Last Post 22 Aug 2017 09:18 AM by  WALTER EASON
Coordinate Converter Apps
 10 Replies
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Jim Utke

09 Aug 2017 09:33 PM
    Hello everyone,
    I am a new member to GPAA and anxious to get down to Arizona this winter and work some of the claims. So I have been spending a lot of time looking over different maps and satellite views to try to pick out areas that look like places I would like to try and mark them. My problem was every map resource I looked at used a different GPS format. That added a lot of extra work and brain drain going from one format to another. Then I thought they should have an app to convert the different formats. They actually have quite a few. I tried a couple of the free apps, but didn't like them. So then I started looking at the apps you have to pay. I read over the information on them and decided to try one that cost $1.99. Many are quite a bit more than that. The app is called: Coordinate Converter, by Ison Developments. So far I love this app. You can enter your coordinates in any format and it automatically converts it into all formats. It has a map at the top that when you touch it, it will show you exactly were it is on the map. The app does other things too and I need to check it out more. So if the different GPS formats are confusing, you might like to look at the coordinate converter apps.
    Christine Gold
    New Member
    New Member

    10 Aug 2017 10:14 AM

    Where can I get it? Is this for Android or Apple?

    Thanks --------------------------------


    Jim Utke

    10 Aug 2017 04:59 PM
    It is an Apple IPhone app. The weird part of it is, it shows up on my IPhone but not on my IPad. I would be using it on my IPhone anyway, and that's where I installed it. There are a lot of apps available, so maybe check them out if the one I mentioned isn't available. I've had that happen before where the app is available on my phone, but I can't get it on my iPad.
    William Hall

    16 Aug 2017 05:28 PM

    Keep in mind what you view on satillite will be way different when you boots on the ground.
    Just sayin...

    Jim Utke

    16 Aug 2017 06:33 PM
    Thanks Bill, that is nice to know and will keep it in mind.
    Wayne Crowder

    20 Aug 2017 10:57 AM


    One thought:  I can change my portable vehicle Garmin GPS to different formats for coordinates.  Also my hand held Garmin GPS can do the same.  I  believe that you can also change the coordinate format on Google Maps and Google Earth.

    The problem I would have with phone apps is that when I'm out on claims I am usually out of cell range, which won't let me use Google Maps.  I am not on unlimited data anyway, so I limit non-Wifi data even when I have cell coverage.



    Jim Utke

    20 Aug 2017 03:24 PM
    Hi Wayne,
    I know that's what happened to me the first time I tried to find a claim. I got about 2 miles from it and I lost my cell phone service. Then I was stuck trying to find it by the map, because I didn't have a GPS other than my phone. I have a Garmin Handheld now. What I've done is draw up my own maps and plotted points on them. I'm really new at this and feel successful just getting to the claims.
    I will try to change the format of Google maps and Google Earth. I didn't know that you could change the format on those.
    Christine Gold
    New Member
    New Member

    21 Aug 2017 08:53 AM

    It's really easy to do in Google Earth. Go to "tools" then "options then "3d view" and about halfway down you will see "show lat/long". That's all, easy peasy. 

    Good Luck -------------------------------------------


    Jim Utke

    21 Aug 2017 10:17 AM
    Thanks Christine, I will be able to convert the GPS format now. I'm not very good with computer stuff, so I didn't even think about being able to change the format on Gold Earth. Thanks for your help.
    Kevin Gillas

    21 Aug 2017 07:56 PM
    Does anybody know of converting a old claim survey from from feet and angles to GPS values if I know the main GPS location.

    22 Aug 2017 09:18 AM
    find mapping program that will support metes and bounds,set for linear units on map and display, check coordinate units for meters or feet, check to see if it was laid out in true north. Re-layout and check your feature you made and set corner points.  2nd way would be to make layout over map that is digitized and make klm file of it. Transform it only a mapping program and Geo-reference the feature onto the map. Set corner points.
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