Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
16 Jan 2018 11:51 AM |
Has anyone used the online service called Gold Maps Online? I was using My Land Matters before they required membership.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
16 Jan 2018 11:59 AM |
The last time I used My Land Matters, I didn't have to be a member. That was probably within the last month or so. Just had to X out of the window asking you to join. I think the X is in the upper right of the small window.
Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
16 Jan 2018 02:00 PM |
Thanks Wayne, I've used my land matters before but now they require 100 dollar donation for a yearly membership. Today I found Gold Maps Online and they charge 19.95 for a similar service but it's per state.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
16 Jan 2018 02:11 PM |
Thanks for the info.
The other online claims mapping I have used is "The Diggings" Haven't used it as much as My Land Matters since I liked My Land Matters more.
Good Hunting!
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
16 Jan 2018 02:40 PM |
I got into My Land Matters just now with no trouble. If there is a pop-up screen talking about donations, just go to the upper right portion and click on the "X" there. I think you'll get in just fine.
Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
16 Jan 2018 02:47 PM |
Wayne, Thanks I don't know why I was having so much trouble I've used it many times before but always from my phone my home computer has been down for a bit thanks again
Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
17 Jan 2018 10:38 AM |
Ok so I can get into the site but I can't access any information. 
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
17 Jan 2018 02:26 PM |
Don't know what the problem is, unless it is a browser issue. My browser is set to not accept cookies, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm using Google Chrome when accessing the site. Haven't done much with Microsoft's latest browser: Edge. But it seems to work with it also.
You said earlier that you had used My Land Matters previously, so were you successful at using it ?- - or do I need to go further with some instructions?
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Jan 2018 02:35 PM |
Wayne Crowder: hello, I looked Gold Maps online also, may not be smart enough to use the site, but I could not find the " X " wasn't anywhere to be found. I read all the reviews and sounds like a great tool. Could not believe all the abandoned claim in AZ. and NM. really unreal! as I was thinking of a purchase of one or more. kenny
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
17 Jan 2018 02:56 PM |
When you get into the site, click on Maps at the top. I believe at that time, the small pop-up window comes up about contributing. That smaller window should have an "X" at the top right. You might want to see if you have pop-ups blocked on your browser.
Wayne Crowder Highbanker Posts:105 
17 Jan 2018 02:58 PM |
Oops, my fault here. I was talking about My Land Matters. Don't have any experience with Gold Maps Online.
Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
17 Jan 2018 05:47 PM |
Wayne, I don't no why but for some reason the last few weeks when I've tried using My Land Matters it wouldn't display any information but now I was just able to use and see all information, weird. Oh well i t works now. Thanks again.
KENNY STITES Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Jan 2018 06:02 PM |
Wayne; we may have found the problem as most of the time I always block pop-ups as I dislike distractions when reading. thanks for the heads up.  
Mike Robertson Greenhorn Posts:4 
22 Jan 2018 11:02 AM |
I paid for Gold Maps online. The problem as I see it, is they don't update their in fo. Land Matters updates every 2 weeks with BLM. I don't think Gold Maps do. Just my 2 pennies
Brad Arkle Greenhorn Posts:16 
02 Feb 2018 05:46 AM |
I have the Goldmapsonline program. I like that it is an overlay onto Google Earth, and I can scale things how I want. The info it gives is a little limited. It tells if a claim is open or closed and the LTRS location, but not the owner. I don't know how to use the BLM LR-2000 yet, but it seems to me that Goldmaps gives one enough to research further.  I still use MyLandMatters, but it doesn't seem to matter if I use super system or your average system, it's still slow.
Leon Lockhart Greenhorn Posts:13 
02 Feb 2018 09:48 PM |
Thanks for the info Brad.
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
04 Feb 2018 09:38 AM |
I am a believer in mylandmatters.org, and will make a donation. I haven't used goldmapsonline, but suspect the maps are rather incomplete. With hundreds of thousands of mineral claims and having to reference each claim to the county recorders office, with each county recorder having a different format, I don't see how you they could possibly be entered into a database. For example in AZ, Yavapai has easy free access, but Maricopa charges a dollar per record retrieved. You'd have to pull up all 300,000+ mineral claims. 90% of the placer claims would be easy to enter because they are filed as rectangles or squares conforming to the PLSS, but the ones that follow rivers do not. Also, very few if any lode claims follow these rectangles. If the claim is not entered as a rectangle or square, finding exact coords off the claim paperwork is impossible. All I'm saying is claims get staked and dropped all the time, so you have to use a resource that updates a lot, or you may find yourself unintentionally high-grading. I am confident enough in mylandmatters that I do all my new claims research off it, but would be very suspicious of goldmapsonline, especially without at least a refresh date of every couple of weeks. As far as why so many claims are dropped, I am surprised there are so many filed. Most of the claims filed are worthless. Why so many people spend $300 a year on a twenty acre claim when not even a fraction of that amount of gold comes off it is a mystery to me. There is of course the small miners waiver, but you still have to file at the rate of roughly $300 per 20 acres for the initial claim to hold it. I've been a couple of areas in central AZ that have had hundreds of claims dropped, and I have found nothing in it. Why someone for the last 10 years has spent so much money claiming that land is a mystery to me and I can only think can be attributed to people who do paper claims and then get bought by people who've seen one to many gold rush shows.
Brad Arkle Greenhorn Posts:16 
04 Feb 2018 02:23 PM |
I really wasn't asking for a lecture Mr. Satkowski, just trying to offer a little assistance. I don't need to search 100's of thousands of claims, only a few that interest me because of geology or topography. I also like the amount of data one can get from MyLand Matters, but i would also double check that with the county before I end up in front of someones pistol. All I was trying to say is that I used it to map GPAA Claims and plot a route to them. Thank you.
Ray Gongaware Greenhorn Posts:6 
05 Feb 2018 03:01 PM |
I have used 'gold maps online and did not care for it at all, poor directions for one thing and i found Mine Cache to be better. that lr2000 website seemed to be down more than on for the Gold Maps program....Just my 2 cents worth.
Brad Arkle Greenhorn Posts:16 
06 Feb 2018 04:18 AM |
Folks, I have not had the opportunity to explore these places yet, but I will this spring when I move down there. That little program helped me to see where the GPAA claims are in relation to where ai will be living, and to create a route. As far as accuracy, hell, even my GPS has led us to the roundabouts more than once! At the moment , some of the other suggestions are more than I can afford. I'll look into Mine Cache, too. I don't discount anything offhand.