Ken Redington Greenhorn Posts: 
27 Jan 2017 07:28 PM |
Thanks Shawn...but telling me only once would have been I have another few months to bone up before the weather turns.
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
07 Mar 2018 09:26 AM |
Where is Athens and is their a number I can call? 
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
07 Mar 2018 09:26 AM |
Where is Athens and is their a number I can call? 
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
07 Mar 2018 02:14 PM |
Toby, Athens is roughly 18 miles south of Battle Creek on M-66. It is a LDMA property so there may be a fee to access it. Unless it's changed, the number to reach the camp is 269 729 4446. The gold there runs kinda small, but some nicer pieces have been recovered.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Mar 2018 04:05 PM |
LDMA Athens is notfor use by GPAA members except if they get a 3 day pass from Anne at the Ho e office or during a National Outing. LDMA camps are open to LDMA members only otherwise. That is sort of why we paid $5000 to have that exclusive access.
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
07 Mar 2018 05:17 PM |
Hiya Tim! Up until the end of the 2017 season, GPAA members were able to access Athens Camp with a per day use fee, apprx $25/day. I had understood that this was policy for all the camps. Since this may have changed, Toby ya definitely need to call Jerry at Athens to clarify that.
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
07 Mar 2018 05:21 PM |
I guess I won't be going there then I'm a college student at the time won't have 5000 to get a membership for now.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Mar 2018 05:22 PM |
Shawn, at some point last year there was talk of the $25 a day use fee for a limited number of days Lifetime. I know I sound like an asshole, but the caretakers can’t change the LDMA policy and again some of us paid $5000 for exclusive rights. I would check with Dominic Ricci on what they settled as the police about the fee to play policy for the GPAA membership. It was meant to be very limited to encourage you all to join the LDMA.
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
07 Mar 2018 05:24 PM |
As for other places to pan, I recommend ya start with the 1982 Quaternary Map. It shows the surface geology of MI. The purples are the locations for a better shot at finding the shiny. At, I've got links for the rules DNR has for prospecting in Mi along with those areas that we should not be prospecting. Pretty much it says if its a trout/salmon stream, scenic area/river, or has clams, it's off limits to prospecting. Sounds like a lot until ya get out there sniffing around. Then you'll see theres plenty of spots to get a pan wet.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
07 Mar 2018 05:25 PM |
Toby and any other GPAA MEMBERS, you can get a 3 day pass, there is a $25 a day policy, just not sure if it is unlimited visits or a set number and at any outing you are welcome. I am sure the new caretakers will have a few camp outingsthis year. Hopefully they will do a National Outing soon. And you can join the LDMA for as little as $40 a month.
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
07 Mar 2018 05:29 PM |
I rally appreciate all the info. I would love to check it out soon.
Shawn Willett New Member Posts:40 
07 Mar 2018 05:34 PM |
All good Toby, as I understand it, there are a couple chapters that are planning to have outings at Athens, once they get their schedules ironed out, I can link them to our website. I know Dom asked for a per prospector fee for the chapter outing, it was not that expensive. As the wind currently blows for the MI chapter, we're not going to be having an outing there for 2018. That may change after our officer's meeting later this month. @Tim, I feel ya on the exclusive access. That was the way it used to be. Kinda changed after the great recession hit. I've nearly got my LDMA membership paid off. but mine was 3250 at the Dayton Gold Show many years ago.
Nick Straffon Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Mar 2018 07:02 PM |
Starting in May, we will have monthly outings through Sep. Shawn will post our schedule on shortly after 18 March when our Chapter Board develops/approves our summer program. Hope to see you at an outing. You will meet many friendly folks who will help you hone your prospecting skills.
Gary Spoonemore Greenhorn Posts:12 
14 Apr 2018 09:20 AM |
Ken you can go to this web site detector then go down to where to go and click on it and then scroll down to public mining sites and click on it and it will list every state that prospecting can be done.