Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
20 Nov 2016 06:04 PM |
Once again, I encourage all to join AMRA....they have great claims as well. So its not just a membership either.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
20 Nov 2016 08:03 PM |
Did you ever watch the 1968 Film Barbarella? If you did I am sorry, it left mental scars on millions of people, and especially the children that watched it. We have a term these days that describes that entire movie, it is "WTF"?
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
21 Nov 2016 06:07 AM |
We fight the same battles with leadership and the agencies in the OHV community as well. But we did get trails for 4x4's where none were desiginated in a planning document. Stay with it and use the regs/laws/rules to back up your point. Do your research with the feds, just like you do in finding a claim.
BC, I'll probably join you, if I outlive the bit**. Ol Henry has to still be spinning at around mach 9 over that.
Robert Baker Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Nov 2016 08:58 AM |
I for one am glad that Tom SOLD the Gpaa/Ldma to Brandon in the last five years the tom had the gpaa/ldma he let them run down to a shameful mess. Brandon and other leaders of the gpaa/ldma have spent the last five years cleaning up the mess left behind> they have spent many hours planning and working to make it back into something George can be proud of.
I have spent time with most of the leaders of this great org. and they all want to make it into a family friendly org. again. They as well as a few good people have spent at five camps making them usable and clean and user friendly.
If you want a org. to fight for mining rights in the public the join arma or ppl the gpaa/ldma work behind the scenes with these groups and some others to fight the beauracrats for mining rights.
I for one am tired of your whining about Brandon and the rest of the leadership. If you truly want to fight the system start writing texting calling your government reps about your rights which we all should do.
Have a wonderful whiney day
Linda & SpongeBob
Proud members of team endeavor and gpaa/ldma
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Nov 2016 09:30 AM |
And I'm tired of Brandon's lack of leadership and his silence...Just today...On the news, Pres. Obama OUTLAWED Gold mining near Yellowstone. So what will Brandon's and the GPAA's response be??? (Dub in the sounds of Crickets here)
"and they all want to make it into a family friendly org. again" That proves my point, it's not.
"tom had the gpaa/ldma he let them run down to a shameful mess" And sadly. this also proves my point.
I thought Tom might care more than he does, an error on my part. So the question remains "Where's the GPAA leadership?"
Oh ya, and welcome to the Forum. I see that was your third post. I hope everyone notices that I've never said anything bad about any member, even the one's with the "You're a whiner' romper room comments. I'm trying to fix the broken GPAA. But I see some of you like it the way it is....Broken and Rudderless (For those of you from Rio Linda, a Rudder steers the boat.)
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
21 Nov 2016 02:14 PM |
Hi Adam
Always happy to see people step up to the plate.
I do hope that you have already sent properly edited letters to local business owners, environmentalists and Montana elected officials who have opposed the Canadian company’s project. Also you could organized a letter writing program through forums with instructions on how to layout the letter. I am sure that GPAA members as well as members in other clubs would also be willing to put hand to pen to help. Thank you for your efforts and being involved in advance.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
21 Nov 2016 04:12 PM |
Walter, thanks for your info skills, I could use a list of folks to write to. We can start at the top with this...
"President Trump, Two months before you became our 45th President, the out going President Obama outlawed Gold Mining near Yellowstone. Please restore Americas 1872 Mining Rights Act, and open up the Gold Mines and the Coal Mines again. President Trump, you said you would put the Miners back to work, and the Gold Miners & Prospectors need your help too. Some of our members have been hurt by felled trees blocking roads that should be open to the public. The 1872 Mining Act needs to be up held and restored to its rich history. I know many folks in the GPAA (Gold Prospectors Association of America) voted for you because we know you will remove the EPA/BLM/USFS restrictions on Gold Prospecting.
Thank you President Trump.
