Last Post 12 Jan 2018 12:35 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Hi just a few questions
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Patrick Ryan

12 Jan 2018 11:24 AM
    I'm a new member. I just have a few questions about everything. So as a GPAA member I can go on and prospect any of the properties listed correct? Also what are the rules to using any of the properties. Can you use a highbanker on these properties?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    12 Jan 2018 12:35 PM
    Welcome to the GPAA. Your member benefits include the use of any of the claims or leases listed in your GPAA printed mining guide and the GPAA Online Mining Guide.
    As a GPAA member that has created and is using your online benefits please find your way to the GPAA Online Mining Guide. http://www.goldprospector...perties/Places-To-Go There you will be able to verify claims, read members reports and see local and state regulations concerning the area.
    If you search the Online Mining guide in the areas you are planning to prospect you may see claims that are listed in the Online Guide that you do not see in the printed version. These claims came in after the printing of the Mining Guide and are only listed in the online version. Conversely if you are not able to find a claim in the Online Guide that you have in the printed guide that will tell you that we no longer have that claim in the GPAA members inventory.
    The Online Guide is member driven and we ask that as you begin your journey as a GPAA member visiting claims, please leave your directions and prospecting reviews that you are visiting. One of the missions of our founder was “Members helping members become better prospectors.” This lives on today.
    As far as equipment is concerned, there are regulations both federal and state that must be adhered to while prospecting GPAA claims. in each states section of the Online Mining Guide you will find a “Regulation Information tab that shows the current regulations concerning the area. It is always advised to check with the local land management to see if there are any changes in the listed regulations. We do our best to keep these pages updated and some of the updated information comes from members while out prospecting.
    Again, welcome to the GPAA and I hope that you will use the GPAA website for gathering information and education.
    Kevin Hoagland
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