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September 30, 2017 (Saturday)
Metal Detecting Training: Learn to …. Swing it & Find it!
- Basic instructions on how and why YOUR detector works
- Understanding the 4 basic functions for complete success (Threshold/sensitivity/ground balance/keeping your head in the hunt.
- How to super tune your detector matching your detector to the ground
- Coil and detector management slow and steady (Kevin’s old saying – Swing low and slow to uncover the elusive gold)
- Reading the ground you are detecting. How to follow the trends of the nugget patch
- Proper target recovery (pinpointing, digging, reclaiming dig holes)
- Must have a detector with the following features (Threshold-Ground balance (auto or manual) sensitivity/gain settings)
- This training is about nugget hunting not coin and relic hunting.
- Hands on with your detector in tuning your machine to hunt
October 1, 2017 (Sunday)
What is a Renegade Hunt: Be prepared to …. Swing it & Find it!
- Open to all level of detectorist and age group.
- Open to all HAND HELD Detectors ONLY.
- Bring small hand trowel for digging targets
- Open hunt. Everyone's in the hunt at the same time no age or gender hunts.
- Seeded Treasure Hunt - Meaning planted targets
- No targets buried below 5 inches
- Various targets are planted in the main arena including tokens for the gold nuggets.
- 1-hour time limit on the hunt