Last Post 04 Aug 2017 02:32 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Mining guide, inaccurate information
 2 Replies
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Kevin O'Donnell

31 Jul 2017 11:30 AM
    Where would I go to address and have corrected information in the mining guide?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    01 Aug 2017 06:55 PM
    Two ways to do it.  You can go to the claims guide under the community tab above, pull up the claim and submit corrections, pics, etc.  You can also file a claim report online or by mail (should be a sample in the back of the guide for snail mail).  I forget where the online report is here on the site, but someone will chime in with it's location.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    04 Aug 2017 02:32 PM
    As usual Arthur thanks for jumping in!!! Kevin, follow Art's lead on this on. To report a issue online go to the community tab and scroll to the bottom of the tab. after you click on the "Report a Problem" tag it will open a window that is ready to take your information. Here is the link to the page.
    If you are reporting an issue on the online mining guide coordinates, chances are we are aware of the issue. The team and I have been working diligently to update new ingress and center of claim information over the last few weeks. Should be completed by the end of Aug.
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