tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Jan 2017 10:45 AM |
Looks like Obama has hit us again by eliminating the old system and putting something in there that you will have to have a major in computer science in to use, just 18 more days if he don't take us all prisoner before then. Tom
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
02 Jan 2017 11:10 AM |
I think the best method is to use Mine Cache as it automatically connects you to the LR2000 to get specifics about the claim you are looking at. Works great for only a $30 fee per year. AAnd its updated quite regularly too
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Jan 2017 12:00 PM |
I have minecache and the diggings but both only give you approx. locations on the maps or overlapping maps and do not give you the geo reports on open ground that you have to figure out yourself anyway. It will give you the report on the claim you click on but not the parcel next door because you don't get the full legal description. It will tell you township, range, section, meridian and say sw quarter but there are eight claims in the sw quarter. Tom
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
02 Jan 2017 12:22 PM |
I never tried using the LR2000 fully....but from what you are saying, there is additional info that will give the precise coordinates of the claims as well? And not that information is not accessible?
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
02 Jan 2017 12:59 PM |
I found that now you have to go through the lr2000 public reports system when you used to be able to click on map viewer and enter location and click report and have all your info at hand and real big pain in the you no what but finally figured it out but still tells you the info might be incorrect, government. Tom
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
03 Jan 2017 09:41 AM |
LR 2000 is a great tool although it only breaks the claim area down to the 1/4 section. This is the reporting system with the BLM and when a claim is recorded with BLM is where the Notice of Location information is discriminated to. The BLM use the same reports although they do have access to information that is not available to the public user. You can look up locations in a number of ways such as claim name if you are interested in a particular claim or if you are interested in a location look up by M/T/R/S and you will see all claim in that section. You also have choice of active, closed, void claims. Each claim also has a serial register page associated with it and that will tell you the location date, how the claim is maintained yearly as well as names on claim and acres of claim. One other thing is it will tell you if it is in more than one section.
Great tool once you get use to using it
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
03 Jan 2017 10:01 AM |
| the only way to get the exact claim boundaries is to visit the county land office in the particular County / State that the claim is located in?
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
03 Jan 2017 11:21 AM |
I will get it from the BLM state office. Most will send a copy of the complete location notice with the map, I will always ask for any amendments with maps also. Always ask for the maps with location and amendments. The cost is usually just a few dollars when they send them by Email. They come in a PDF attachment by email. The cost is more I think if they are sent by mail or faxed. Also you will need to take down the Serial Number of the claim, I always also give them the name of claim but they use serial number for their lookup. I am not much for driving to county offices or trying to get them to research and send items to me. Also if the claim holder added a map for clarification to BLM those do not have to be recorded at county so you may not see all maps at county office.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
03 Jan 2017 11:28 AM |
So the State BLM office will have the most complete records in most cases?
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Jan 2017 11:29 AM |
The biggest problem is with individuals who miss describe the location like using only NW quarter. there are north, south, east and west of the NW quarter. The proper way would be S 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4. Wont have to worry about it much with over a foot of snow on the ground and still snowing through Thursday an then more on sat. and then a warm rain on Sunday, them sluice traps I have set should be catching gold with all the run off. Tom
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
03 Jan 2017 11:57 AM |
That is true and is good reason to get the map with the location. Also if it states S or south on the aliquant would automatically be ½ and NW or SW would be a ¼. But I always want to see a map with location but that is just me.
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Jan 2017 12:02 PM |
we are a geographic oddity here, 300 miles from everywhere including the state office. Tom
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
03 Jan 2017 05:58 PM |
My 2 cents: I have gone to the local county office in N. Idaho (Moscow in Latah Co.). It seems to me that some folks, when filing claims do not understand that SW SW S xx means sw 1/4 of the sw 1/4 of Section xx. Their description does not necessarily jibe with their drawing of the location. Seems to me that BLM should be more diligent on their location requirements, requiring at least a grid drawn section map with it gridded to at least q/4 section or 1/8 section grids. Wayne
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Jan 2017 09:26 AM |
We had one file on two forty acre claims above us this last year thinking they had just scored on the creek but in fact they had filed on the mountain top actually better ground than the creek so they forfeited them right after when they almost got mineralized. If you have claims keep them well marked no matter how many times they shoot them up and the tree huggers tear them down. Tom
Mike Miner Greenhorn Posts:9 
19 Jan 2017 12:11 PM |
Does anyone know if there are any classes or seminars I could attend that breaks down the use and information we can obtain with the LR2000. I have tried using it a couple of times just to understand it and found myself really confused. Tried talking with our local BLM office (Kingman, Az.) and didn't get much headway there.
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2017 01:17 PM |
The mapping is a different thing now so you have two parts, mapping and reports. I use alltrails national geographic for mapping but you have to have a usgs map to submit on a claim. Sometimes the info. from the county is not good because if they dropped the claim they wont go file with them. Mincache or the Diggings will give you broad area maps but not specific . you have to use the report to get the 1/4 section. blm does not give warranties on the info. A map compass and a map scale is a must for finding location to get you in the right place but a visit to the site is always the best for making sure. Tom
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
19 Jan 2017 03:39 PM |
Anyone know how to get this kind of discussion as a topic in the Gold Shows ??
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2017 06:27 PM |
Try asking Kevin, he makes those decisions.
William Adams New Member Posts:25 
10 Feb 2017 06:27 PM |
Great info, thanks a bunch for the tip
DENNIS KAHRS Greenhorn Posts:19 
10 Feb 2017 10:48 PM |
I think it would be a great benefit to all the GPAA/LDMA members if the GPAA would get someone from the BLM office to come to the gold shows and do training on LR2000. Even if it cost the GPAA a little, it would be well worth it.
What do you say GPAA head shed????