Clinton Stewart Greenhorn Posts: 
29 Mar 2017 07:44 PM |
Hello I have been looking at getting a pinpointer. I have a GB2, and need a pointer. I have been MD dredge tailings and also started doing underwater sniping and am going to need something waterproof. I have seen reviews on pointers but I want to know what pointers you guys like. I live and prospect in the CA-Auburn area.
Thank you!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
29 Mar 2017 08:14 PM |
I have one of those Garrett pin pointers and was hugely disappointed in it. I had a small vial with gold pickers/flakes maybe about 5 grams. I put the pin pointer to the vial of gold and it done sound at all. I am thinking that if you are using a surely will be going after small pieces of gold.....and that Garrett that I paid $120 wont help you at all with gold that size.
Clinton Stewart Greenhorn Posts: 
30 Mar 2017 10:54 AM |
Yeah I want the big and small gold. I want a pinpointer that can detect .25 gram would be great or even smaller would be great.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
30 Mar 2017 10:59 AM |
| least you can eliminate the Garrett from your list. I just dont think its that sensitive
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
30 Mar 2017 11:02 AM |
not entirely water proof, but, works on gold really well....checked it at 4", 3 gr nugget Minelab Pro-Find 25.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
02 Apr 2017 07:25 AM |
Have not tried mine on gold yet, but have the TRX from Whites. Works great on coins, relics, etc. Supossedly waterproof to 10 ft. Runs on about the same freqs (12Khz) as the MXT line of their detectors. Might be one to look at.
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
02 Apr 2017 12:25 PM |
I've got the minelab 24 pinpointer. From Minelab's site: "Durable water resistant construction Submersible probe end. The whole pinpointer can be washed under running water." Can't speak to the size of the gold, but it finds tiny 1/4" rust specks. Don't really think it does what you want for sniping. I like it. It saves so much time digging targets.
Alex Pratt New Member Posts:32 
04 Apr 2017 09:39 AM |
I Have the Garret AT pin Pointer... (the orange one). It is a great Pointer, it has 3 different sensitivity levels, a LED, and a side that you can use to scrape dirt around. Leo Lorenze was saying that it couldn't detect a vial of gold. The way I understand how metal detectors work, is by picking up the largest piece of metal in an area. So even though you have 3 grams of fines, it wont detect it, because that gold is all broken and cant create a large enough magnetic field retransmit for it to pick up, but if you were to melt it all together, then it would pick it up from 5 inches away. I have NO experience with other pointers, but everyone loves the Garrets that I have talked to.
READ THIS ARTICLE: Describes it better than I can!!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
04 Apr 2017 10:02 AM |
I will have to try that once again. I have since melted it into a button which weighs about 4 grams.....and see if there is a difference. Even with the small pile of flakes I would think it should still pick it up, since there is density to it. I dont think though it would be good at all for individual flakes.
I hope Im wrong!!
Alex Pratt New Member Posts:32 
04 Apr 2017 10:08 AM |
Please let us know. Like that article said, If you have many separate pieces that equal a 0 response. 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 still equals zero... but melt it all together, now you have a very responsive target!!!
Alex Pratt New Member Posts:32 
04 Apr 2017 10:09 AM |
if you dont want that pin-pointer Leo, contact me, if its used, i will give you 20 dollars PAYPAL today for it!!! :-)
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
04 Apr 2017 11:18 AM |
$20.00 ? .......that is too much money ...... I was thinking $150.00 thats a better deal
Alex Pratt New Member Posts:32 
05 Apr 2017 09:22 AM |
Leo, Any Luck?
Larry Sugden Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Apr 2017 04:37 PM |
I have a Garrett Pinpointer Pro II and have good success with it. It is not waterproof, but detects my 0.04 gram nugget as well as smaller flakes. The flakes must have some surface area and be a bit thick. Some of my smaller flakes are too thin or not big enough around for the pinpointer to pick up. I would suggest taking some flakes of different sizes in small envelopes (I use coin holders so I can bench test my AT Gold detector). Take the flakes with you to a dealer so you can demo the pinpointer and see what works best for you. Since the pointers vibrate, you can try sealing the speaker with silicone. Not sure if you could do something similar with the battery compartment. Good luck.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
07 Apr 2017 10:50 AM |
On Water Resistant Pin Pointers, I have not tried this but, wonder if it affects the sensitivity to place it in a zip lock to use submerged? (no more than 18") I would have to really trust the zip lock, lol.