Erick Jolley Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 12:15 PM |
I'm looking into buying a portable 12v battery power supply for my Keene Mini Max, Would like to find out if anyone has good advice and recommendations on a product brand that's not to pricey but dependable, small, lightweight for hauling in a hunting backpack and will run two 12v 1250GPH water pumps for a good 4 hours or more.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
18 Jan 2017 12:34 PM |
Erick, Don't know if this helps but I have a Stanley Fat Max. It will run a 750 GPH pump for several hours and will also run my 1100 GPH pump several hours also. Don't know the run time exactly because I haven't run it completely down. When I'm running it at home, I usually plug in the charger at the same time it's running but only run 1 pump at a time. Mine is 700 peak amps with 350 amps for jump starting. It weighs about 10 lbs (guessing) and has an air compressor. They are available here at Walmart. I'm not sure but they probably come in different sizes without the compressor. It also has a cigarette style plug in and a USB connection for phone charging, etc. Someone previously said to look at amp hours to figure how long the battery would run with a given draw on it. I'm guessing your pumps will draw at least 1.5 to 2.0 amps each for a total of about 4 amps. Wayne
Erick Jolley Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 12:51 PM |
Hello Wayne,
Stanley is a good brand that I can trust and will look more into your recommendation. Do you know any information about the K K Jump‑N‑Carry 660 Pro Jump Starter?
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
18 Jan 2017 01:09 PM |
Sorry, I don't have any experience with that one. I would be looking at the warranty to see if they back it.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
18 Jan 2017 01:37 PM |
I like the gel cell small motorcycle batteries myself. They are small, lightweight, charge easily, and you don't have to worry about acid spilling. You can get them at Walmart or Batteries Plus cheap or for a premium you need to go to a motorcycle shop. Look on the Batteries Plus website and tell them exactly what you need and they can custom build you a battery pack if necessary.
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 02:19 PM |
I use a Schumacher insta start jump starter. it is light weight and they have gel batteries and you just plug it in to recharge. I have been using one for 3 years and never had to replace the battery yet plus it has a compresser and light and jumper leads plus a 12 volt socket plug. Tom
Erick Jolley Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 02:28 PM |
Ben, this is something that sounds like a good idea, never thought of something like that. Thanks.
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 05:11 PM |
I also use a Schumacher. I have the smaller 400 peak amp with the 12V power outlet. It doesn't have the light or a compressor. The 400 fits in a bucket & I use it for re-circulating a sluice box, or I use it for camping power like charging phones or a small 12V TV, etc. I also use the Schumacher 400 with a small Xantrex 400W Inverter. It has two 110V outlets. It's AC power is good for small TV's & Radios, fans, CPAP's, etc. But it wont power your wife's 500W Hot Air Brush or a Skillsaw.
Erick Jolley Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2017 09:10 PM |
Sounds like Schumacher is the way to go for me. Thank you all for your input and I think what Adam said was a very important point about the wife's 500w Hot Air Brush and Skillsaw. 
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2017 09:54 AM |
I forgot to tell you to get the 12V male to male connector so you can re-charge the Schumacher in your car (while the car is running so you don't kill the cars battery). At Yosemite, we warmed up in the car in the morning, while charging the Schumacher Battery. They're at Wally Mart for $50-$100. I think there are three models and amps.
tom glenn Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2017 01:02 PM |
I made a air tank out of a 2" plastic pipe and the beauty of the compresser is that you can blow out cracks but don't put to much air in it, you don't want to make it to heavy to carry right. My wife also plugs her little 12 vacume in as well. Tom
Laszlo Soltesz Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Feb 2017 04:29 PM |
I use a small Wal Mart 31 Amp, AGM scooter battery to run my bilge pump operated highbanker in British Columbia. Plenty of power, light weight, no chance of acid spill, cheap to buy. I use a solar panel to keep it charged. Works great and best of all its quiet.
Keith Ress Greenhorn Posts:18 
12 Feb 2017 04:32 PM |
I use the same here in Az
Robert Murata New Member Posts:50 
24 Jun 2019 03:26 PM |
What did you end of buying and what kinda battery life are you getting with that sluice and pump?
Lee Johnson New Member Posts:46 
25 Jun 2019 05:58 PM |
Haven't ever used a pack like that .but I had an extra new lawn mower battery I use here at the house. It works great for an 1100 g p h pump .I hope to use it in the field soon .I am planning on classify some material and then run and then pan so it won't be running all the time .I am using an angusmackirk sidekick sluice. I have set up as a recurcualer.. I will post more after I use it in the field and let every one know how it did
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
25 Jun 2019 06:33 PM |
I used a lawn mower battery with an 1100 GPH pump, and was able to get a little use out of it, but I drained the battery on the first use, and it never quite went back to the amount of time when when I first used it. I then swapped to a sedan sized car battery, and worked much better, but was very heavy to move. I had bough the electric system because it was lighter. Ideally, I would want to take an 1100 GPH gas powered pump, but I never found one made that small.
Lee Johnson New Member Posts:46 
25 Jun 2019 11:52 PM |
I have a small Honda 2 1/2 up 4 stroke but I haven't gotten it running yet . It is the 1 in pump . I also have an older Keene A51 with a hopper on it . I am hopping to use the Honda pump when I get it running .The sluice only has the riffle in it .Still try to find out what mat will work in it .I might try running 2 1100 g p h pumps with it if I don't have to Honda fixed yet .does anyone have any ideas
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
26 Jun 2019 10:24 AM |
I have an A-51 sluice, and its been a while, but at 2000 or 3000 GPH. there was only enough force to run expanded metal. Water was just not deep enough and strong enough to push material over the riffles with the battery operated pump. The battery had enough power to run a very small recirculating sluice, or the gold cube. Neither moved a lot of material. In my case, I gave up on water mostly because of all the muck it produced. Hope it works out for you.
Robert Murata New Member Posts:50 
26 Jun 2019 10:29 AM |
Thank you, I have plenty of water at my claim, hopefully new pump that comes with Keene mini sluice works well.
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
26 Jun 2019 10:53 AM |
Mini Sluice should be fine with 2000 and maybe even a 1100 GPH.