Okay fellow members... Last attempt at hopefully some discovery. Tomorrow early I head out on my very first Nugget Shooting adventure and it's going to be in the Gold Basin Arizona. So I have studied the claims as much as possible with whatever info including videos I could find. I have the Footprints on the Gold Basin. But curious what others here would choose and why. I am only going to have 4 days and 3 nights and perhaps I will try both but I am headed down to camp on site and believe knowing me and my approach, I will probably focus on one claim area on this trip. I have selected either the Bahde 10 and 11 (maybe 12,13 and 14) or the Hoppy 1-4. The Bahde is on the foothills of the northern hills of the basin and the Hoppy is almost dead center of the basin (lower point). Just above further up the hill of the Bahde appears to be a small area of open BLM (will double check out there)... The hills intrigue me a bit more for Nugget Shooting as the Hoppy appears to be more favorable to Dry Washing or something. Anyways, thoughts, opinions, advice very welcome... But I won't see anything after tonight as I will be there through Wednesday.