Randy Smallegan Greenhorn Posts:1 
27 Feb 2017 10:23 AM |
When is the online guide available to use? And how and where does one get access to it?
Freddie Beck New Member Posts:53 
27 Feb 2017 01:14 PM |
the guide is up and online. its located under the community tab (GPAA Claim Directory). it is still a work in progress so some of the locations don't have information. if you have the paper copy use it if nothing is on the site for the claim you are looking into. Also it has been posted that any information you have (ie: GPS coordinates, travel coordinates, picture of boundary markers, things like that) to upload them as this will help prospectors in the future. Hardly anything on the east coast (where I am ) has been uploaded yet. it takes time but its coming along. I would watch the tutorial Kevin made if you would like to post info on any of the claims.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
27 Feb 2017 01:34 PM |
By the box under your name, it shows "non member". The online guide is only available to logged in, registered GPAA/LDMA members. Located in Community, GPAA Claim Directory. As Freddie said, a work in progress, and will take time for it to show a lot of information and directions.
Tony Scola Greenhorn Posts:9 
09 May 2017 02:02 PM |
I have heard a LOT about a mining guide and never seen, it what happen?
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 May 2017 02:34 PM |
Tony, go to the Community tab at the top. Then to. GPAA mining guide
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
25 May 2017 08:20 PM |
RE: The earlier post by Randy Smallegan in February of this year. (Just now saw it.)
I thought non-members could not post to the GPAA Forums. Has that changed??
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
25 May 2017 08:33 PM |
It is my understanding non members can post to parts of the forum. Otherwise they would not be able to learn about the GPAA. But they have no access to any parts with direct claims information. And of course no access to the LDMA section. I got this when I asked.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
26 May 2017 08:19 AM |
Tim, Thanks. Good to know. Wayne
JIM GACEY Greenhorn Posts:1 
14 May 2018 02:03 PM |
I'm a member and on-line. Where's the mining guide?
Edward Myall Greenhorn Posts:5 
14 May 2018 02:26 PM |
Hey Jim It's under properties.
Wayne Ivey Greenhorn Posts:2 
William Meiners Greenhorn Posts:3 
20 May 2019 09:24 AM |
Where on the site do I find members RV parking or if a claim has that. South from Idaho
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Jul 2019 06:05 PM |
Ok, what's going on with the online guide. We have tried to access it several times recently and it appears to be down. Have some info to post to a couple of claims. And before asking, yes we are logged in.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Jul 2019 06:12 PM |
They changed the access method to the guide. Go to properties, then look for the claim by State, County or Name. Kevin G
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
08 Jul 2019 06:13 PM |
They changed the access method to the guide. Go to properties, then look for the claim by State, County or Name. Kevin Hoagland posted a video on this a few days ago.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
08 Jul 2019 06:39 PM |
Even when logged in, it won't let me plug anything into the search boxes, and when I hit the drop down arrow, I get nothing but an empty box. Not going to waste my time trying to figure out their problem with a video...........the hell with it. They can figure out claim reports, isssues, etc on their own.
Gary Barber Greenhorn Posts:5 
09 Jul 2019 06:11 PM |
I can't get on the online mining guide either. It won't let me plug anything into the state or claim at all. What is going on?
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Jul 2019 10:53 AM |
Likre a lot of other things, it's broke and they don't have enough staff to try and fix it. Prime example is Kevin is now the claims guy in addition to everything else he was responsible for. As Chapter claims person, it is a little sad that we can't access the information or file reports on using the claims, since they want us to transition to online from the book...........go figure. As a part owner in two of the claims in the guide, I like to see what members have to say about them, and get timely notice if someone notices an issue.
Jim Harding Greenhorn Posts:2 
10 Jul 2019 12:30 PM |
I don't think it is broke for everyone. I can access the properties and all other areas of the site. Have you tried clearing the cache in your web browser or tried different browsers? Maybe it will help.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Jul 2019 01:44 PM |
Hmmmmm.....shows up on chrome but not explorer. Not that computer literate, so thanks.