David St John Greenhorn Posts:11 
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
17 Oct 2017 05:17 PM |
Dave, Welcome. Hmmm, you mean to say there are no claim fairies ? "Someone" should do something Bill
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
17 Oct 2017 09:32 PM |
As a claim owner myself it is my responsibility to fill holes and clean the area, so I take pictures of the trash collected and the holes before and after being filled. When I catch some a-hole camping on one of my claims and making a mess I tell them to clean up behind themselves and block the road so they can't leave. I will politely explain to them that this is my claim and I am responsible for tending to the land on it, but I am only polite the first time. After that the camera comes out and I start taking photos of license plates, face, garbage, and damage done. Usually I don't get any backtalk here in Colorado because most people believe and practice in "pack it in and pack it out", besides, who is going to argue with a man being polite and wearing a .44mag on his hip? You get more with a gun and a smile then just a smile.
David St John Greenhorn Posts:11 
18 Oct 2017 07:46 AM |
thanks bill and ben. it just irks me that people expect someone else to do it. i always pick up after myself and other peoples trash
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
18 Oct 2017 05:23 PM |
I have a couple of favorite claims I frequent, and have picked up trash, mostly beer bottles, water bottles and such. I, as many others do, carry plastic bags in my truck just for this purpose. New members go out to a claim for the first time, seeing trash and such will say "why do the miners trash the place" ? In most if not all cases, it aint the miners trashing the place, mostly locals that dont give a f**k. I go so far to contain and collect my shell casings, not that I reload, I dont, I cant just walk away leaving my trash laying around. A firearm speaks loudly. LOL Thanks guys, Bill
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
21 Oct 2017 08:19 AM |
I usually carry more out than i take in.When I quit digging I use one of my buckets and clean things up .Always fill holes and clean after your self .It is normally not miners trashing the places.I've went to places that the first day is spent just filling others hole .I some times take pictures and then turn them over to the Forest Service as to what is going on .Some times it helps as they look closer.
ROBERT MARTINEZ New Member Posts:61 
14 Nov 2017 12:11 PM |
When my wife and I go out prospecting we usually fill in holes left by others and pick up trash. It's not a bother to us. It's just a good practice.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
14 Nov 2017 08:59 PM |
Joseph , it’s good you take pictures. This fulfills a requirement to upkeep the claims as well as let the BLM or USFS know that it isn’t miners doing the trashing.
David St John Greenhorn Posts:11 
17 Nov 2017 10:16 AM |
Thanks for the positive responses. I'm now at greyback group in new mexico. Filled one garbage bag. Getting small gold although I don't really have proper equipment. Dry panning and I have a small recirculating high banker. Having fun. Next month hope to get a dry washer
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Nov 2017 10:31 AM |
I'm new to this sport have not been anywhere yet. Mr. Hall, you speak of carrying, is this a reality, or just a precaution? I'm planning to be in Mesa AZ. this coming May. It would be helpful to have someone to help me in reading the Topo map for that area. The worst thing I can think of, is not being on one of our claims. Yuck! What about poachers? Are they real and are they a danger? What about rattle snakes, is it a problem and should one get a set of leg guards? At the moment, all I have is the pans, have been practicing with them but it makes my back and legs hurt. Planning to purchase a mechanical wheel to make it a little easier and of'course a metal detector and pointer. Boy, this is getting to be an expensive hobby, even before I start! All the gold I find goes to my church for a new building and the land to put it on. I'm aware that they might only get a few flakes. God willing it will be more than that. I figure the trip from TX to AZ. can be paid for with the semi-precious stones. Now my question is: Is this a pipe dream or a reality?
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
20 Nov 2017 10:13 AM |
Hi Kenny This does have a learning curve to it. As far as persons bothering you I have never had a problem although I never get to far away from my camp. If you go close to the border where there are may be travelers of questionable character I would be a little more careful although I have never had any trouble there either. I have done metal detecting and never had any snake protectors but it is worth while to have a pair to metal detect as you need to use head phones and focus on detector sounds so it may be advisable. There are some GPAA Chapters (associated clubs) in Texas I would advise getting with some of them it is a great increase in your learning curve. The El Paso chapter has claim they go to just over the state line other clubs in TX has private areas I think they go to that are closer than the state line. Try out some equipment with other members would be great to see what type of equipment you like to use, recovery of gold has a factor on what you like using in my opinion.
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Nov 2017 10:24 AM |
thanks Walter! that is a great mind easier. I just ordered the Gold Miner Spiral wheel. Can't wait to see it in action. I have some paydirt to use it on. Thanks again.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
20 Nov 2017 04:49 PM |
Kenny, As far as carrying, I dont always have him attached to me but he's near by, depends on my location and yes its precautious and reality in the right circumstances. Several miles off the highway, you never know what or who you may run into, 99.9% of the time no worries, but.... As far as gear, that really depends on your operations and locations. Metal detecting in my book requires head phones, that requires some sort of snake shield. Spiral wheel requires water, kinda scarce in parts of AZ, requires the operator to provide. The answer to the $1000000.00 question, It all depends on your desire to work hard. Gold hunting, mining, gem stone hunting is damn hard work Wet operation or dry, its hard work Can it be done ? Yes Is it easy ? In most cases no, kinda depends on which side of the shovel your on If your in it to make money, ya gotta go big, tons of material, many acres detecting in Australia. If your detecting around home, sluicing, panning, stay home save your money Unless you have nuttin better to do and time to do it, get out there. Just my opinion, Bill
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Nov 2017 07:09 PM |
William, I had to laugh at some of your post, think you are a funny guy. LOL Planned on carrying me own water approx. 30gal. snake shield is in the plans as will have detector (hopefully, Minilab Gold Monster 1000) have tried to find one that was used..no luck so far. gotta keep looking    .
Now, for the Million dollars questions: "kinda depends on which side of the shovel your on!) LOL your funny! Of course I want to watch someone else work it! I'm not afraid of hard work, just can't do it for long periods of time, me bones lockup and the muscles really hurt and takes days to get over it. Guess maybe buying PAYDIRT and using my
hard work never killed anyone, but sure makes one old in a hurry!  Looks like I need a bigger tractor with bucket and backhoe. A conveyor that dumps a shovel every 20 seconds in the spiral gold panning machine. until then,, it's gloves and blisters on the hands! i'm retired disabled Veteran so time is just a number. Thanks for the reply! You have encouraged me to do something about my dream. Any Gold that I find goes to my church to help with a larger building and the land to put it on. even if it is only a gram, it is something that I can give to help others.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
21 Nov 2017 02:43 PM |
Kenny, You will be blessed more ways than you will know Get out there Bill