Cape Disappointment/Long Beach in Washington State
This last weekend (March 18 and 19), after the Puyallup, Washington Gold Show, I made a trip to Long Beach with my 3 stack Gold Cube. I had talked to someone in the Southwest Gold Prospectors (GPAA) club in Vancouver, WA to try to find where to go on Long Beach that I could drive onto the beach with my equipment.
I found a site that I could use fresh water to run the Cube and ran 7 buckets of black sand through the Cube, then cleaned the cons from the Cube to take home. Being taxed for time, tide and weather, I also took 7 buckets back home to run (which I haven't gotten to yet). Did not need to pre-classify the sand - it's that fine.
Ran 2 teaspoons of the cons at home in a small cleanup pan and actually found gold!! Had probably 100 pieces of -100 mesh gold in my pan.
Can the Gold Cube work well with extremely fine black sand?? This stuff seems fairly small and packs into a pan to the extent that it is almost impossible to pan in the usual manner. It just sits there. You really need to keep amounts you pan to very small amounts.
I can see where the Spin Off magnet for pulling out black sand would be great. Saw one demonstrated at the Gold Show, but couldn't justify one at the time because I live on the opposite end of the state.