Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2017 11:04 AM |
- How Do We Do It?
"How can 7k Metals not charge commissions or mark up on bullion and still make money?"
We have a very simple business model. By having a focused group of customers brought together for a single purpose (getting the best prices on precious metals), we use our collective buying power and purchase precious metals from the largest distributors in the world at the lowest prices possible!
We then pass the prices WE pay on to our customers. Now, obviously if you w...ere buying or wanted to buy precious metals, we're sure you'd want to get the best prices...right? Well, now you can!
THAT'S how we grow as a company. We profit by simply helping others get involved with us by taking advantage of our Exclusive Membership Program. We don’t need to charge a mark up because with our technology, relationships and business model we are able to profit through our initial program fee and are able to offer true “Dealer-Direct, At Cost pricing to our customers.
Another major expense that the other companies have that we don’t is advertising. We don’t need to spend a fortune on TV, Radio or print ads because our customers help us spread the word. So, the only advertising we pay for, is in the form of commissions paid directly to our Associates for their efforts of telling others about our incredible program. By paying only those who actually make referrals, we save hundreds of thousands each year by avoiding traditional marketing.
With all the money we’re able to save, we’re able to pass that on to our Customers! So, YOU save money!!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 12:35 PM |
What kind of post is this?? Are you serious Kathy? You do realize that most of us can go out and find our own gold for free and have fun doing it. Did you join just to push your company advertseiment? Wow
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2017 12:50 PM |
No Leo but thanks for asking. I've been a member for some time. I was just sharing something that I've found to be very interesting.
Unlike you, some people haven't found as much as they would like to. I agree getting out and hunting is the best part. But at the end of the day we understand it's not going to help secure our future. But here is a way to buy without paying all the mark ups. I'm still a collector. And when I can find a company that doesn't gouge regular people, I find that worth sharing.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 01:39 PM |
Sure seems like you have a financial interest in the company being that your name is attached to the website.....
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2017 06:37 PM |
Absolutely Leo, but does that make it any less legitimate. They pay me $1000. per week to let people know about this membership.
You show me anywhere else that you can buy silver coins, gold coins silver bullion and gold bullion at spot price. Shouldn't everyone know they don't have to pay brokers and retail that moves thru four or five hands getting marked up the whole way?
I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. Just giving another option. And by the way. Your Costco and Sam's club memberships are the same thing.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 07:37 PM |
All I can say is wow.....you said at first..."I was just sharing something that I've found to be very interesting." ....as though you are just another prospector......when in reality....you work for the company! I regularly buy gold from local pawn shops who have customers that bring it in for immediate cash.....they sell it to me at daily spot price. There are no markups. All the companies pushing gold have a marketing scheme starting with Goldline. I have no issues with that at all, they are in business to make money, and serve a purpose to offer a product for people who otherwise are not quite astute in the process. My point is.....I think you picked the wrong stage to toot your horn.
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2017 07:46 PM |
I do find it interesting. I am just another prospector. You are assuming I meant something else.
As for tooting my horn, I'm a member of this group just as you are. I have a right to post as I please.
If you don't agree with my post maybe you should just move on the next one. Instead of being so negative.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
21 May 2017 08:17 PM |
They do have a section further down for people trying to sell stuff .This is not that area .Post it properly on the site.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 08:18 PM |
You are here to make a buck off your fellow prospectors.... if you are one.....
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 08:20 PM |
I am sure there are quite a few other members that would agree as well....
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
21 May 2017 08:26 PM |
Kathy, I have to agree with Leo on this one. Unless you are paying to advertise your business, back dooring through the forum is not cool. I have hopes the admin will delete this tommorrow. Call the office, I am sure they will sell you ad space and booths at the Gold and Treasure Shows.
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2017 08:42 PM |
I'll be happy to remove it if it's not allowed. I wasn't trying to upset or offend anyone.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
21 May 2017 08:51 PM |
Of course not....you were just trying to make a buck.
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
22 May 2017 09:04 AM |
Duh, doesn't everyone. Look in the mirror and tell me you don't. So why prospect?   
John Wood Greenhorn Posts: 
22 May 2017 10:01 AM |
Kathy, Maybe you could set up a deal where 7K would buy the gold we find at a reasonable rate. That might make things more palatable.
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
22 May 2017 10:13 AM |
Thanks John,
For having a positive suggestion.
I know because of their buying power they deal directly with the mint. That's why this is a member only way to buy at spot price.
I buy my silver coins here for that reason.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
22 May 2017 04:15 PM |
I did notice that she did put the add in the right place as well .There have been many others who have advertise the buying and selling gold on here .Most buy at 80 to 85% of spot.I just sold mine at 85% of spot to a guy who is a member here as well. So I do have to defend this one . I have seen advertisements for as low as 75% of spot.That is when it really got started. Most of you were not around for the old forums 10 years ago .
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
22 May 2017 04:23 PM |
Hey kathy I was just wondering if you were on the old site . When some guy came on wanting to buy gold at 75% spot .It was another lady that set him strait.
Kathy Bullock Greenhorn Posts: 
22 May 2017 04:33 PM |
No Joseph this is the only site I've been on. Didn't think it would cause such a stir. I really am a member of a buyers club that
buys gold and silver at spot. And if I let others know and they also become a member the company pays me for the referral.
I just thought this would be a great place to start as I know we all have gold fever.
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
22 May 2017 06:04 PM |
Joe there is a huge difference between an individual offering to buy gold on the forum here.....and someone acting as an agent for a corporation such as this. It doesn't belong here, and actually its really rude as well. I equate this to a family member trying to sell products to other family members. Like going to a family reunion and a distant cousin opens up his trunk of his car and starts asking the women if they want to buy some inexpensive jewelry or toys for the kids. But a sales rep for a corporation trolling the message boards, trying to earn commissions from members, that is low. And this company will likely NOT buy any gold you have to sell......unless you BOUGHT through their "program".