Last Post 03 Mar 2018 01:32 PM by  Terrance Cieszki
Let's hear something from the LDMA properties!
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Terrance Cieszki
New Member
New Member

27 Feb 2018 07:26 AM
    I am new to the forums here. I've been a member since 2010 and will post much more here on the forums. I would sure like to see up to date reports on the LDMA claims. The forums reserved for the individual properties are listed below. Some have been neglected for a year or more. What kind of a message does that send to the new members here.... or prospective members? Since having recent surgery, I will be more active and report more often. Maybe (at least) a monthly report from the claims so newbies know where to look for the latest.   ╦╦Ç
    Joseph Loyd

    27 Feb 2018 12:44 PM
    You don't get much on hear from the LDMA Claims as they go to facebook page and not much on there as most camps have their own facebook page.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    01 Mar 2018 09:38 AM
    Joe is spot on for the Facebook and other social media sites for the LDMA Camps. All camps have a FB page where you will find the latest information that is being shared by the members and Admin visiting the camps and prospecting.
    We have all seen the trend over the last couple of years of LDMA members migrating more toward social media over the individual camps forum site. With that said, it made more sense for LDMA Admin to focus more towards what the members are using for information through those sites.
    Terrance Cieszki
    New Member
    New Member

    03 Mar 2018 01:32 PM
    Tnx, Kevin. I guess this old fart has to join the 21st century!  ╦╦Ç
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