bryan steines Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Mar 2017 04:52 AM |
what methods of take or is it just panning on gpaa claims
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
24 Mar 2017 06:13 AM |
It depends on where you are...BLM Land, State Land and what state you are in as to what is permitted for prospecting. We have members from all over the world on here, so, please tell us where you are and we can give you more info.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
24 Mar 2017 06:59 AM |
Every claim listed has the methods allowed listed or shown by icons. That said there may be changes since printing. I know here in Oregon we lost dredging on some claims when the moratorium went into effect.
The above reply is good advice, as to timing of equipment allowed and what types.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
24 Mar 2017 02:02 PM |
Need to know the area you are in.
bryan steines Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Mar 2017 02:21 PM |
thanks for the feed back im in colorado never tried any prospecting and trying to get ready to do it this summer thanks again
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
CHRIS WATSON Greenhorn Posts:16 
26 Mar 2017 05:45 PM |
Let me second the recommendation of the link above. The guy who runs it is Randy and is around the Arkansas River, Buena Vista area. Really nice guy. Has given me lots advice on the area and he stays up on the local regs. Good luck!
bryan steines Greenhorn Posts: 
27 Mar 2017 04:23 PM |
thanks for all the helpful advice
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
29 Mar 2017 03:31 PM |
Just a word of advice. Call the BLM or Forestry Department that is leasing the claim to the owner and see if it is still an open claim, we have had many GPAA Claims closed in Colorado.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
03 Apr 2017 12:08 PM |
We still have the 6 claims in the Arkansas Group and all 9 claims on the Dolores river group in fact all the claims in the 2014 guide we still have and are active and listed with BLM. Only active claims will be listed in the online mining guide and is a good check for active claims.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
03 Apr 2017 12:49 PM |
Walter, The Lower Delores Group is closed and the Northern group doesn't produce anything. The reason they closed these off was because of the damage done by drywashers at the claim at mile marker 89 south of Gateway. I have talked with BLM in person over this issue.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
03 Apr 2017 02:10 PM |
How do we still have claims in those locations....if as Ben says that they are closed? GPAA is still paying for those maintenance fee's? Does BLM contact the claim holders if the claims are closed? How does that work?
Bryan Mainer Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Apr 2017 02:47 PM |
Thank you all so much for the great tips,are the Arkansasgroup claims just out of Buena Vista across the bridge just like the guide book describes ,I don't have 4 wheeler ,but there is good rd to claims ?
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
03 Apr 2017 03:26 PM |
Hi Benjamin All southern claims in the Southern Dolores River Group are open and paid through 2017, no actions have been listed and no actions have been taken. Do not know who you are talking to but BLM has those claims with no closure issues pending and are listed as open on their website. I authorize the payment of the claims and have seen the receipts of them being paid. We are listed in files as the payers and we have had no contact from BLM so I have to assume that by law they are open for casual use. I would like to see the closure order because the first place it is recorded is on the Serial Register Page by the Law Examiner as soon as notification is sent out.
Bryan Mainer Greenhorn Posts: 
07 Apr 2017 08:11 AM |
The greenest of horns I made here Buena Vista .made it from one end of 371back to town ,found two markers said gpaa claims down river,went past the pay camp area ,to free camping where that big rock is,thru the tunnels back to town,did not see any other markers, me out on this to make sure I'm not trespassing LOL