Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
20 Feb 2018 02:44 PM |
Anyone hunting the Stanton area? I will be moving back to Yarnell. I've hunted the area for years. I'd like to trade info and game plans. ╦╦Ç
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
21 Feb 2018 07:14 PM |
They have been finding gold on three claims south of camp.The camp will have maps and will help you out.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
21 Feb 2018 07:56 PM |
I just left Stanton. The 3 contiguous claims southeast of camp have been good. These are the AZ 1,2,3. But I saw several people up on the Pickem up claims a lot, they were keeping their take on the QT. 😀. Just fill in your holes please, we lost 1 claim because of there being multiple unfilled holes.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
21 Feb 2018 08:56 PM |
Tnx Joe and Tim. When you say the "camp" are you talking Stanton? I see no mention of the claims you talk of except Cat Claw in the MG. Am I missing something or are they brand new claims? ╦╦Ç
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
21 Feb 2018 09:04 PM |
LDMA member only claims are not listed in the GPAA mining guide. Neither are the camps. I have heard there will be a new LDMA handbook and camp listing this year. But when you check in at an LDMA camp ask if there are any member only claims nearby. Most of the time these claims belong to fellow LDMA members and they are sharing them.
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
22 Feb 2018 09:29 AM |
Mucho gracias, Tim! Back in 2010 or so, I worked some GPAA claims around Rich Hill. They are no longer listed. One was up on the NW quarter of RH, very difficult climb for us 68 year olds. While climbing, we (my brother Tim and I) were approached by a claimant of a LARGE operation up there. Dozers, loaders and VERY large classifiers. He said that claim did not exist. We actually talked him into letting us detect his claim! I am sworn to secrecy as to where I found it, but I found a 25.8 gram potato! He thanked us and let me keep it but said no more detecting. Reasonable. I have looked on Google Earth and his op is no longer up there. I will not say where but older GE pics may show where. At the SW quarter of the Hill was two shafts dug by "Crazy John." Some of the GPAA/LDMA salts may remember him. I talked to him a few times. He was carrying 90 pounds of ore down a day! He had tons and tons of very large galena crystals under tarps. And some "black rock" piles. He drove a red pickup. I have seen this vehicle on earlier GE pics. He showed me an assay report (I've seen them before... his was legit) that said his claim had 2 oz. gold and 3 oz. silver per ton. I don't remember if this was for the black rock or the galena. He was trying to get dump trucks to haul it to a mill for a cut. NO one would because he was "nuts". There is another area I detected that had quartz full of iron ore. Enough iron to make my GB2 squeal very loud. That got my heart rate RACING! I have recently had a procedure on my back and rt shoulder. I will again live in Yarnell soon to continue the HUNT. I lived in Yarnell when those 19 Hotshots died up there. Sad. If you go to you tube and plug in my name, Terry Cieszki, you will see dramatic video of the fire. You'll also see my recirculating highbanker that recovered several ounces of yeller in the years there and other goofy vids. I gotta quit.... my two typing fingers are blistering! ╦╦Ç
Terrance Cieszki New Member Posts:45 
22 Feb 2018 10:04 AM |
Another tip: During the early '30s, depression days, the washes of the 5 mile long pediment field south of Stanton, were bulldozed to get at the bottom of the overburden. They then worked the bottoms GOOD. The berms they made are still full of gold. Also, if you work the undisturbed sides of the washes, move down about 3 or 4 feet from the top and work down to the clay layer. I have found that little gold is below the clay. A drywasher I met was getting 1/4 to 1 ounce of gold a month. He would only scrape the top layers of the undisturbed dirt to about 4-6 inches. No deeper. I suspect this was because the dirt was too moist below that. I do not do drywashing. ╦╦Ç