GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
20 Feb 2018 12:56 PM |
I use a Goldbug2 with a 5" coil and I'm finding a lot of small pieces of wire about the size of course hair, sizes from 1/8" long up to an inch long. I've found them in AZ on the Vulture Bait claim and in CA on the ADK claim. At first I figured it was just old timer trash, but last week I was MD the Vulture Bait claim and found an area of exposed mineralized quartz and the vein seemed to be full of this wire. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or is it just old timer trash, or does iron wire form in these quartz veins sometimes?
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
20 Feb 2018 02:54 PM |
I just returned from 3 days at Duisenburg and ADK. Nothing found. Check with Walt in the GPAA claims office. He will give you BETTER Lat/Lon on the ADK. You MAY be detecting on someone else's claim. Benson/Goler Gulches are very active as you saw. Be careful. ╦╦Ç
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
20 Feb 2018 03:01 PM |
Gold and iron oxide (rust) often go hand in hand. I've never heard of wire, though. Collect enough of the gold for an assay. You may be pleasantly surprised. ╦╦Ç
GEROLD PERSONETT New Member Posts:76 
20 Feb 2018 03:51 PM |
The ADK is pretty easy to see where the boundaries are if you use some of the land marks, especially at the SW end of the claim, and there is a lot of activity in that area, the east side of the claim can be tricky until you get on top of the hill and see the NE claim marker. The few pieces of gold I've found have been real small flakes.