Tim Smith Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Sep 2017 11:21 AM |
Any other prospectors out there in the Twentynine Palms, CA area? Just moved back to this area from South Carolina. Glad to be back on the West Coast..
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
25 Sep 2017 08:22 AM |
Check with Hemet Valley GPAA chapter I know they have claims out there and they frequent the area. Call Ken Maltby see Pick & Shovel or Magazine under California Chapters Hemet CA. Tell Ken that Walt from GPAA told you to call, he is a good guy.
David Kerr Greenhorn Posts: 
26 Sep 2017 05:48 PM |
Im in Fresno but starting to go out to the Randsburg area, near Goler Gulch. looking for some others that may want to camp out there and do some drywashing and metal detecting. during the cooler months.
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
26 Sep 2017 07:32 PM |
David Kerr, Are you a member of Central Valley Prospectors in Fresno or AMRA? Both have some pretty good claims out in that area. I will get out that way again in November.
Steven Pellnitz Greenhorn Posts:22 
26 Sep 2017 08:16 PM |
David Kerr,
I belong to a group and we try and go to that area as much as we can especially in the cooler months. Some metal detect and some dry wash and some do both. PM me for more info if you would like.
Tim Smith Greenhorn Posts: 
28 Sep 2017 03:51 PM |
Thank you Walter.
Tim Smith Greenhorn Posts: 
28 Sep 2017 03:51 PM |
Thank you Walter.
David Kerr Greenhorn Posts: 
29 Sep 2017 04:52 PM |
Hello Joseph, I was looking into joining the cvp at the next meeting. I looked at your profile and I am also a Vietnam vet. I went down to the Randsburg area last year and kind of liked that area. Maybe I will see you at the next cvp meeting.
David Kerr Greenhorn Posts: 
29 Sep 2017 04:56 PM |
Thanks Steve, send me some info on your group. I will be joining the Central Valley Prospectors the next meeting. I plan on going down there Oct and Nov.
David Bruton Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Oct 2017 01:57 PM |
Hi Tim My wife and I are in North Carolina and heading for the 29 Palms area in a couple of weeks. We are primarily detector people. We are pretty green to the site though but would like to meet or talk about the upcoming adventure. If you are interested in talking how do we go about it?
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
18 Oct 2017 12:40 AM |
Nice meeting you guys at the meeting. Sorry I did not get back to you before you left. I have a lot of info to pass on to you on the desert and some other areas we have access to once my back is doing a little better.
David Bruton Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Oct 2017 05:47 AM |
Sorry to hear about your back... I don't think I am the David you met 'cause I haven't been to any meetings yet. lol. My wife and I just left North Carolina though and are planning on stopping in 29 Palms for a few days on the way back to CA. Maybe we can get together while we are there.
Joseph Stasikonis New Member Posts:64 
18 Oct 2017 01:41 PM |
Sorry David Burton it was meant for David Kerr guess I should have used a last name on it.
David Bruton Greenhorn Posts: 
24 Oct 2017 05:29 PM |
Hi Joseph My wife and I are just a few days from 29 Palms. We would like to do some metal detecting in the area. We are planning on parking at an RV park and driving to one of the gpaa claims. If there are any other groups that we could talk to or maybe go on an outing of some kind we would very much appreciate any info you could give us.
David Bruton Greenhorn Posts: 
25 Oct 2017 06:50 AM |
Hi Tim We are actually coming back from North Carolina headed to northern CA. We are planning on stopping in the 29 Palms area. We will be there in a couple of days and are planning to be there for about a week. My email address is davebrutonconstruction@yahoo If you are interested in getting together let me know. I will try to send a PM with a phone number. I'm not sure how to PM