Last Post 03 May 2017 04:02 PM by  Roy Greenhalgh
hey Kevin, Hypothetically Speaking...what to look for in leasing.
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Roy Greenhalgh

20 Apr 2017 08:22 AM

    Hey Kevin I got a few questions for you (or any Official GPAA source) 

    The east Coast has not seen any Claim addition Love in the 4+ years I have been a member.  Last time I brought this to the attention to the powers that be I was talked into giving another year of membership because there were "big changes" coming including a Claim Search and tool kits for US...the paying bring in more leased claims.  

    Whereas I really love the new Digital Claim listing/search feature on the web site the idea of paying for membership then having to do the foot work myself to find a place to dig left me feeling less than fresh.  But hey- you guys fight all the legal crap so let's roll with it and see.  

    Is this "tool kit" been made yet?  Do we have propaganda to print off and hand out?  Is there a incentive list of just WHY someone who has property would allow us to occupy and dig?   I guess I'm asking if there has been any progress on this and if not where can I find this info myself?  

    What does the GPAA require for a Leased Claim? 
    What does the GPAA pay for leasing?
    What is expected of both parties?  

    I'm getting tired of waiting for The OFFICIAL Group to do something for the East Coast and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Give us the tools, Show us how to search them out and maybe we can be a Coast to Coast and not 90% West Coast Focused.  Hell if I found some available land that shows promise I wouldn't mind buying it and leasing but I need something to work with.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    26 Apr 2017 09:40 AM
    Agreed, there has not been a lot of changes in the Lease status of a lot of the Eastern properties. There has been additional land included into at least one lease and we are activity seeking additional leases in the east.
    I always ask that members have their ear to the dirt and if they know of any property that has gold, parking and the ability to have a chapter outing on a property that they contact me with at least the owners name and we will take it from there. I have had very little if no response.
    Your three question are excellent -

    Q-What does the GPAA require for a Leased Claim?
    A- The property must be gold bearing, have adequate parking for multiple members to utilize the land (a good gauge of this is, could your chapter have an outing on the property and all of the members and guest be able to park and utilize the land safely without creating issues that would cause the land owner to question their decision to lease the property) and what type of prospecting is allowed by the land owner.

    Q-What does the GPAA pay for leasing?
    A- There is no set price per lease. We will negotiate with the owner for any lease that makes sense for the membership and the area.

    Q-What is expected of both parties?
    A- From the owner - Year round access unless it is an area is not conducive to year round entry, minimal interference with members in their activities (unless a member is blatantly breaking the rules we prefer all interaction be done at the office level aside from meet and greets by the owner) contractual obligations with first right of renewals to the GPAA.
    From the GPAA - GPAA Members conduct themselves in a manner that is a positive representation of the GPAA and the prospecting industry as a whole, Pack it in pack it out mentality and that members follow the rules of the property as set forth in the owners agreement with the GPAA

    There is a bit more that goes along with this but I am guessing that you get the jest of the process in creating a long term relationship between the land owner and the GPAA for our members to enjoy.
    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    26 Apr 2017 11:55 AM
    Great Questions and Great Answers.

    I know that there are a lot of us back east that would help out anyway we could once a target property is identified.

    I recently prospected two creeks in Washington and Lincolnton Counties and did not get any color. Had I got color, I would be seeking additional guidance from Kevin.

    May your prospecting be golden!

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    26 Apr 2017 12:13 PM
    Keep doing what you do. I know the Members will benefit from your vigilance.
    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    27 Apr 2017 04:40 AM
    Thanks Kevin! AND WILL DO.
    Joseph Loyd

    27 Apr 2017 06:57 PM

    Every one should be going through an outreach program to get more places to mine.I am looking all the time .But I do not live in the east.

    Roy Greenhalgh

    03 May 2017 04:02 PM
    Top Notch Help Kevin- Thanks!

    I'm really trying to do my part here- even looking for land to BUY (mostly in Ga.) then convert to something we all could use. It's just that most of the information showing how to use the BLM/Google Earth/ tools is a bit outdated...or I need a Dummies Book written in black crayon and many pictures to take me step by step because I can never get any results.
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