Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
20 May 2014 08:06 PM |
Just wondering about anyone being local to Dallas/Fort Worth area. I have noticed that there were no chapters listed for this area with the closest in Granbury and Greenville. Should there be substantial membership in this area could there be a new chapter formed.
MIKE DAVIS Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Jun 2014 06:25 PM |
hey my name is mike im from east tx canton
Richard Clower Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Jun 2014 09:43 PM |
my name is Richard from the Longview Tx area
DAVID SLOUGH Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Jun 2014 10:19 AM |
my name is David and live in the Waco area I think the rules say that there can not be another chapter within 50 miles of where you want to start one at
Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Jun 2014 07:48 PM |
Hello Mike from Canton area.
Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Jun 2014 07:49 PM |
hello Richard from Longview area.
Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Jun 2014 07:51 PM |
Hello David from the Waco area.
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
11 Oct 2014 08:02 PM |
Hello, I am in the DFW area but I am a member of the Round Rock GPAA. Its a very active club and most of the gold in Texas is in the Llano river anyway. Check out the Round Rock website or Facebook for more info.
Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Oct 2014 07:29 PM |
Thanks Gary. I made a trip up to the K River in OK earlier this year, and it was a nice little trip. So far this year the most gold I have found is here in Dallas in a parking lot.😊
Daniel Galbraith Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Nov 2014 12:28 PM |
Hello all. I know this is a bit of an old thread but I just stumbled accross it. I'm a new member located in Joshua TX. I've been looking at joining the Round Rock chapter. Just not sure I want to make that two hour drive for the meetings. But as stated above it looks like a pretty active chapter so I think it's worth a shot.
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
26 Nov 2014 09:18 PM |
Daniel, it is what it is. I drive the 3 hours to the meeting in Round Rock not every month but at least quarterly because they have good people having a good family oriented time. They have a large membership covering a large area. The RR GPAA also have very good outings and draw people from all over Texas. I often try to combine the meeting with a trip to the Llano River at "The Slab" in Kingsland. The gold is elusive and generally very small flour like particles that really put meaning to the term "color" but I enjoy going even if I do not find gold. I often find relics and unusual rocks. Last trip I found handfuls of very good purple quartz. Normally I do not find any or one or two pieces at most. Every trip is different.
Steven Hearron Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Mar 2015 12:05 PM |
I'm kinda close to the DFW area. I work east of Dallas in Leonard.
Roger Schulze Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Mar 2015 04:32 AM |
Hello Steven. I lived in Celeste for a bit a few years back. I liked the area.
MARK CANALES Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Aug 2016 09:40 AM |
I live in Fort Worth area near North Crowley high school. I do go to the meetings in Granbury and they do attend and run some of the gold prospecting shows. Haven't been to very many meetings because they have them on sunday, and i have schedule conflict. It might be nice to have a closer meeting point but Dallas would be about the same driving distance for me. I'm a LDMA & GPAA life time member, and will be going to the Vein Mountain outing in late Sept early October.
BOB YADON Greenhorn Posts:6 
31 Aug 2016 06:02 AM |
I am in Bonham, hello to all
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
02 Sep 2016 02:03 PM |
Bob - Have you been to K-River this Summer?
ADAM ANDREWS Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Sep 2016 05:40 PM |
Hey Texas folks, is your Gold red like New Mexico Gold? They have a lot of Iron and copper in their Gold in NM & AZ.
BOB YADON Greenhorn Posts:6 
18 Sep 2016 10:50 AM |
I have not been to K River....prepping for a trip to Stanton tho... for the others....There is a chapter in Greenville
Larry Wilkerson Greenhorn Posts:12 
03 Jan 2021 07:44 PM |
Rowlett, Texas - Still working on maps for claims. Plans for a trip some day and interested in meeting other GPAA members in support of prospecting.
Mark Taylor Greenhorn Posts:12 
22 Feb 2021 01:30 PM |
Montgomery, Tx here. I have not been out in the field yet, nor to a chapter meeting (Covid.) I have a small amount of pay dirt and have panned it many times over, each time tossing the found gold back in the con. Learning curve is not as steep as I imagined. My present focus is distinguishing gold from mica and pyrite. Local assistance would help, if I could find someone near the North Houston area. As soon as Round Rock has another meeting I'm gonna try and make it. Mark