ARTHUR PEARSON New Member Posts:25 
23 Oct 2017 10:23 AM |
Thinking about getting the three stack cube set up. Will be used as a final cleanup tool. I have a spiral wheel but it's way too finicky to use and I always find gold in the tailings. I know this topics been posted a bunch , I prospect New Mexico mostly small stuff. What's everyone's opinion ??? Joe
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
23 Oct 2017 03:20 PM |
Arthur, Just your luck, look down in the for sale section, one for sale. Bill
ARTHUR PEARSON New Member Posts:25 
23 Oct 2017 05:47 PM |
Thanks William but too much money for me and don't need highbanker stuff. I'm using one of Wilson brothers trommels. Been using a gold miner spiral wheel for finall clean up. Really dissatisfied with it , I think recovery with one of them is around 50%, total joke. Guess I will bite the bullit and try the cube. Hopefully it's the greatest thing since sliced bread like mike says it is.
Garrett McDermott Greenhorn Posts:8 
23 Oct 2017 06:07 PM |
I have the high banker 4 stack gold cube and I love it! I have put all kinds of material through it and I was very pleased with how well it caught all the gold. I use the gold cube for final cleanouts of any cons (from sluicing or test samples). 9 times out of 10 I have panned the materials after and found no lost gold. One time I found a few specks after running some heavy red clay material. Before ending that run I added some jet dry to my water supply and it solved the problem. I think if you’re only using it to do clean outs the three stacker would be the most economical way to go. Good luck! Garrett