Frank Bettencourt Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Oct 2017 10:42 PM |
I am a 25 year old in the Nevada county area CA and been having the darndest time finding a good place to metal detect for gold! Anyone have any advice as to where I can find some good nuggets? I really want to up my game from flakes and pickers (Sniping and Sluicing) to the chunky good stuff!
Leo Lorenz Basic Member Posts:486 
02 Oct 2017 11:06 AM |
Hi Frank...I really dont have an answer for you....But I dont think anyone here would actually tell you where those spots are.....until they have cleaned out the area first. Generalities on specific areas can be found anywhere on the internet. But I do know many guys in California, go to the high desert in Nevada to do their MD'ing as there is more open space and free land to roam on. More so than Cali...also leess vegetation to fight through as well. I also will wait for someone on this forum, to advise where to go to get I will get the first flight out. But for some reason....I think I will be waiting a while.l
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
02 Oct 2017 05:10 PM |
Frank, Welcome. I dont detect but would offer this advise....get out of California, or at least as Leo suggests, hit the high desert. In the more common area's, too much trash. Shell casings, bottle caps, old pull tabs ect ect Too many people and too much trash. You may also try posting down in the metal detection section for more ideas. Good Luck, Bill
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
03 Oct 2017 09:45 AM |
If you can get permission to hit some of the old dredge tailings, they can be good, anything over the screen size (usually 5/8 to 3/4") went right out the back. Look at the claims guide for what is found on each claim, might hit some of those that show nuggets. Going to find trash and iron most anywhere this day and age. Above all, don't get discouraged, even in prime areas, you might detect for awhile before you hit one. Good luck in the search.
Frank Bettencourt Greenhorn Posts: 
03 Oct 2017 05:16 PM |
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
04 Oct 2017 08:07 AM |
Try to send a message to William Southern or go to his web site at He is very knowledgeable and active in metal detecting. He is based in AZ also check out AZ Outfitter which is also in AZ. Search for William Southern post in this forum and gather a lot of information.
Lee J. Hahn Greenhorn Posts:2 
16 Oct 2017 01:41 PM |
Hey Frank, Im new to this and interested in MD'ing for nuggets too. Ive been checking out the claims guide and there are a few areas listed. If you'd like a hunting buddy shoot me a message and maybe we can figure this out together.
ALBERT REITZ Greenhorn Posts:6 
30 Oct 2017 04:01 AM |
Hello Frank, im a relics Hunter/prospector and have found gold while hunting for relics, my advice would be do your research! I live in the black hills of sd, and I do alot of research before I go out, soon you will have honey holes to go to, also join a chapter, there is a wealth of knowledge. Happy hunting.
Karyn Tietz Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Mar 2018 10:15 AM |
Hi from Montana! I have been detecting here in Montana for about a year. While I have not found any gold, I have found a rock with gold and copper flaked through it, and I have found some pretty cool other metal things. Like a porcelain jar top from the 1890's, an old pick axe, I thought they were pretty neat. Haven't yet tried detecting for gold yet. But plan to on a trip to Oregon and N. California.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
10 Mar 2018 01:12 PM |
C'mon, Frank! 98% of all owners of a new detector have asked, or have thought of asking that very question. RESEARCH and/or joining a local club will get you a better answer than asking here. Not to make light of the question but if you are already finding fines and flakes, the nuggets are probably nearby.... it'll just take a little longer to snag a nugget. ╦╦Ç
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
10 Mar 2018 01:23 PM |
Hey Tarrance you didn't see the name of this page New to metal detecting Frank you can ask anything you want here.
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
10 Mar 2018 01:23 PM |
Hey Tarrance you didn't see the name of this page New to metal detecting Frank you can ask anything you want here.
Jonathan Monnier Greenhorn Posts:9 
16 Mar 2018 09:35 AM |
When I hit a new area I will take my trustee gold imbued plastic poker chip,(small gold adhered to plain plastic poker chip, I like red), bury at different depths, listen closely with detector. I do this to get an ear for the locality.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
20 Mar 2018 05:31 PM |
Sorry, Toby, I did sound like I was talking down to him. I have been detecting since '70. I have been nugget shooting since '07 and have only found 3 nuggets. Really not trying that hard until now. As a newbie, he is finding fines and flakes. That is very good! The nuggets will come in time. He'll find them. ╦╦Ç
Toby Protsman Greenhorn Posts:15 
20 Mar 2018 06:18 PM |
Its ok just don't want to scare people from asking questions. 
A. BRENT HARSHBARGER New Member Posts:40 
24 Mar 2018 03:07 PM |
One thing that is encouraging is if you’re out finding bullets and lead fragments, you’re on the right track. Lead and gold give off similar sounds on a detector. Always dig a signal cause you never know what you’ll find. I always pick up the trash to help out the next guy who comes along. Practise with a small lead sinker or two and youll get to know the sound you’re looking for! Good Luck!
Ray Gongaware Greenhorn Posts:6 
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
07 May 2018 01:48 PM |
Before heading anywhere near Rye Patch, NV, do your research. Most of that area is claimed up, have a read of the thread in land rights page on this forum. GPAA has nothing in that area, so will have to work with BLM and county recorder to find what is claimed vs. open, or to contact owners to inquire about pernmissions to hunt it.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
11 May 2018 05:48 AM |
Soldier Boy and Double D in Arizona near Prescott continue to produce good results. Any GPAA claim or unclaimed area, not State Trust Land in what is called the Lower San Domingo area near Wickenburg also is good. Contact Bill Southern or join his Nuggettshooter forum.
lance carlson Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Jun 2018 04:39 PM |
I have created a Youtube channel to try and help others learn from my mistakes...I just started and have the help of Elmo..I will be doing videos on how to do the research to first find the spots. Will teach how to look for minerals in there area online-before you go in the field. Will teach how to see who owns the land and if there are any current or past mining claims. How to read topo maps to focus in on areas. should have one up this week on panning to final clean up and removal of Gold.
Please jump over to my channel and subscribe and hit that alert button....please also share if you like