Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Dec 2016 07:28 PM |
I got a message from Membership services the other day asking me why I have not sent in my renewal after being a member for over 4 years. I kind of wanted to share my thinking here because I don't think the explanation sunk into the young Lady enough so that the powers that be will have a clue. Blanket comment- the GPAAA is a great organization that is doing great things. Just not so much for the east Coast.
Now I'll grant that living in FLORIDA, just about the only state known to NOT have gold, is not the BEST place to expect any support from the GPAA. I understand that for me to be apart of anything requires at least 8 hours of travel. What was disappointing was that in all this time I have seen absolutely nothing added to the Georgia Claims owned by the GPAA in the entire time I have held a membership. Now this is not in anyway a bash on the Ga-GPAA members. The people we have met are awesome, friendly and welcoming. In fact- they have been the ONLY reason why I have not let my membership lapse already. I would have thought that trying to gain some sort of access to some lands in the Gold Belt of Georgia would be popular. Sadly, it's just not there.
So I have been faced with spending money on a membership where I will see very little return on fun until I move out of this Panning wasteland to west coast or trying to find a local group who own pvt land. With that I'm tipping my hat in farewell and wish all Diggers out there the best of luck! I'll re-up again once I am in a place where I can get more time getting wet n dirty.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
13 Dec 2016 08:36 PM |
Roy, I have to agree with you. I love the GPAA and LDMA; but as an East Coaster and also live no in Florida I feel like a black sheep cousin. You hear about Dominic visiting Stanton several times lately, and how they have found new claims for the LDMA membership. But other that outings, the management does not come east. We have made no progress to finding new claims to prospect on. Our outing and show schedule always seem like they were thrown together last second. So yes I have to agree being a member East of the Mississippi River sometimes feels like it is not worth it.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
14 Dec 2016 06:21 AM |
As a resident of Florida as well, I have to agree sort of, but when I think of gold mining I think of this to be an exclusive west coast sort of thing....just because of the history. But even still yes the gold on the east coast is harder to get because of the tighter confines of property ownership. I go to northern Nevada regularly, and wow......I just feel like the land out there is all mine to explore. There is so many places to go and be on BLM land and really never encounter any restrictions. I have been a LDMA member now for several years and have not yet gone to an outing or visited one of their claims. But yet it is good to know that I have that in my pocket, and access to many research information, and advise from others that I think would not provide the exposure to me.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
14 Dec 2016 07:47 AM |
HI all
The East Coast states have a lot of opportunity for good gold finds. There are gold belts that go from north to south that are very fordable and in some area very lucrative for the weekender or vacationer. We are looking for more areas throughout the east coast to lease but need members to find the owners and convince them that we do not tear up the place. That being said most of the states out there have a lot of respect for the land owners and what they are allowed to do on their land. This comes down to easy motorized sluice and dredge use in many of the states even easier than most of the western states in many cases. So I guess what I am saying is that east coast could be a great small mining area. I know many years ago GPAA use to have access to some of the paper mill areas by the corporations that owned or leased the land. This would be great, many of them have thousands of acres and we would only have to move from one area to another to stay out of where they are harvesting. Just a thought, if you find anything give us a call.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
14 Dec 2016 08:05 AM |
Does the GPAA have any pictures or drawings that will show the locations of these "gold belts"? It would be helpful knowing especially if we were looking to buy property in these locations, that the probability of having gold would be greater. I hope you guys can put something together and post it on the site.
Greg Miller New Member Posts:65 
14 Dec 2016 12:28 PM |
You can get a good idea of the Gold Belt by looking at this 1897 Gold Map of the Southeastern US. Also there is valuable information in this pdf:

Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
14 Dec 2016 12:37 PM |
Greg...thanks! That basically looks like it covers the whole Appalachian Mountains......
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2016 03:05 PM |
I do have the warm and fuzzies that we are thought of but if the GPAA is only expecting the East Coast members to add to the claims on the east coast it is no wonder there has been nothing in a few years.
I'm all for the One for all and all for one bit but what tools do we have to do it on our own? Does the GPAA have youtube vids showing members HOW to target and locate possible locations? How to Research owners? The proper way to approach these people without sounding like AMWAY Salesmen? Does the GPAA have Official Public Relation Vids that (we as non legal representatives of the group) can suggest these Nameless Land owners watch to see what benefits THEY may be missing out on. I am not one to promise things I have no control over. I, as a simple member, have no authority to.
I joined the group to have fun in what little spare time I have working a day job and keeping a side business going. I'm kind of hoping there is a little more to gaining claims than giving the members Watchtower booklets and scooching them out the door. I know I have no clue on even how to start. That was one of the reasons I kind of joined. Networking.
