Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
18 Nov 2016 05:24 PM |
Scott Dunn, Where are you out of? The reason I ask is because the GPAA leadership is not just out of California from headquarters but it truly lies within individual chapters. Don't be discouraged by what you read here on this site because this site is not going to lead you to the gold, you finding your local chapter and joining will, but there is still work to be done by every individual so please don't use the national site to put you into a gold hole, instead use this site for information on how to find a group of active prospectors in your area and then join them. When I first joined the GPAA and got the book I thought for sure the claims would be full of gold, instead I realized there was nothing there. But at the same time I joined a Chapter that had their own claims and from that point on I started finding gold, and because I became so active I was elected President. From there I now have 90 acres of my own claims, I am setting up some hard rock mining and dry washing with like minded groups. After all, we are prospectors, and we should be taking advantage of everything that presents itself to us. This forum is best used to connect to other like minded people, why don't you post up and ask where your nearest Chapter is? I live in Grand Junction Colorado and the Chapter here starts up and then falls apart, and it does it over and over again. That is why I am the President of the Western Colorado Chapter, it includes everybody on the Western Slope and not the group that cant seem to get along in the Grand Junction Chapter. Look for a club that has monthly meetings, encourages new comers, has their own claims, takes no crap off of anybody (Just like John Wayne Toilet Paper), fights the BLM, and is organized. One other thing that is important is a facebook page. I can't stand facebook but because it has become the main means of communication for many when we opened our page and rallied against the BLM we had several other lands rights and miners groups join us in the fight, it made a huge difference. Visit our Facebook Page and ask to become a member if you like, we are involved with a lot of groups. Benjamin Crain President of Western Colorado Chapter of Gold Prospector Association of America
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Nov 2016 08:45 AM |
Just so we're not getting side tracked here, I'm not talking so much about the GPAA website leadership, I'm talking about the lack of GPAA leadership. Period...Compared to the George Massie days.
Ben said it all...Leadership is local. And in my opinion, it's because there's no national leadership. Their lack of website participation is a side issue, meaning where's the on line guide etc.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Nov 2016 03:53 PM |
Not to minimize any good points, not everyone lives anywhere near a chapter or have much opportunity to participate in a chapter, and in these cases the online interaction, sharing and learning is all some have who share in our passion. Anyways, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
19 Nov 2016 04:53 PM |
Adam, I tried polite, let's just be straight up. I have been an ACTIVE member of GPAA and LDMA for 3 years. I never heard of you before your whining here. I think several people have said this, put your blood, sweat, and time up or shut up. I think you have a serious mis conception of what the Gold PROSPECTORS Association of America is, it is not the Gold Lobbiests of America. If you want to join an organization that's primary motive is not gold prospecting but lobbying, join AMRA or PLP. As far as Chapters not being close, start one, I drive 5 hours to go to chapter meetings and longer than that to other claims. So don't whine to me about 3 hours anyone. Again I have to say, you really have no clue. The Executive staff alone if the organization puts many hours in on their own time and dime, Going to fund raisers, cleans up, hearings, court sessions, and things I know nothing about. I have no idea what the rest of the stafff does, but I am sure they are just as active. So step or shut up whiners. If you have specific questions ask, if someone active on here knows the answer they will tell you. When they get online. Some of us have lives and not muc time to be online daily. Also the GPAA staff I not your research staff. If they know an answer they will share it. If not then they usually will say that too. Now I have a seasons worth of concentrates to run and no more time for children.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Nov 2016 05:19 PM |
I have put forth solutions, right here in this thread topic. You didn't read them, it seems you're more into romper room comments. This organization has bad leadership, and I've proved it to you...I HAVE put blood, sweat and tears in this, all while the leadership says and does nothing. "Going to fund raisers, cleans up, hearings, court sessions, and things I know nothing about." What fund raisers? They never discuss where & when...Bad leadership. Clean ups? In the San Gabriel Mountains, the trash is blamed on prospectors, and the clean ups are done by people like me with no help from the GPAA. If they tried my solutions, they might have buckets of money for those court sessions...But they don't because of no leadership. Period. There are people here who like things the way they are with maybe 7 or 8 people hanging out at this website. Others like me, want to see our 34,000 members actually do something to save the GPAA. If you want to call it whining...Whatever, change may never come at this slow pace. When was the last time the GPAA leadership came out and said anything? (Dub in the sounds of Crickets here)
