The first thing people have done wrong is to allow anyone to tell you how you can use a piece of property that you own.
No government agency should have the authority to delegate how a person is allowed to use the property that they bought and own.
Our government only has as much power and authority as we the people allow them to have.
People need to stop being "sheep" and allowing our government to run rampant doing whatever they please with total disregard to the people they were elected
to work for.
It's just like any other type of job that you would hire someone to do for you. If you do not like the way they are doing it, fire them...!
If enough people would make a stand and declare that enough is enough and it will not be tolerated any longer, we would be able to regain the freedoms that we have lost due to not responding.
Just my two cents...!
Don't give up the good fight my friends!