Last Post 02 Nov 2017 03:23 PM by  William Hall
Negativity in forums
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brian fergusson

01 Nov 2017 07:32 PM
    Im new so i dont know
    Much about the club yet
    So i have been reading
    The forums i was
    Quite shocked to see
    So many negative posts
    The membership fees
    In this club are very
    Inexpensive in my
    Opinion and it opens
    A lot of places to mine
    I would be happy with
    My membership even
    If i never find any gold
    Thats just a bonus
    Clubs are about
    Comrades and doing
    Things together not
    About making money
    I say for those that
    Are unhappy just go
    File your own claim
    And stop complaining
    On forums i want to
    Have fun here lol
    Tim Leibel

    01 Nov 2017 08:10 PM
    Brian welcome to the GPAA family. As with any family, especially one as big as ours, there are many different personalities involved. I used to find any negativity annoying also. But I remembered all the positive things I see here in this forum. And that a good majority of our membership has served to give all of us the right to voice our opinions. I hope you find the positive people out there and Good Hunting.
    Joseph Loyd

    01 Nov 2017 08:49 PM
    Welcome .I do complain some but we can have some good info for most.
    William Hall

    02 Nov 2017 03:23 PM
    Amen Brian,

    I dont get it sometimes.
    A person spends $$$ to join and then complain about no gold, costs to much, directions arent right, no signs pointing the way, no signs that say "dig here", complains seems is all they give.
    Or "someone should do something about"...
    Or complain the online guide sucks, the printed guide isint updated.
    If folks would take a step back, take a deep breath and do some digging (get it, digging, I crack myself up sometimes LOL) most all answers are here somewhere, ya just gotta find it
    kinda like finding a claim, sometimes you drive right to them, sometimes it may take two or three wacks to find them.
    But hey, it's their money, I guess that gives you the right to complain,
    Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has at least one...including myself

    Good luck in your searches,
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