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Nov 2016 05:31 PM |
Just when you think this thread is dead... It comes back to life LOL Tim: I began in my last reply by stating I did not want (as I agree) to minimize your great points. However, not everyone is like you, or me, whoever... Everyone has their lives, challenges, aspirations and situations that make everyone unique. With that in mind. MANY people value the convenience of sharing and discussing, teaching and learning online just as you enjoy doing this in person with a Chapter. Clearly the GPAA leadership recognizes this and have created this website. I simply feel it would be great for the GPAA leadership to continue to develop and improve the GPAA membership experience online. To state that all the answers lie in Chapters and this website shouldn't serve a similar purpose as a virtual Chapter experience I feel would be only limiting the GPAA potential for continued growth, especially with the new generations of Gold Prospectors coming up behind us. That's all. Now if I didn't speak to any other great points you made, it's cause I agree. BTW, I hope I don't come across as a whiner as I love this stuff, and I've enjoyed all of the conversations, discussions and I have learned quite a bit. I want to be clear, I don't know any of the leadership and therefore wouldn't or couldn't fairly judge them, nor have I. I have made suggestions, offered my opinions but in no way do I pass any judgment or harbor any negative perceptions.
Freddie Beck New Member Posts:53 
19 Nov 2016 07:12 PM |
Adam I must agree with everything Tim said. The leadership (Kevin, Brandon, and the rest) have lives outside of the GPAA. Also we can't assume they aren't doing anything because I know Kevin has been super busy the past 4+ months with team endeavor as well as gold shows. Now that that has died down I'm sure they need to get a bit of down time and family time. I'm also sure that when they get a few minutes they will check in but again they are busy behind the scenes doing many things that we don't see. I respect Kevin for everything he has done. I met him twice and both times he went out of his way to make sure to say hello and assist and answer any questions I had in person and on here (yes it took a couple weeks on here again due to his busy schedule ) but I got an answer. Just my 2 cents.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Nov 2016 07:27 PM |
So that's the problem...A part time association looking for a full time solution to many issues. That doesn't win court cases...That doesn't get an on-line mining guide going does it? That lack of leadership is the problem. George Massie had leadership skills, at least he warned us to unite ....And the current leadership says and does nothing.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
19 Nov 2016 07:50 PM |
 Anybody care to join me for a swim on my new claim?
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
19 Nov 2016 07:52 PM |
Posted By <a href='' class='af-profile-link'>Benjamin Crain</a> on 19 Nov 2016 07:50 PM Anybody care to join me for a swim on my new claim? If I were closer I would in a heartbeat... Now where'd I put that 5 ml. Wetsuit? 
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
19 Nov 2016 08:11 PM |
Brave Lass, you need a 7mm minimum and a farmer John's. but a Dry suit will be best.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
19 Nov 2016 08:30 PM |
"So that's the problem...A part time association looking for a full time solution to many issues. That doesn't win court cases...That doesn't get an on-line mining guide going does it? That lack of leadership is the problem. George Massie had leadership skills, at least he warned us to unite ....And the current leadership says and does nothing. "
Stop looking for the GPAA to solve some of your questions. I have my own at times and ask and usually somebody can give me a lead to at least a link that can lead me in the right direction, but not always. I have had a few problems with the GPAA leadership not following up myself and not all with administrative rights really know what they are doing.
What really bothers me is the follow up time and the fact we have gone to war against the BLM in Colorado and the leadership will show up for shows but when it comes to helping in a legal battle it is crickets. And I am not talking about a legal battle per individuals, I am talking the big ones that effects us all and will for decades to come. I also understand that these people have lives of their own and that is why I filed my own lawsuits against the DOI and BLM, frankly I don't think the leadership of the GPAA has the first clue how to fight what the BLM is doing because they are accustomed to the restrictions they grew up under in California.

