THOMAS MITCHELL Greenhorn Posts: 
16 Nov 2017 08:49 AM |
Hello everyone, I'm a new member, and just getting started in prospecting. I live in southern New Jersey, I know I need to travel to do so. I looked in the properties section and saw about Calvert Cliffs in Maryland, I can not find anymore info about prospecting there online. Anyone on here been there or have info on it? Thanks in advance. Tom
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
16 Nov 2017 03:34 PM |
Welcome Tom to the wonderful world of color, gold color Sorry, no info on Calvert Cliffs If you make NorCal drop me a note Bill
THOMAS MITCHELL Greenhorn Posts: 
16 Nov 2017 06:29 PM |
Hi Bill, thank you. Hopefully I do one day, if I do I will!
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
20 Nov 2017 09:55 AM |
Hi Tom
The Online Mining Guide includes much more than just claims. All locations can be located by way of coordinates for the purpose of seeing area of entry. Online Guide includes National Forest Open Areas, Bureau of Land Management Open Areas, State and County Open areas all of which are usually removed from mineral entry and have regulations that pertain only to that location. We also have Pay to Digs listed where by coordinates many times will direct you to the place to pay and other collecting areas used by locals, gem clubs which should also should be looked into for any regulation that may exist. This collection of location may not be for gold but for other precious minerals, gems, crystals, shark teeth or fossils. The areas are so varied that we ask that you use a search engine like google, yahoo or other favorite search engine to locate and investigate what is available and when. You may even find location with close camping or free camping. I hope this helps
THOMAS MITCHELL Greenhorn Posts: 
22 Nov 2017 04:51 AM |
Thank you Walter, just got the printed copy of the guide in the mail going to read that over.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
22 Nov 2017 07:14 AM |
do not forget that the guide is from 2014 and the Pick and Shovels that update it are online under the learn tab. The information on new and claims that are gone are all available in the past Pick and Shovels. Lots of good articles also in the past Pick and Shovels and Magazines.