Last Post 31 Jan 2020 09:30 AM by  Robert Murata
upper piru creek
 2 Replies
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matt cleary

15 May 2017 04:48 PM
    I realize piru creek has been heavily worked for years but it is still close to home and an easy day trip. Have been there 3 times with zero results. I also know gpaa has a claim there somewhere. (the map is vague.) Can anyone give me some insight as to where they have recently found any color or where might still be a good place to try? Any old mine shafts or operations with directions?

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    24 May 2017 09:41 AM
    Matt, I have worked on the TRIPLE D AND M claim a couple of years ago for a couple of hours and did find some color. I was working just a little south of Gold Hill road where it meets Piru. I was snipping and doing a small amount of crevicing. If you were to use the online mining guide and use the center of claim tab, I was working about halfway between where the pin sits in the center of claim and the road. Sorry I can't be more specific or get you a bit closer than that.
    Hope this helps.
    Robert Murata
    New Member
    New Member

    31 Jan 2020 09:30 AM
    I plan on hiking about 5 miles along piru creek toward the lake on Saturday, I’ll sample along creek for a couple of hours.
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