Do you know what this sign says? It says that all Handicapped, Disabled, and Elderly people cannot access this trail and to make matters worse Volunteers from the Sierra group have cut hundreds of trees and dragged them across trails so even if on foot you had better be ready and able of crawling over downed trees across your trails. This is going on all over the West and at times even encouraged by the BLM and US Forestry Department. This is in direct violation of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and they are doing it anyway, they don't care. So when we asked the BLM leaders if they were going to help us our not we got crickets, it's not because they don't want to help it's because they are clueless of the issues at hand, and it is the same for the GPAA Leadership?
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
19 Nov 2016 11:45 PM |
Lol. Likely true! My old suit was only 3mm farmer john with jacket. It was 40 degrees at 60ft in the lake during scuba class. I did used to swim in Colorado streams as a child on vacation with my parents and they were quite cold, but that was Sumner. 
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Nov 2016 07:57 AM |
Ben my friend, I wish you could get this story to Pres, Trump...Then a photo of you & him and a Gold friendly Sec. of Interior and a good injury attorney. I know the President would clear those trails and help you sue the crap out of the BLM & the USFS. Try the local news first. We have those investigator news guys here in So. Cal. Our local 'Turko' news guy embarrassed the FS over road closures and disabled access to Gold claims. Turko won a round for us...If only the GPAA leadership had the guts to help you and your painful problem.
Brandon could help you, but he won't, because in my opinion, he doesn't do or say much...That's the problem. Ben, you need to rattle some cages and get your story national. The BLM intentionally hurts people. I've seen these log barriers, they are here too. They say the barriers are there to stop vehicle traffic...I know local tv news people, maybe they know a Co. media person who could help?
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
20 Nov 2016 10:08 AM |
Adam, You have no idea the fight I have had this year and a few people and groups have joined the cause. A woman by the name of Marjorie Haun posted just one of my articles and the pictures I took, if you would like to read it here it is; The thing is, people around the nation do not have a clue of what is being done to our wilderness, we are losing access to the very few and super rich that want to come out and enjoy the view. I just acquired 2 claims both on the side of piece of property for sale for 7 million. It's a trophy trout fishing club yet I can fish the same waters without having to spend $375 a night to stay at the ranch. You got Robert Redford buying up land in Utah, Washington, California, and Montana. Then you got those like Jane Fonda buying land in Montana, and when they move in they try to change the laws or buy there will.
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
20 Nov 2016 12:52 PM |
You may not know it but Jane Fonda is dead and none of us
Vietnam Veterans had anything to do with it.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Nov 2016 02:42 PM |
So when I find out who Pres. Trump's Sec. of Interior is, we must all write him with all of this. To tell your story & restore the 1872 Mining Act. The fact that they use 'Wilderness areas' to deny us access should be illegal. The rich environmental extremists buying every acre that's not a wilderness area should not include the mineral access and fishing. I'm pretty sure the feds own the rivers...
If everyone helps out and writes this letter, something might get done. With or without the help of the GPAA leadership.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
20 Nov 2016 03:52 PM |
If I might interject a comment or two. Perhaps the AMRA(American Mining Rights Association) or the PLP(Public Lands for the People) organizations might be more suited to dealing with the issues of public land access. I'm not sure that public land access is the main focus for the GPAA or even a secondary one. However, I must say that I haven't found where GPAA states what the organization's objectives are. Another avenue would be to contact your Congressperson or Senator to raise the issues. If enough of us do that, maybe some of the Feds charged with stewardship of the public lands will wake up. The issue about the online Mining Guide has been addressed previously about a month or so ago. The answer was: it isn't in electronic format to prevent unscrupulous people from taking the information and disseminating it to those who are not members.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
20 Nov 2016 05:53 PM |
Joseph, Jane Fonda's death is a hoax, that communist super rich bitch is alive and well, but when she does pass away I will dance a jig that will even embarrass my wife, and I will probably do it naked out in my front yard for the world to see.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
20 Nov 2016 06:02 PM |
I seen that same story pop up and I was thinking "No way, its too good to be true"....and when I clicked to read the story it took me to some BS scam site. be careful