Last Post 19 Feb 2018 03:48 PM by  Greg Miller
US or State by State map
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Edward Myall

30 Dec 2017 02:55 PM
    When I am looking for gpaa claims in my (or another) state it would be beneficial to me to be able to look at one map of the state and see where all of the claims are. It doesn't sound like it would be that hard, and it would make my life easier. Anybody else like the idea?
    Thomas Wentling
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Jan 2018 04:35 PM

    You can do a search on here and see them by distance and the state. If you know the zip code for where you want to be, just put it in and decide how far you want to travel. Then google map those places. It also gives you up to date info which is nice for planning. Google earth can show you if it is in a wooded area, if there is a road going it and how far from the road it is.


    William Hall

    03 Jan 2018 03:42 PM

    Maps that meet your requirements do exist, I have seen them in local to the area's book stores
    I'm sure they are on line somewhere, this is just the start.
    I would advise you to obtain "local" maps to show back roads in area's of interest, state of calif maps do not do a good job showing local roads, back roads on a state level
    The forest circus/BLM does a good job with the topo maps, but you have to know which map represents the area of interest
    As Thomas points out, it all requires research.
    Is the claim valid, call GPAA
    Can I get to the area ?
    Is there a place to prospect ?
    Water ?
    Camping ?
    Place to stay, eat if needed ?

    The list is endless
    You will learn something each time out

    Good Luck, get out there,
    Todd Ceplina

    02 Feb 2018 06:45 PM
    Sounds good to me...

    06 Feb 2018 07:24 AM

    Free Downloads

    National Travel Management & off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) program

    Complete Motor Vehicle Use Maps for USFS. Many times the forest roads only show up to the connection of the state or county highway.


    Free downloadable Topo maps

    Go to

    Click on 24K at right and then use scroll wheel to zoom into area. Hold left mouse button to adjust location on map you want to zoom in on. Make sure as you zoom in that the 24K button is on, you may have to re-click on it as you go. You will find that many rectangles will show up with names on them. These names are the indices or names of the topo maps in the scale you have designated (24K in this instance).

    You will notice that there is options for Jpeg, GeoTiff, KMX and GeoPDF. When you have your indices chosen chose download. The map will be downloaded and you can save it, print it or both. You will find many other options on this map website also.

    For camping in National Forest go the web site for the National Forest area you are in and find the ranger district. From the ranger district in combination with the main National Forest web site you can find camp grounds, rules that are in effect and most important fire restrictions or closures due to fires or flooding.

    To check to see if a GPAA claim is valid just check on the Online Mining Guide, if the claim is in there it is good, for further information go to the LR2000 on the BLM web site. Look up the claim by name or geological location. A claim is valid until the BLM voids it. The BLM is the only agency that can void a claim. If the county, Forest Service, Fish and Wild Life wants a claim to be voided they petition or report to BLM to ask them to void it. The county is the location of recording which is required so those records are there also but the BLM is the Claim Filing Agency and is where the Adjudicators work from for Federal Mining Claim adjudication.

    The information above is not the only location to find this information but it is all free and downloadable to a computer. I am not sure how smart phone friendly each is but for the most part they say that a smart phone will work. Some do have downloads for the smart phones.



    Tony Scola

    11 Feb 2018 09:39 AM

    well i dont know about orther people i am not great on the computer so for me the simpler the better, 

    Edward Myall

    19 Feb 2018 03:06 PM
    Maybe I didn’t explain myself as well as I should have. I went through the online claims guide for the state of Arizona and created a map for myself using google maps.
    Here is a link to the map:

    Note: (Turn on Satellite View)
    Greg Miller
    New Member
    New Member

    19 Feb 2018 03:48 PM

    That was very resourceful, Edward! Great use of the online guide. Thanks for sharing! And, thank you for the suggestion. We will look to incorporate something similar in the upcoming print edition.

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