Russell Wiley Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Oct 2017 04:39 PM |
I am from Peachtree City, GA and have been prospecting on Corps of Engineers properties with a pan and shovel as that is all that is allowed. I joined the LDMA to open up some opportunities to sluice, high bank, and dredge. I am looking for someone that doesn't mind teaching a newbie the ropes when it comes to sluicing, high banking, dredging, and reading creeks and rivers. I am not lazy and looking for a free ride, I am more than willing to do my part of the work. Please feel free to contact me here or at
Thank you,
Russell Wiley
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 Oct 2017 05:11 PM |
Russel, first off, welcome to the family. I have a couple of things that might help. As an LDMA member you can go to any camp and get help. Crock and his wife at Loud Mine as well as Vonda and Bryan at Vein Mountain would love to spend time prospecting with you I am sure. Also in Georgia there are 2 chapters, 1 in Buchanan in the west side of Atlanta and 1 in Augusta. LDMA outings are designed to teach prospecting Soup to nuts. And I will not be the last to say hello here and I am sure people closer to you would love to meet you and teach you what they can.
Russell Wiley Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Oct 2017 06:03 PM |
Thanks for the reply Tim. I am looking forward to going to both Loudmine and Vein Mountain. I know I have a lot to learn and am open to any help offered. Thank you again for reaching out.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
09 Oct 2017 08:57 PM |
We are all one great big family. I post where I am at and where I am heading on Facebook. Feel free to send a note if you to meet up. Also, come on out to one of the Gold Shows the next few weeks. You can learn a lot and I. Would start with panning. It all starts with test panning and ends with clean up panning.
Russell Wiley Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Oct 2017 09:36 PM |
Thanks again for the reply. I forgot to put in my original post that I have been panning about 5 years since that is all that is allowed on corps property. I feel like I'm pretty good at it. I would love to meet up with you sometime, what is your facebook name so I can keep tabs on you? I think I found it but it won't let me friend request or follow you. You may have to friend request me russ.wiley.14. I will definitely take you up on the offer. I am hoping to go to the Concorde, NC gold show if everything works out. I will have my kids with me so it may just be a Saturday or Sunday day trip.