this might be of some interest for some.
We should start pushing for Donald Trump’s help right now. He has put up a web site asking for our input on what needs to be changed to help America become great again.
We have put up an “Action Alert” page at which provides the web site address and some sample language you can make use of to provide Mr. Trump with your own message. It will only take a few minutes of your time.
Our sample language provides a link to a letter which our attorney, James Buchal, wrote to Mr. Trump on 17 November. The letter goes a long way to explain what we have been up against.
I suggest the most likely chance of winning our industry back is through assistance that could be provided by the new Trump administration. The more of us he hears from, the more likely we will be put further up on his priority list.
Thanks in advance for all that you guys do to support our efforts!