Last Post 19 Mar 2018 01:34 PM by  Joseph Loyd
Sluicing tips
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Robert Kaiser

08 Mar 2018 12:29 AM
    I feel as though I don't have either the proper flow or angle on my sluice box!! Any advice??
    Scott Leidenberger
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 Mar 2018 06:04 AM


    You should have 1 inch of drop per each foot of sluice .  Water should have a nice V shape when it enters the sluice. You may have to channel the water into the sluice with rocks if the water is slow.  Have a 1/4 inch classifier. Let the sluice clear out  If the water is to fast you will blow everything out the end. I'll see if I can find a video and get back to you later. Got to get going for now.

    Scott L.

    Chris West

    08 Mar 2018 07:14 AM
    I base my flow on the top 3 riffles. If they clog up and stay clogged with material, I need more flow. If they are catching gold and mostly clean out after letting water run through it after a minute, I call it 'right'. I probably run a little faster than most. I also like a straight flow. Any angle 'banks' on the top of the sluice and blows out material/gold on one side.

    I also like to sink a pan on the discharge at end of sluice and see if I am running too fast as should have little to no gold in it.
    Toby Protsman

    08 Mar 2018 07:53 AM
    I don't know what I'm doing but Doc from. Gold. Hog have a video on YouTube that says 1 inch drop per foot and the end of the sluice needs to be out of the water.
    Toby Protsman

    08 Mar 2018 07:56 AM
    And a steady inch of water dflowing through the box at all time so that's how you judge how much material you put in the box keep the water steady flow
    Freddie Beck
    New Member
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    08 Mar 2018 08:05 AM

    Each sluice and setup is a bit different. the general rule of thumb is 1 inch per foot and a deep V water flow at the head of the box. me personally it depends on which sluice I am running. with the gold hog stream sluice I run it at about 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inch per foot drop, a hair steeper than some. if I am running my martin stream sluice with riffles I run it about 1 inch per foot. if I am running 1 of my 3 angus sluices I run them about flat, as the drop riffle system seems to work better that way for me. the biggest thing to look at is your sluice building up too fast, running water to slow for the material, if is cleaning out too fast, blowing out everything, are you classifying material before you run it? all those things you have to tinker with to find what works best for you and your sluice. just my thoughts on it.


    US Navy Retired

    William Hall

    08 Mar 2018 03:32 PM
    It's a balance game,
    Water straight into the box, level side to side,
    enough water to clear the first riffle within say 10 seconds
    Second riffes clears within say another 10sec
    This is my setup for my Keene riffles with a special matting
    I classify to 1/2" material, the second riffle clears before next scope hits the box, fliping larger rocks out with a twig
    Adjust as needed, keep your hands outa da box
    I sluiced below a power house, what a pain in the butt, every time I looked over I would have to readjust, never did that again

    Joseph Loyd

    08 Mar 2018 06:48 PM
    Just about everything said hear .The angle is deter mend by the water flow .If too fast less angle if too slow more angle.As was said try to keep the end of your box from going under water as it will not clean as it should .But there are time it can't be helped.
    Brett Whitesides

    14 Mar 2018 10:05 AM

    Great tips, all my sluices take a little tweeking to be just right. keeping it level side to side and watch the first scoop. William spelled it out the best I think. velocity of flow determines how quick it works not how well. If I am facing low flow I classify down, sometimes to 16. I run the bigger stuff first. My fluid bed sluices, when I have enough flow just keep on taking it. The thing is, I have watched a sluice work just fine being completely submerged except for the edge of the flare.  I would hate to try and set up below a dam discharge, better be good gold. 

    Joseph Loyd

    14 Mar 2018 03:21 PM
    I don't know about some but I put a stand on my sluice and it does make it easier to set up .No moving rocks around to get it level .Just a thought.
    Robert Kaiser

    19 Mar 2018 01:08 PM
    Thank you everyone for the input greatly appreciated I have some work to do!!
    Joseph Loyd

    19 Mar 2018 01:34 PM
    Any time .
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