Greg Miller New Member Posts:65 
14 Dec 2016 04:11 PM |
Thank you so much for the suggestions. Beginning February we are planning on hitting the road in an effort to create some videos in line with what you have suggested, and we'll definitely look to cover your topics. Thank you again for the feedback. It helps us to know what is needed. Our goal is to offer valuable benefits to ALL members across the country.
We had good discussions at the Charlotte Gold & Treasure Show which turned into valuable leads on land for GPAA Members back east where we're actively working to improve our offerings. We understand your frustration and your want to move on, but we do hope you reconsider membership. It is because of your membership that we're able to announce the launch of our Online Mining Guide early next month. And your membership that will allow us to create some of the educational videos I mentioned which could in turn open up more property on the east coast. We definitely value you and your continued support and we hope to have you back when you're ready.
Thanks again for the suggestions. We'll be sure to post links to the future videos in this forum for all members to use.
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2016 06:03 PM |
Thanks Greg!
That all sounds great. There are a scant few vids on Youtube already that try to show how to work with Google Earth and BLM resources to find probable claims but I never could personally get it to work right. Maybe with a few step-by-step vids we all could learn, and grow.
Ironically enough Zillow sent me an alert to a Cabin for sale in the Dahlonega area right off a stream today. Got me thinking again.
I'll have to sleep on it but I might be able to give it another year...just to see how things pan out. (see what I did there?)
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
14 Dec 2016 07:44 PM |
 There is a HUGE difference between Colorado gold compared to East Coast gold.
East Coast is running about 90% purity while our river gold in Colorado runs about 80%, that and it is some of the hardest gold you have ever worked. It is flattened, gnarled, and the majority comes mixed with your black sands. We are constantly at work creating new inventions to recover it, it is plentiful but most prospectors would just pitch it.
I have a bag of black sands from a recent clean up that is about a cup full but weighs over 3 lbs. When I get my rare earth magnet near it the bag leaps off the counter, but when you run this material again you will find the majority is gold, you just have to learn how to run it and we are perfecting that now with three new inventions. Because the rivers have frozen over I set up one in my garage, maybe ya'll may want to do the same to perfect your technique?
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Dec 2016 02:32 PM |
Um...Mr Crain? Not that I'm not thrilled about your digging- but what does that have to do with the point of my post? The dilemma of the lack of east Coast Claims offered in the GPAA. It's a Given that there IS gold here (except in Florida). We know that. It's the lack of GPAA claims.
ANYHOO...Greg, you silver tongued Devil, ya got another year out of me. Hope to dirt in the pan sometime this year. 
Greg Miller New Member Posts:65 
15 Dec 2016 02:44 PM |
Lol, Silver tongued Devil! I've been called a lot of things in my life... Hahaha. Glad you decided to stick with us for another year. We truly do appreciate your support and we'll do everything we can to make sure it all "pans" out for you  I saw what you did there  haha.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
15 Dec 2016 05:53 PM |
Greg....I was just wondering. You are part of the staff at GPAA? Do they have specific responsibilities assigned that you guys take over or? I am totally unfamiliar with the structure and its good to know who to contact for various areas of expertise. I dont believe I seen a specific formal organizational chart of the GPAA.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
19 Dec 2016 09:15 AM |
Hi Leo
I am Walter Eason and am the Claims Administrator, Greg is the creative director, Brad Jones is the managing editor of publications. This is just a few and if you look into the pick and shovel as well as the magazine you will see some of the other departments. You can also look and some articles are written by department members which are described at beginning or end of article. Hope this helps. I am not sure if there is a complete list online anywhere. There is a good rundown of the customer service persons in the December - January 2017 Pick and Shovel page two.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Dec 2016 11:31 AM |
Greg/Walter - Maybe an article in either the P&S or mag, outlining protocall, and tips, along with potential benefits for landowners for allowing access. That will give everyone help on approaching owners, not only in the eastern half, but those looking to access sites for detecting. Can only help, and those approaching owners would have something in writing to at leaast start the ball rolling.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
19 Dec 2016 04:08 PM |
I will look into an article about that type of thing and how to approach it. It can be so different in different areas. I will try to cover some of that if I can, let me talk to Brad about it.
Emailed Brad about the idea
Roy Greenhalgh Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Dec 2016 04:11 PM |
Having it printed in a mag or newsletter that will be read and stacked away seems counter productive and easily misplaced. Sure...have it in there AS WELL for US to read and review but having a DIGITAL version where we can pull it up and print copies or even a phone app where we can show them would be better. Even business card type things with bullet points of the benefits would be helpful. I figure if we need to pimp out go all the way right? 
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
19 Dec 2016 05:07 PM |
Walter- Thanks, hope it comes to fruition, as well as Roy's follow-up ideas.
Roy- Good additional thoughts. As for a print edition, I would carry it in the rig, then you have it at hand, along with other info from GPAA. Could copy the pertient part to leave with the landowner.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
19 Dec 2016 10:09 PM |
Thanks for the info Walter.