Ryan Mahan Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Jun 2017 06:31 PM |
Can anyone tell me some information about Homack Claim? i went to the claim today and there was a no trespassing sign on this gate i have the gpaa permit cards wasn't sure if i was able to be on there??
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
18 Jun 2017 11:43 AM |
That part of the State is have a huge problem with people putting up signs illegally, call the police and have them verify it. On the Western Slope the forestry Department is allowing the Sierra Club to come in and drop trees across trails so access is next to impossible. Yes I filed a law suit, and yes it was pitched by some ignorant human in D.C., now I have to get a lawyer.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
19 Jun 2017 09:34 AM |
Follow down the road, the area through the gate was reclaimed from ranch that was leased out, The whole area had been a Girl Scout camp that dated to s40's or 50's, the area behind the gate is mixed with lots of farm animal waist. Gold was always found in the stream area which is access by following the road. Large pull off area just past claim. Do not dig under trees and keep holes filled. Have had numerous complaints and the area is being monitored by local chapter.
Clarence Burkhalter Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 Jun 2017 11:42 AM |
I was at Homack on June 26, 2017. There is parking at the Barbour Forks trial head just past the claim on the right. Soda creek runs next to the road of the same. There is what I consider a dry creek flowing down through the claim where the GS camp was. I have visited the site one other time just after joining GPAA. The visit was during the work week. The area seemed to be deserted. I noted the runoff from the dry creek during this visit. Plus the large amount of spent brass and shot gun shells. The claim in the area of the GS camp seems to be an area favored by recreational shooters. This was the case Sunday. I did not bother to go up the trail to the camp area because of the gun fire. I elected to grab a 1/4 bucket out of Soda Creek. I the took a walk up the Jeep trail away from the shooting on the area of the claim. One note -- I took the amount of spent brass to mean I need to wear my fluorescent vest and make some noise when hiking the area. It is a good practice any time your in the woods.
Clarence Burkhalter Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 Jun 2017 05:54 PM |
Correction. I was there on the 25th
GLENN CAMPBELL Greenhorn Posts: 
23 Jul 2017 05:06 PM |
Hope to go in mid-October...would be glad to have somebody come out with me. Was there in summer of 2012.
Tracy Southworth Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Aug 2017 08:26 AM |
Looking to try this spot mid-August. Would like to meet fellow members, I am from NJ and haven't tried prospecting yet.
joe gentilli Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Feb 2018 06:33 AM |
I have read now some info, about this Homack 1.2.3. like gun fire near by, glass all around, no trespassing signs, some Girl Scout camp, This concerns me . Most likely this would be the only claim I would be going to but if there a safety problem ??? to myself as well as my dog its not a good thing. I joined GPAA so I would not have to be concerned about what claim I am on as long as it is leased claim by GPAA. I would be going to get away from the city and to look for little gold. Is this claim marked for the 60 acres like borders north south, east west????? I would like to now if there is a person from GPAA that could answer to this claim, Or would it be better to contact the owner???? Thanks Joe
joe gentilli Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Feb 2018 08:01 AM |
Hello, I have mention this in the forum, It concerns me that this claim has some problems , like gun fire radon, glass, spent ammo, poor locations signs , no trespassing signs where they should not be , I would think this would be the responsibility of GPAA to look into all theses issues as far as this law suite I know nothing about this. If this Homack location is un- safe to members then close it off until problems can be taking care of, I myself have not been at this claim and unfortunately will not go until I hear back from you. Thanks Joe
Has GPAA contacted the local Sheriff about this gun fire issue I did not hear this for I have not been at the location and will not until some of theses problems are looked into.
I have not been at that claim I would like to go but if what I am hearing is even close to being correct ???? I am not going to take a chance of me or my dog being shot.
I have not been to that claim and will not go if there is a safty issure to me or my dog..
I myself have not been to this location not sure it sounds very pleasent place to go , its the main claim I would be going to . I would like to hear your advice in regards to this.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
22 Feb 2018 11:49 AM |
I had been to this claim a few years ago. Saw a sign on a tree that shooting was going on in the area. I never went on the claim.
Contact the Foothills Chapter and they should be able to help you.
Also do a Google search for Klesh Guitars Youtube. He has a new video of the Homack claim that may be of interest.
The Denver area has public areas you can do some prospecting as well.
Good luck
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
22 Feb 2018 11:49 AM |
I had been to this claim a few years ago. Saw a sign on a tree that shooting was going on in the area. I never went on the claim.
Contact the Foothills Chapter and they should be able to help you.
Also do a Google search for Klesh Guitars Youtube. He has a new video of the Homack claim that may be of interest.
The Denver area has public areas you can do some prospecting as well.
Good luck
Shane Klesh Greenhorn Posts:3 
15 Jun 2018 06:01 PM |
I visited this claim today to swing the detector around for a while, looking for old relics and coins and things from the 1940's and 50's girl scout camp. Noticed there are now "NO SHOOTING" signs all along the main road coming in. This is a good thing! Went all the way up to the top of the claim, didn't hear a single shot fired. Found plenty of spent brass and lead with the detector. Also an old key from the 60's, a mule shoe, a modern change spill, etc.. I have found gold in this claim while gold prospecting as well.
Scott Leidenberger Basic Member Posts:135 
15 Jun 2018 06:25 PM |
This is great news ! Might be worth a visit again.
Any water flowing on the claim ?
Scott L.
WILLIAM VAUGHN Greenhorn Posts:7 
15 Aug 2018 12:37 AM |
That is good news, last time I was there the water was seasonal but it has been a while. I hope to run up there in a couple weeks to take a look around.
Mark Berke Greenhorn Posts:5 
15 Aug 2018 07:21 AM |
I was there last month (July 15th or so) and didn't hear any gunfire. No water. Lots and lots of mica, my son was excited about the mica lol. Anyways it's a nice area, lots of mountain bikers and hikers etc. Found parking along the side of the road no problem. Good luck!
Brady Noonan Greenhorn Posts:4 
27 Aug 2020 02:08 PM |
I was wondering if there was any new updated information about this claim in regards to findings?