Last Post 02 Mar 2018 09:59 AM by  Garrett Hook
Chapter "Officer" Position Changes
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Garrett Hook

02 Mar 2018 05:18 AM
    Hello everyone!.......i could really use some help lol.... we here at "Winnemucca Prospectors" ... Winnemucca's Chapter of the G.P.A.A. are experiencing position changes (Pres. V.P. and Claims Manager)....and we are having a relatively hard time finding out how/who to speak to in regards to getting this up to date........and other matters...such as how do we get Chapter Points ?...theres no selection on the website when you purchase a membership for Winnemucca?..i got my 3yr membership and the only choices were for Vegas and can we get that taken care of?......the new Pres. Joshua McSweeney i know is doing all he can to get this fixed .... but i figured id see what i can do personally to assist him....ya see....your gonna be hearing alot more about Winnemucca and the memberships being bought from this area......Im not sure how this was ran in the past changes are going to be made here ...including organization..... pushing the G.P.A.A. memberships....advertising locally for our community help apologies ...but you have some very "hungry" guys out here in Winnemucca that wanna make this Chapter something special......something the community and the G.P.A.A. can talk about in those meetings/conference calls you top brass have.......and give some reasons to publish us in the "Pick & Shovel Gazette" well as relighting a spark under some collective behinds to get that "bug" back....... ...something eventually to invest alil time in .....
    .....thank you for any info you can provide...even if its a name or number to someone who can ....ty
    *you can visit us on our freshly made FB group: Winnemucca Prospectors*

    Winnemucca Prospectors
    V.P. - Garrett Hook
    (916) 912-2631
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    02 Mar 2018 08:38 AM
    I was excited to hear that a chapter had started in one of my favorite areas. I am going to do my best to answer and point you in the right directions for your questions.
    Anything Chapter related (updating officer and member rosters, points for membership new and renewals, website affiliation for the chapter) and other chapter questions goes directly to the Chapters Administrator Richard Robinson ext 109.
    Any claims related information (finding new claims Share-A-Claim program or general claim information in the area) will come directly to me ext 178 or the claims department in those times that I am in the field and unavailable ext 177.
    Questions concerning State Directors or the GPAA Claims Crew again will come straight to me ext 178.
    Questions concerning the chapter gaining access to any LDMA camp for membership drives will be taken care of by Dominic Ricci ext 163.
    This should pretty well cover those of us that can assist you in you major needs. Members and officers are always welcomed to call the Members Services Team as well to check on their status.
    All call can be to either the 951-699-4749 or Toll Free: 800-551-9707 (United States Only)
    Keep up the great work. I have a lot of expectations for the area. I'll see you out there one of these days.
    Garrett Hook

    02 Mar 2018 09:00 AM
    Good morning!... First and foremost ...thank you for your timely response is greatly appreciated!..... And i will go through the necessary channels you provided. I hope others are as excited to get this Chapter (Winnemucca Prospectors) back on the map ! you like this area huh? Lol...feel free to let me know your ...."fav" spots ha ha ha.....well i love this place as well ...and already we have handfuls of people in the community excited about "Winnemucca Prospectors".....the Chapter has been here in Winnemucca ...were listed (old contact info) in the "Pick and Shovel Gazette".....but the "Officer" roster is all new now....and like ive said before...were hungry

    Thank you again Sir for your and any further assistance

    Garrett Hook
    V.P. Winnemucca Prospectors
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    02 Mar 2018 09:39 AM
    No worries! That is one of the reasons we are here. The other and to me the most important is to get out and go prospecting :-)
    Yes I do have a few favorite spots in the area and when I make it up there with the rest of my gang, we'll get together and share some notes and dirt. You will know when we are there even if I never say a word about it. We pretty well take over the Shady Court.
    Garrett Hook

    02 Mar 2018 09:59 AM
    Sounds good!...... Also like to put this out there....cuz if you and your "gang" got it like that......then i want you to know im open to ANY opinions and/or putting my all into this ...and would love to "learn" from the best.....lmao...ya dont ask a poor man how to get rich prefer to get assistance from those who are currently "successful"......thank you again
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