Megan "Yellow Chick" Rose, here, and what a funnnnnn thread, guys and gals. I just opened my email and read the newest edition of
Nugget Vol 38 and thought I'd mosey over. It's probably been about 10yrs or more since I frequently posted on the GPAA forum. I know it says I'm a "greenhorn" over on the left. Just have a good laff, okay? that's FAAAAAAAAR from the truth.
I have some good news for the rest of us blacksands finders out here in GPAA land. It is an absolutely UNDENIABLE fact that magnetic blacksands are the very highest probability host of no-see'um gold of the 19 different components which make up ordinary
blacksands. Yes, I said 19!!!! Now everyone can see why this is such a controversial topic. Makes one wonder about the other 18 components in blacksands in our pans and concentrates, yes?

Another thread for another time.
Here's the good news, if you aren't "magnet fishing" when you are out on the creeks and streams with your placer harvesting equipment, you're missing a bet. Take a look a good long look at this actual photo from
Ham Homestead I found on FB this morning and got permission to post for illustration purposes best one I've ever seen. And we all know what a 45 round looks like, size wise.
Ham Homestead has broken open his share of these chunks of magnetite he's found on his claim
and found gold inside them. I know for certain I sure have. God's Truth! And not just economical amounts in chunks like above, but also in economic, "sure glad I bothered to bring them home" amounts from the magnetic fraction of my blacksands in my small operations.
Here's the skinny. This gold hosting magnetite is called
"mechanically entrapped gold" by those in the big boy mining business. And they, just like us, want it ALL once we corral concentrates by means of our various harvesting devices.
SO, here's the good news
PART TWO I was talking about:
Mechanically entrapped gold in magnetic fraction of blacksands
Some use cement mixers. Some lapidary tumblers. Some rod mills. Some ball mills. And some even mortar and pestle! Can I see a show of hands when I ask: how many of y'all have ever asked yourself where the pregnant with no-see'um/go-get'um magnetite erodes from??? Ayup, bigger chunks than even the ones up above.
Chemical reduction is not required to get out the mechanically entrapped gold, altho' that does work using wet solvent chemistry. (Another topic for another blacksands thread)
Heat focused release is not required, either, whether we're talking furnace, kiln, microwave or induction heat. (ALSO another topic for another blacksands thread! )
Mechanical abrasion will release no-see'um gold from inside the magnetic fraction and yes, in economic quantities if it is there in the first place.
Economical abrasion is
--inexpensive and very affordable,
----can be done on small scale or large scale, you choose,
------is quite safe, unless you decide to grind your fingers or don't wear eye protection.
So, take another loooooong look at the actual image above from
Ham Homestead, and get out your decent magnets, your fishing pole and practice casting into the streams and creeks when you've packed in all your cubes, trommels, highbankers and dredges. Be sure to bring along a ziplock bag or something to put what you grab with your magnet off the end of your "lure" or attract by hovering over your green sieves and white colanders with that honkin' magnet.
Keep a sharp eye out when your putting your shovelsful through the big green sieves we all have, so you can spy out and put aside to take home and "abraid" the magnetite you'll find while you're out prospecting.
Gold is gold, Right, prospector???
It all adds up.