_______________ (Sign your name)
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
21 Nov 2016 07:57 PM |
Step up and do something without complaining, it's time we all stood up and burry the blade into the people trying to block our lands from us. We fight, and we need to keep up the fight if we are going to win this battle, I will post a new post shortly from a conversation I had earlier this evening and everybody needs to be aware of.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
22 Nov 2016 10:39 AM |
We are all like minded in that we got obsessed, to some varying degree, over prospecting for the Au.
If nothing else, the discourse over the last 4 pages has almost come full circle. There is more respect in the posts, more substantive information and some strategy, with a letter example, for returning the rights of the land to the rights of the people.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Dec 2016 10:00 AM |
Come on GPAA leadership...Say something...Do something...How about a congrats to Trump since he's miner friendly?...How about a 'We need a Gold friendly Interior Sec.' How about a woohoo & a hooray!! for the new EPA chief. The Sierra Club hates him, so that means we support him 100%.
The Dec-Jan Pick & Shovel Gazette says absolutely nothing about any of this. (Put in the sounds of Crickets here) The Pick & Shovel headline is 'Send us more money for gift memberships'. Whether or not the GPAA deserves more money depends on what they say and do about our mining future.
This month, the GPAA wasted a Golden opportunity...They said nothing about the real headlines & dropped the pan again.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Dec 2016 11:11 AM |
Don't expect Brandon and the rest of the staff to jump at your every demand. They are rying to rebuild a nationwide organization. Tough job in any case. If the GPAA doesn't meet your expectations, then perhaps you would be better off joining another organization that will jump to your demands.......
They are taking steps, maybe small ones right now, but at least they are steps in the right direction.
From a longtime GPAA member
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
08 Dec 2016 11:48 AM |
Time to unite. Adam, With your passion for the subject, please contact your local R congressman, senator, representative, etc... and assist them in understanding what we all understand all too clearly. We are losing our rights.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Dec 2016 07:01 PM |
Unfortunately here in California there are no legislative (R) Republicans...They're all bought & paid for brain dead communist anti Gold mining liberals. That's why we are focusing on writing to Pres. Trump, and the new EPA chief Mr. Pruitt & hopefully a Gold friendly Interior Sec. And the GPAA leadership needs to say something...But they're not saying anything
The GPAA doesn't respond to (my) demands...In fact...They don't respond to anything. Great leadership.
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
08 Dec 2016 08:45 PM |
ADAM, See if I got this right?
You said "And the GPAA leadership needs to say something...But they're not saying anything" You mean they are not saying anything to "YOU".
Maybe that is because they are to busy saying things to the right people that CAN do something. They don't need to worry about "YOU", you are already getting plenty of attention crying in this forum. 
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Dec 2016 07:36 AM |
This isn't about me. It's about us...All of us. The GPAA doesn't need to say anything to me...They need to say something to all of us...Period. You guys can trash me all you want, but don't hold your breath waiting for the GPAA to say something about our mining future. That's the problem Joe. Click on the 'news' above. Are the headlines telling us what's going on? No. Are the headlines saying anything at all? No.
Ok, without changing the subject, answer this..."When was the last time the GPAA said anything? To anybody? Show me...
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
09 Dec 2016 12:15 PM |
Thanks Kevin
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 Dec 2016 02:33 PM |
Thanks Kevin.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 Dec 2016 02:40 PM |
I swore I wasn't going to do this; but Adam you are proof that some people are not worth the air they breath. No matter how many time you have this explained you do not get it. I know it is hard for you to understand this but maybe if I type slow: Y O U. A R E N O T T H E C E N T E R O F T H E U N I V E R S E. Now go look at the link Kevin posted and start writing polite letters. The leadership has addressed your issue and given a direction to go. You got your wish.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Dec 2016 09:33 PM |
Again, this isn't about me...And I don't care about 'being the center of the universe'. About the letter writing...I have written those letters. Trash me all you want, I could care less. My only goal here is moving forward with a plan to up hold the 1872 Mining Act. Thanks for the link Kevin.