Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
31 Jul 2017 12:52 AM |
So I finally found the "New" Online GPAA Claims Directory under the Community "Tab". I filed my report on the Gold Basin AZ Bahde #10 &11 Claims. I will go back and add more pics and perhaps even a more detailed report with more information. Afterwards I began to search other claims to read other reports and I was really shocked to see hardly anyone taking the time to file their reports and the few I saw gave little info or intel. I vividly recall many members requesting it, so I was really dissapointed in seeing the outcome so far. Anyways, I really hope more members will take time to file their reports and share information that you would have wanted to know before visiting the claim. Let's help each other out.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
01 Aug 2017 09:33 AM |
Thank You Shane, the online mining guide can be an extremely valuable tool to all members. Members are getting more familiar with the posting and hope it continues. Looked at your post and good job.
Timothy bowen Greenhorn Posts:1 
01 Aug 2017 03:04 PM |
I agree Shane . I'm new to gpaa and these forums. I'm leaving this sun to go Wyoming claim Carol placer . I had posted a request for more info on this claim. almost 600 views and almost 2 weeks and 0 replies. I decided to give up and deleted the post. I have read the description in the guide online and in book. And need some additional assurances on some concerns. If anyone reading this is up to a friendly chat you're welcome to call or text me @ 7202377135
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Aug 2017 07:12 PM |
So sorry and I know exactly how you feel. I joined the GPAA a year ago and soon planned a trip for the Gold Basin Arizona which we have several large claims there. It's known to us in Metal Detecting as the Arizona Outback and is famous on YouTube featuring many Nugget and Meteorite Shooting Clips, so I was certain this was an area I wanted to hit. Like you I posted not one, but many different posts asking for any info or intel. I got mostly crickets and was surprised in how few members had anything to say, most online not having been there. After about 3 months of persistent posting and engaging in discussions here, I did get tidbits of stuff and managed to gather some useful info, but not nearly as much as I was expecting from the largest and most active Gold Prospecting Membership Association in America. That was prior to the existence of the online claims guide... I went on my trip to the Gold Basin in November of 2016 and on my return began to post my experiences and some things I felt was useful for members like me who may plan future visits to the Gold Basin. After along time away, I noticed nobody has really commented on the posts leaving me to think that perhaps the Gold Basin is just not a very desirable area anymore. Not sure... Maybe most members are readers but have no interest in engaging or exchanging info. I've noticed there is a small handful of very active "old timers", a few who are active around planned trips (like me) and a few Greenhorns who introduce themselves, post a handful of times, then dissapear forever. I truly believe that the online claims guide is the key to making the GPAA more valuable with a much more active membership "online"... We just need to get more members to take the time to file (post) their reports with useful info and intel, and do so without compromising their own self-interest. Like, did you have any success and just how hunted out are the claims? Nobody is expecting any member to say something along the lines of, "I found 7 sub -gram nuggets and and 2 over a gram along the such and such dry wash at the following coordinates..." LOL, instead say, "I had some or even a little success." That would be helpful.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
01 Aug 2017 07:20 PM |
Tim and Shane, sometimes no one will know about the area you are looking for information on. Such as Wyoming. Now Shane as a guy that has been around a couple of years, I apologize, someone should have helped you. I do have One recommendation, look up the chapter closest to where you want to go and call them. Also the state directors can help. And another good source are local mining supply shops. Good Hunting both of you.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Aug 2017 07:36 PM |
Yes, Tim thank you. I did look into that and had some success there. I think we new generation gold prospectors get into it thinking Google can address all of our questions and concerns LOL... Unfortunately, the only draw back to any Chapters for me, is the nearest one is 2 hours away and none of them are active online here. Also, I am a terrible Chapter member not having the ability to attend any Chanpter meeting LOL
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
01 Aug 2017 08:47 PM |
Where I always suggest joining a chapter, you can ask questions without joining. As I am not sure where the gold basin is, I can't recommend the closest chapter, but God fever if the west valleys has 2 or 3 of the best detectorists in the state as members. Give them a call.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
02 Aug 2017 05:59 PM |
I believe I saw somewhere of 40000 + members in GPAA I would bet less than a few % of members come to this site. Believing this site see's 40000 different people is unreasonable Some of us ole timers dont do computers, and or don't participate in sharing info for various reasons I personally have been to several listed GPAA claims over the years, however I have my favorites and pretty much stick to them I am not a joiner of chapters, the reason I joined the GPAA was to access claims that I know I could not be run off, as was before I educated myself and joined the GPAA I'm a loner, don't want others to know where I am or what I'm doing. I do and will share general info on area's that I know and can contribute on Sometimes you have to be the pioneer and get out there, the fun is in the chase, trying to find the claim, find the gold and find your way home again Yep that takes time, research and sticktoitness. If finding gold was easy, many more would be out there doing it
Peter Makuta Greenhorn Posts:3 
08 Aug 2017 12:11 PM |
Hi Timothy,
We plan on going to Carol Placer in a couple of weeks. Please let us know your impressions. Thanks!
JERRY McBEE Greenhorn Posts:14 
12 Aug 2017 01:12 PM |
Tim, Gold Basin is in the northwestern part of Arizona and north of Kingman, AZ next to Lake Mead and Meadville, AZ. The claim is reachable with a 2-wheel car but 4 wheels is better. The gold basin area is known for gold, gold nuggets and for its meteorites which is a chunk of rock or iron usually from a meteoroid or asteroid as it passes through Earth's atmosphere breaking up and leaving fragments of the meteor as it passes over an area before it impacts with earth. And yea, there more to it so go get a book and read up on it. The closest GPAA Chapter would be in Las Vegas.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
15 Aug 2017 07:54 AM |
If we have a sight we would like to have added, do we email it to you Walter?
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
16 Aug 2017 07:49 AM |
Yes go ahead and send it to me along with any suggestions and if it is outside of my category i will send it to the person that should have it.
Lee Johnson Greenhorn Posts:1 
15 Jul 2021 02:30 PM |
I looked there and all I saw listed was prospecting club info
Mark Taylor Greenhorn Posts:12 
21 Jul 2021 08:53 AM |
Lee, it is now the PROPERTIES link. Mark