" were great and improved the country.....No one would be very interested in reversing those gains. At the very least, I believe the rules can be changed in the so called land grab monuments, to still allow certain activities that had historical continue. At least on the recreational level.