Last Post 29 Apr 2017 09:31 PM by  JOEBOB FECTEAU
New to Forum sayi,g Hello
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Robert West

16 Apr 2017 03:32 PM
    Hey Everyone New to GPAA , Live in Oregon getting my highbanker built, getting try for the high water to drop.So I can get out and try my New HB.
    William Hall

    17 Apr 2017 03:33 PM
    Welcome Robert,

    When you get your new toy out, let us know how it went and if ya found any thing with pics if possible.
    I don't live in Oregon, but understand Oregon has outlawed dredging.
    You may want to check with the state as to what and more important what you cant do as for motorized equipments.
    There is a fellow in here, a regular Arthur Waugh lives in Oregon and has info on the dredge ban

    Good Luck
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    17 Apr 2017 05:02 PM


    Welcome to the madness!  As to highbanking in OR, Need to look into DEQ's 600 permit.  If you are in Essential Salmon Habitat (ESH) look at DEQ"s interactive map on their water quality, mining page, that will give you ESH and the 303 listed waterways.  No highbanker discharge directly into stream, anywhere, need to have a "settling pond" or some other method so that only clear water returns.  If in ESH, no vegitation disturbance within 100 yards on either side of normal highwater line.

    Keep an eye on SB3 in the legislature right now, as it will affect dredging and highbanking for the forseeable future.

    If you are near the mid Willamette Valley, the Brownsville Chapter meets on the first Sunday of every month at 1:30 PM at the fire station in Brownsville.  Exceptions are when it falls on a holiday w/e.  We are having a campout/outing the first w/e in June at Miner's Meadow up in Quartzville out of Sweet Home.  We will be taking care of the Quartzville Group of claims as well as doing some mining.  If you can make it we would like to have you.  Contact our chapter contact for information and reservations if camping out.  Will be doing steaks, burgers, dogs on Sat night, everything else will be pot luck type affair.  Steaks will be in the $5-10 range.


    29 Apr 2017 09:31 PM
    Welcome to the GPAA, I'm up in WA Good luck and happy diggings.
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