E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
08 Jun 2017 05:47 PM |
The Official Summer Outing at Blue Bucket 2017
Aug 18 -22
This outing will be at the LDMA Blue Bucket Camp near Huntington Oregon.
Pricing (per participant): LDMA members - $60, GPAA members - $100, non-members - $200 (includes 2 year membership in GPAA)
Particiipants are encouraged to invite friends and family to join them at the outing; however, only paid participants can be a part of outing activities, i.e. classes, seminars, hands-on training, etc.
For more information call into our membership services department for outing details at 1-800-551-9707
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
12 Jul 2017 09:59 AM |
Congratulations LDMA Blue Bucket .... we have 100 participants signed up for the outing. We need 50 more for the ounce of gold to be given away to someone.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
17 Jul 2017 11:27 AM |
How do I reserve a spot for this outing?
I am a GPAA member.
Does the $100 include my wife? What is included for the $100 fee?
Any hookups available?
thank you
Vince 509-229-7578
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
17 Jul 2017 06:12 PM |
As far as I know at this time there are no hookups left. You can call this no. and get the other questions answered. 1-800-551-9707
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
18 Jul 2017 06:23 AM |
Posted By joseph Loyd on 17 Jul 2017 06:12 PM
As far as I know at this time there are no hookups left.
You can call this no. and get the other questions answered.
Thank you Mr. Loyd.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
19 Jul 2017 08:58 AM |
YAAAA!!! We're going!!
First time to a LDMA/GPAA outing. Made reservations for 8/18 thru 8/22. Thank you Adriana!!
I'm hearing from rangers in the area that it might be fairly crowded around there.
Forest folks are expecting 30,000 to 50,000 people across Oregon under eclipse path.
Interstate folks thinking I84 North and South of Lime, Ore. gonna be very busy.
OH MY OH MY...might get a lil crazy.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
19 Jul 2017 09:29 AM |
For this event, do I need any permits if I bring equipment?
I'll have a 2" highbanker/dredge combo.
thank you
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
19 Jul 2017 01:24 PM |
You can operate under the LDMA camp General permit when you are on the property. Bring your equipment and be ready to have fun.
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
19 Jul 2017 01:26 PM |
Vince - Welcome to the Crazy Family! The Outing will be crazy GOOD. Look forward to seeing you there.
Keith Perron New Member Posts:26 
19 Jul 2017 01:27 PM |
It will be real crazy 10, 000 scientist and 40, 000 crazy people with tin foil on their heads, good time. If you stay on LDMA property then you do not need a permit, they have them for their property. If you go to a GPAA claim then you will need I believe it is the 600 permit from the state of OR. Good luck usually takes me about two months to get mine. If your wife would like to dig in the outing and receive part of the split then she would need to pay the $100 also, you may be able to call the main office and talk them into a deal, always worth a try. Will see you their, Keith.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
21 Jul 2017 08:55 AM |
Thanks for the replies folks.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
21 Jul 2017 08:45 PM |
See you there .
25 Jul 2017 10:19 AM |
Just a reminder for anyone going...You can concentrate on finding the gold and leave the meals to the kitchen crew! No cooking and the only cleanup you have to do is to your sluicebox! The kitchen crew is already making plans for this to be a great outing. Great food and YES meal cards will be offered at Blue Bucket like they were last year at Burnt River. Until August 10th, the cards are $ 60 (a $70 value). After that date they will go up. Call the camp (541)869-2455 to reserve yours. Did someone say we even have Snickerdoodles and Root Beer floats planned? Dinners will begin the day of arrival with a welcome to camp chili feed and it just gets better! One (at least) of the meal card participants will win a picker. Other perks may be announced.
Vince Emery New Member Posts:96 
27 Jul 2017 06:54 AM |
5 days digging in the dirt at 95-100 degrees.
Where are the nearest showers and dump stations?
Keith Perron New Member Posts:26 
02 Aug 2017 03:45 PM |
I think they have showers on site, I think. They do not have a dump, you would need to go to baker city to dump or over to the Burnt River they have a dump there.
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
02 Aug 2017 03:54 PM |
No Black tank waste dump yet. We will have a service come in during outing to pump peoples rigs. Have not heard final cost yet, but reasonable. Huntington 9 miles south has a dump station as well. Burnt River that flows thru property is a nice cold shower (LOL). No official showers yet.
Bill Bartram Greenhorn Posts:6 
07 Aug 2017 02:55 AM |
So are all hookups really gone, not first come first park? What's the curfew for generators lol?
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
07 Aug 2017 07:59 AM |
There are no hook ups available, they will have an area set up for folks who need to run a generator as night. Let the check in crew know your needs when you arrive at the camp