Last Post 13 Sep 2017 05:35 PM by  William Hall
Coarse gold found
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12 Sep 2017 10:08 PM

    While prospecting in a particular location near a steep stream, I pulled some loose material material from underneath some tree roots.

    There wasn't any black sand in my pan, but lots of quarts and even some clear quartz crystals.

    Most rocks < 2" in size, 80% pebbles.

    I've only ever found placer gold ... so this was a bit of a surprise to me.

    What does this mean?  Does it mean that there is a vein nearby?  Should I pull out my metal detector or pan some more?

    The piece of gold that I found was very small - "picker" sized.




    William Hall

    13 Sep 2017 05:35 PM
    Welcome Brian,

    two types of gold
    placer, that found on/in the ground/gravels
    hard rock, gold that has not been liberated from quartz rock. Drilling, blasting, crushing, processing

    If you find gold still attached to quartz, do not separate, that qualifies as a specimen piece, worth more than just gold. Especially if its a larger piece that would make a nice jewelry piece say for someone special.

    Definition of a "picker" If you can pick it out of the pan with your fingers
    Nugget is bigger than a picker
    If you find something that is to heavy to move yourself, call me and I will help you recover it

    Go back to the spot and work it, it may be just a one off that you found something in the roots, but then again, it could be something bigger.

    Not all quartz will have gold in it, not all gold will be found with black sands, and not all black sand will hold gold.
    One never knows what one may find, bottom line is you gotta look, sample, test.
    Try a detector, try everything, ya never know.

    Good Luck,
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